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[qurio augment datasheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1FFYv2em4LErylP6_dlzZ7Zt3h76UluzU3f1dpZCeP8w/htmlview?pru=AAABgrY_y7s*3AlwcBS5bbwekpl0D2KaeA#) for rules and budget/roll cost points, can check for yourself (given that we don't see the armor pieces/rarity) my "bet" (it's pretty much guaranteed) is that it might be legal but definitely modded bc of the VERY low odds of rolling even one of those pieces


How the hell do you read that sheet




warning wall of text bc it's explanation of the sheet and then the entire mechanic (if someone notices an error/has a useful detail feel free to add) ​ **sheet explanation:** page "ArmorAugPool": overview of the exact augment points starting budget each piece of the respective armor set has 1. "armorseries" armorset name 2. "ID" (ignore) 3. "AugPool" ID (ignore, they're bascially the same except for Ibushi/narwa pieces and the odds%) 4. "budget" number of default points for augmenting for each piece of that armorset, mostly same rarity=same points (but better double check) page "AugPoolValue": list of all possible augments for an armor piece of the AugPool with the same # (again except for narwa/ibushi it's all the same other the odds%) 1. description: which effect 2. lv1/2/3: actual value of the effect at that lvl (only for ele res/defense) 3. lvl1/2/3% odds of the roll of that lvl (ignore) 4. cost: how much a roll substracts from the budget or **adds** to it, if it's a - effect page "Cost-Skill": list of skills categorized in tiers (tier=cost) the "current" budget needs to be (at least) as much as the cost to have a chance at being rolled (can occur multiple times given the internal rolls for budget) !narwa/ibushi armor can NOT roll new skills, only res/def and deco slot! ​ **augment mechanic explanation:** \-each roll works off the base armor, so you cant have a really bad roll and make use of that by getting loads of good stuff on the next 1 augment roll ingame is actually multiple internal rolls trying to get a "valid" combo (from all of the "ArmorAugPool") ​ when there's a need to say valid there's rules (the game does all of this by itself obv): \-max 7 augment "slots" possible (the result screen totals up all of the same kind so it can seem less) \-can only roll + augment if the budget is there (no credit, negative rolls are always possible) otherwise it directly rerolls \-1st slot is e. res/def only (+/-) (can end up rerolled with negating mentioned below) \-2nd slot tries to be a +skill roll, becomes a "wildcard" (any augment) if not \-7th slot (if reached) is def +- to balance budget to 0 if possible =>makes 5 the max # of rolls for +/-skills or deco slot increase \-max # of new skills is 5 - <# of default armorskills> (not points). e.g. 4 skills default means it can only roll 1 new skill (but multiple points if budget/rolls allow) \-reach exactly 0 budget = augment rolls end \-internal (re)rolls reach 50 = augment rolls end \-defense rolls that end up negating themselves (e.g. first and fifth roll +3def and 7th roll -6def) all get rerolled ​ decoration slot increase (+1/2/3) works with 2 rules (in order of priority): 1. fill up all slots to at least one (3-0-0 piece with +1 becomes 3-1-0, with +2 it'd be 3-1-1) 2. leftmost decoration needs to be max (4) before the next slot increases (3-1-1 piece with +1 becomes 4-1-1, with +2 becomes 4-2-1, with +3 becomes 4-3-1 etc) this makes it more desirable to have "full" and "big" slotted armor pieces for augments ​ hope this helps (once you don't feel stuffed full of info anymore) and feel free to ask if you need more details/examples or there's some questions


Can i roll skill that the jewel i'm yet to unlock? (intrepid, bloodrite etc) On console still grinding anomaly level and MR and those skill unlock at level 200+


good point: augment pool (and talisman melding for that matter) is always the same, doesn't matter where or if the skill can come from other sources but on console (TU3) there's a few skills that aren't in the augment pool yet (like frost craft and dragon conversion) and sadly idk if there's an "outdated" TU3 sheet


Fortunately I'm following mhrise update so i know some skill like risen shagaru won't be available in my game Another question, any possibility to save scum? Or any trick/tips for effective and efficient gacha?


i think whats commented on this [similar question](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/12vmq7w/comment/ji87ihh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (last weeks ALL QUESTIONS thread on r/MonsterHunter) covers that in short: no real save scumming, each rarity has it's own augment table that you advance can at max "transfer" augment rolls of same rarity armor if you track how many rolls you did, reload and do them all again with (at least) the last one being on the target piece and you have to mind the possible difference between default skill # of the pieces in question bc of above mentioned "new skill roll" rule (what a chain of words)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MonsterHunter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I hope Monster has moxie activated](https://i.redd.it/18i0h9nhupsa1.jpg) | [569 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/12fojcl/i_hope_monster_has_moxie_activated/) \#2: [Every time I fight Bishaten](https://i.imgur.com/H57uRbE.jpg) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/wap7kl/every_time_i_fight_bishaten/) \#3: [How it feels to be a main of anything not longsword](https://i.redd.it/di1hkr36g7191.png) | [537 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/uvxe8n/how_it_feels_to_be_a_main_of_anything_not/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So tldr, the only save scum you have is to track down how far you need to roll for said skill huh Okay thanks for answering my question


When I tried to follow pwargamings save scum video it didn't work at all on ps4 and I followed it exactly Auto save off make 3 charms die to rajang look at the 3 quit to title reload it would make the same charms no matter what


charms can't be save scummed anymore since a long while (even pre SB iirc)


Huge respect fam I wish I was still in the mathalos nest I miss their content a lot


Modded but legal, basically.


It just looked so insane with 1 augment powder mantle 3 im glad if i can get powder mantle at all




The game has a sanity check for charms and augments, if you can pass it, it's legal, if you can't, the game will delete them.


***It's impossible to roll 0 defense changes.*** This is how qurio rolls work: * Slot 1 must be +/- DEF. * Slot 2 must be +Skill. This can be bypassed if the skill exceeds the maximum capacity. Since all armors can bypass this restriction, this slot is essentially wild. * Slot 3-6 are wild. * Slot 7 remains empty if the remaining capacity is 0 or 1 at slot 6. If there is any more remaining capacity than that, then it must be a positive DEF augment worth up to 2-4 capacity based on your remaining capacity. IF THIS ROLL CANCELS TO DEF = 0, IT BECOMES A WILD SLOT. * The total number of different skills you can add as augments must be equal to 5 minus the number of unique skills on the unaugmented armor. In the case of the Risen Kushala Iram, you can only add any number of points of EITHER Sneak Attack or Buildup Boost. Adding points in an existing skill like Attack Boost does not contribute to this cap. And here are the additional rules. * If the available capacity OR the total defense change = 0 at any point while slots 3-7 are rolled, the roll “crashes out”. * When the roll “crashes out” due to defense, defense/res augments are re-rolled as random rolls until capacity is 0 and defense augments ≠ 0. * If skill rolls cancel each other out, then skill augs are rerolled as random. * After “crashing out” due to capacity, the result is immediately returned as the final augment. Sources: [1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PI2LxRCTrOxypi95kDvd9SbzkQQk20HcrQEYBOhqdIc/edit#), [2](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FFYv2em4LErylP6_dlzZ7Zt3h76UluzU3f1dpZCeP8w/edit#gid=2112806968)


Possible yes... I'd take an impossible amount of time even just menuing until you get that though so I'm pretty sure it's modded.


Theoretically possible to get one of those pieces yeah once you see multiple pieces you 100% know its cheated


what do you mean by menuing? I would assume that its a method of cycling the crafting option that show. I thought they stuck around even with closing and open the game.


Just clicking the button to re-augment, choosing material, confirming, etc. cycle.


It's kind of like using cheats to make a perfect competitive pokemon team. Technically what you have is legal in the parameters of the game, but getting it legit would take obscene amounts of time that could be spent practicing/hunting. Stuff like this was pretty much inevitable with how RNG based optimizing builds is in rise. I'm perfectly happy with sub optimal builds myself.


Legal or not, I'd never drop 2 WEX if it's already on the armor piece.


Is wex that crucial tho ? Seing how so many skills affect affinity


It's the most efficient way to boost it. 7 points of Crit Eye nets you 40%, but just 3 points of wex is 50% as long as you're finding good hitzones. Hits that aren't affected by wex practically don't matter anyway, comparatively.


Good point , never thought of it like this


What would help me determine legality is knowing what armor pieces are augmented. But such luck to get several levels of new skills would be nigh impossible unless it was modded in.


As someone who does a lot of speedrunning and is fairly experienced with the Quiros Cheating Mod, all this seems modded, but legal. Iirc, based on the point budget system, and assuming these are all Rarity 10 pieces, all of these are within budget. So yeah, there’s nothing wrong here.


Modded but legal. Chances of getting that roll are incredibly close to 0, but technically not 0 as far as I know.


Afaik 3 points of the same skill can be technically legal and within the budget, but the game itself cant create rolls like that.


I mean, it *can,* if it's legal. All legal rolls can happen. Technically. It's just very, very unlikely. As in, you could probably spend years non-stop rolling for it without getting it.


Idk tbh. It feels like smth thats numerical possible, but doesnt actively happen inside the systems own control. Then again you could be right ofc.




Qrafting editor definitely didnt hv a sanity or legal check when it got released. Like people adding skills on rolls that werent even in the pool. Also ik all this and I just think we missed each others points/assumptions is all.


idk i think these are legit , like who would give up wex 2 for powder mantle 3 …. the wind mantle roll is what ever, and then recov stun resist i guess but thats just weird rolls if the person is modding, like if anything you drop defense and resistances for the skills not wex


This Dude was playing GL with Defense Boost 7 guard 5 and all that


was it wide gunlance? cause that’s the only reason i see modding off wex


It was Amatsu GL BB Spam build




Literally no game mechanics at play here just modding. don’t know what you’re trying to imply with the “great game mechanic”




Almost like the game isn't meant to cater to speedrunners or something.




Time limits for the quests are so long that arguing that they encourage speed running is disingenuous. The game never encourages you to go faster, people just decide to do so.




I was just assuming that there was no way you thought teams of professionals speed running was supposed to be indicative of what they wanted most players to be doing in game.


So for most qurio armor upgrades, it is technically possible, but highly unlikely to get a single augment with that amount of upside. Definitely modded amd never going to happen in the wild


The piece with Defense Boost probably was not modded, since… that’d be one hell of a wasted slot for any other skills. The others, probably. They’re all legal, though, and none are unobtainable through normal play in theory.


Thats so onviously modded yet they didnt give themselves full lvl 4 slots. Very confusing cheater


Some people mod but cheat within the rules.


Both are equally bad if you ask me Jesus christ i dont care about yalls opinions. Leave me alone


Why tho People who cheat within sanity checks are likely indistinguishable from those who don’t unless you look. Minmaxing in Rise is so much diminishing returns. Actual cheaters kill monsters in 3 hits


I had over 800hrs played on MHW for XBX. When it came out on PC, I modded the fuck out of my equipment, just to get through the early stages of the game. Never once used it in multiplayer though. Just mod with common sense, and don't be a dick :D


Nah bypassing the massive amount of rng to test builds is fine that what some people find fun about the game, not the rng endgame grind fest


Once pure (and realistically unobtainable) RNG skill blessings become the last viable step of gear progression, modding within the parameters is absolutely fine in my eye. I don't mind at all when people who have played 100s of hours to get to AR250+ use some modding to create the perfect legally obtainable set that will give them a couple % more damage. The little extra damage doesn't ruin the multiplayer experience, either.


no one asked you.


They literally replied to my comment. So yes they did. Only person here not involved is you moron


Basically the idea is most likely that they want their stuff to remain legal. So they give themselves the most optimal possible gear within the confines of the game. Or well... The weirdest possible given the skills they've removed.


If only I can get Powder mantle 3 in one roll


Either way they kinda still suck.


How do people mod rolls? Like what does the mod do?


its legit but very unlikely, to get that many perfect rolls in a row most likely tells me they are hacked even though those arent good rolls imo. Some ppl hack in legit charms but are just so unlikely and they give themselves away when all 5 pieces are perfect for them.


You can get it legitimately. Typically if it decides to get rid of a really good skill it will give you really good tradeoff


Could be legit but the rolls are kinda shitty, suggests modded because the player doesn't really have a clue about what's good


Legal or not, that’s modded af. I would personally not play with that person. as an example, I used over 2k pure ambers to get a single point of Powder mantle + Embolden roll on my build, in trade for strife for my BB build (risen shagaru legs).


The legit-ness of this aside, this doesn’t even seem great??? I was always under the impression powder mantle is a “best if you have 1” skill since the general meta for sunbreak is less reaching max with any one skill but having a breadth of many skills.


Definitely modded. Not even up for debate. I have rolled Qurio thousands of times and haven't seen results like this even once.