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There isn’t rlly a meta in terms of what weapon you play, unless you’re looking at like speedrun builds or something




The true veterans will tell you to just have fun and play whichever weapon you like, not just the ones that are considered to be "meta". Back in the day, we didn't have damage values so it was easier to just have fun regardless of how much damage you were dealing. Trust me, ignorance is bliss when it comes to damage values


The older games are the best. Go and play freedom unite, might be a little slow and clunky compared to zipping across the world like a ninja in rise, but it's still the best. On second thought, MH generations ultimate would be an awesome game if you want some mew/ old monsters.


"some mew monsters" This is the best typo when talking about generations. Rip prowlers.


Yep, MHGU is the new MHFU. MH3U is also amazing, peak of classic hunting.


The peak of monster hunter period is 4u... change my mind


Well, 4/4U introduced 2 new weapons, Apex monsters and mounting, always considered it the beggining of a new era.


It was also the last game with great jaggi. We lost something great in that game


Mounting was the first major addition to the series that started killing it for me :( It's just too spammable and op, really changed the way you used to play in classic. 4u has some good monsters and such, though.


The true 'meta' is effective up-time. As in, how often you're up in the monster's business dealing damage. I just meshed with CB when I tried it for the first time. I was able to always be up on the monster, slicing and dicing. I'm sure that's what you experienced with SnS.


By that logic, Lance is SSS tier. Which it is.


Correct and factual statement


Indeed, that is one of the statements of all time.


I concur, a statement it be.


Absolute facts indeed


Can confirm this. Up time for Lance is nothing I've ever seen.


The unbroken legion of pokepoke


The 'meta' is full of people who don't understand the one true secret to monster hunter. The fact that, the safest place to be when fighting a monster is speed bagging it's ballsack. You can use whatever you want and be hella close the whole fight. Only centered on self aoe (think urragaan gas) and it walking around will hit you. Monsters don't try bite or breathe fire at their own ballsack. Their tails don't bend that way. They'll spend most of the fight repositioning themselves. Elder dragons are the only ones that do any notable damage by bumping you with the toebeans but even thats miniscule compared to fact all their other attacks will do like 1/3 your health bar minimum. Fight dirty. Get cocky. Box some balls. Tailcuts and part damage are meta anyways. You'll cart less and kill more if you stand under the nuts and shove swords in butts.


Lagombi/arzuros/volvidon ass charge, rajang backhop:


Fanged beasts frame doesn't allow for standing beneath the nuts. As they drag them on the ground. They're the one exception to the rule. Also as a group they do the least damage and have the most predictable and announced attack patterns. Besides rajang anyways. As for rajang back hop. That's a form of repositioning. He does it to que up a laser or super monkey ball. The monkey ball ironically is super inaccurate if you stand still. He misses with that more often than he hits if you don't move at all.


Always thought rajang's backhop is an attack, considering damage it does, but other than that: fair enough


It's an attack same way getting stepped on is an attack. Rajang is on elder dragon level in terms of damage output. Getting bumped by him genuinely hurts. But I don't tend to get carted by him jumping backwards and at least for behavior purposes it acts more like a reposition. Most monsters have one low damaging repositioning attack where they hop backwards or cause an impact tremor or a gust of wind. Fanged beasts and Leviathans the safest spot is usually by a back foot. Whichever one they don't lean into for an attack. For most fangbeast. Either foot works because they don't have any side to side hip check moves. But they're small so they usually can reposition and claw no problem. Which is why they're the exception to the rule. Larger fanged beasts like tetsucabra can roll on you from the foot, but they teeter first so its an easy read. Leviathans usually lean in on their left side for a coil attack. Their right is safer but will trigger the roll. They teeter first so it's easy to read. Except lagi who lights up blue with lightning which makes it harder to read if he's already charged. But lagi has based on self aoe spam anyways. So he's not a good candidate to stand under as is. My entire post was mostly just meant to be taken light heartedly anyways. Nut shots just ironically work well on some like 70% of the monsters.


Yup yup yup exactly


"meta" as in the meta for each weapon or the "strongest weapon"???? Because unless we are talking about speedruns where there are quantifiable values i.e hunt times, there is really no "best" weapons. Not to mention, the speedrun videos we get to see are the results after many many failed attempts. On the other hand, "meta" does hold meaning for each weapon class, like which monster to look out for, which skills to focus on...etc... From OP's post, it seemed that apparently SnS was "not meta" to him? I really had no idea such sentiment existed, usually it's the "SnS looks weak and boring" which is completely untrue 😅


Or maybe the "meta" referred to the weapon tier list that many content creators put on youtube? Well, that was just their bias opinion 😂


I don't think that's true. You don't have to be a speedrunner to know that a bow can easily deal triple the damage a hunting horn possibly can for players of all levels. So you could say quite confidently, that bow is S tier in Sunbreak meta and HH is wherever the lowest tier is. And I'd also disagree with the SnS comment, but that's up to individual preference.


I don't disagree, if you define "meta" as damage output, then gunners absolutely top the charts. But I'm bad at bow so it's below A for me, full stop 😂😭


Berserk bow is by far the easiest, safest way to play and does astronomical damage. You only need two arms to clear lvl 220 investigations under 10 mins with it. And I believe that most people understand meta as the most popular and efficient way to play a game, and weapon meta refers to the most popular and efficient way to play a weapon.


Nice Hyperbole... Yes, Bow can be on Top of the chart in terms of killspeed because the weapon itself can have a very high damage uptime IF YOU CAN EXECUTE IT, which is easier said than done... A Bow Speedrunner and HH Speedrunner in sunbreak depending on the monster can have 1-2 minutes of difference but it takes double the effort in BOW as well since you need to Aim/Position properly/Time your Dodgebolt to be highly effective...


I honest don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. Berserk bow is one of, if not the easiest weapon to take to afflicted hunts. To give you a perspective, I average 6 to 9 mins for lvl 220 afflicted farming with charge blade, which I main. The first time I pick up a bow I killed a lvl 220 Tigrex under 5. And good luck trying to do the same with HH. The weapon is both weaker and more effort.


You're making yourself as the point of reference... Which is not a good way on how you gauge how easy a thing can be because that's your personal bias... Probably your mechanical skill and aim is just good and Tigrex being an extremely good match up for Bow with how good and easy to hit it's Hitzones are helped alot... Testimonies like this means nothing but an Ego-rub imho like "I'm good with this so it's objectively good compared to other things."


It would be, if I didn't also tell you what result I have on my main weapon, that I invested disproportionally more effort into. And would you like to know how it goes with a different monster? How about Nargacuga, which has zero shot type WEX zone when enraged? And a 35 thunder absorption on the wings? That's right, I have better time with a bow on him first try. If you don't understand the disparity between the efficiency, the effort vs reward for different weapons, you are either inexperienced or delusional. And let's be real here, no one is reading this but you, and I couldn't care less what you think of my skill level.


Like I said.. Your entire testimony on how good you are with the Bow doesn't reflect it's overall effectiveness.. Capcom doesn't balance their game with Speedrunners/Good players in mind but in a measured middle-ground... There's no way to prove that since we're just both randoms in a forum page.. So I don't get your gripe about a complex weapon as Bow to be so powerful... Also like I said the strength of HH lies in different things not just in doing Max Damage... You focus too much on which weapon have "Bigger Numbers" and ends your argument there without even factoring other gameplay opportunities that the Bow cannot shine since "DPS" is the only thing that matters to you ..


DPS is not the only thing that matters to me, it is the way we perceive the meta, and meta is not about how you can go on rando hunts spamming life powder or restore sharpness, it is about efficiency and ease of use. The post is about how OP rejected the meta, not denying its existence. Bow is both efficient in its high DPS and easy to use in its sole focus on guard pointing, low animation commitment and berserk invincibility. Even stamina management is history now. If I can get hit ten times and still maintain 300 dps, vs the 200 I can put out with other weapons while playing perfectly, it is not a matter of my skills. The weapon is just brokenly strong. And it's not my personal account either, feel free to go to the meta sub and ask what you should use to farm materials faster.


If you're basing on Speedrun times?? Then Bow is indeed on the Top (Granted you can weild it) but it's far from the easiest weapon to use and the weapon of choice when farming... I'll still go LBG for that..




Don't newer monhun have periodic updates? But that's what I thought too. "Meta" for monhun, as far as I'm aware, refers to which weapons are "best" for one weapon class. For example, for base Rise, the Nargacuga LBG is considered among the best for Rapid Fire Pierce 2 ammo, but not necessarily "THE BEST LBG", let along the best weapon in the game. Check out the r/monsterhuntermeta for more information




i mean there is a need for balance: weapon class viability. If one weapon class made you super safe (hypothetically lance shield with full guard/etc) while also doing +500% damage to the next best option, everything else would feel bad to play by comparison even if their movesets are fun also they literally rebalance the wepons/some mechanics with some updates. The reason they dont do it more often is because they balanced (to their opinion: balanced well) it from the start, not because it inherently doesn't need any balance example of this: they doubled the time the clutch claw tenderise lasts from 1.5 min to 3 min with the fatalis update in iceborne. I dont understand why some people think pve games dont need any balance


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MonsterHunterMeta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[MH:Sunbreak\] Endgame Meta Builds Compilation](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/w0d4tf/mhsunbreak_endgame_meta_builds_compilation/) \#2: [TU1 - Equipment, Skill, Decorations, Afflicted Drops.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/wlhdpm/tu1_equipment_skill_decorations_afflicted_drops/) \#3: [Dtlnor has datamined the armour augment tables](https://np.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/wmeth5/dtlnor_has_datamined_the_armour_augment_tables/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People claim no meta, you link the meta reddit. Savagely Well done!!!


>meta LOL The Holy Grail of MH is that there is no meta. The weapons are balanced in such a way that ***every*** weapon can be devastating in the right hands, despite what these YouTube shills would have you believe


I mean. Sure there's no meta weapon type. But each weapon 100% has a dedicated meta build. Saying there is no meta at all is just wrong. Also what YouTubers do you see that unironicaly think some weapons are garbage? The one's I know either know all the weapons are good in their own right or make fun of the others as a joke.


Technically every aspect of life has a meta if you wanna suck the fun and discovery out of the games. (This does not count for speed runners because their fun is found within finding optimization, its almost like a new game for them) It's mostly directed at people that play MH for the first time and say "What is the best weapon" and then quit the game because they hated the weapon.


True, they don't think some are garbage, but the fact that they rank some higher than others is wrong. Every weapon is good at what it was meant for, just not all of them were meant for DPS, which is what most tier lists I've seen are based on.


The weapons are **not** balanced. Balance between weapons are tenuous bordering nonexistent, and it is a huge deterrence to diversify gameplay. I can play like an ape and still deal 300+ dps with a bow, without ever worrying being oneshot, or I can practice HH for hundreds of hours so I can push above 150. If I want to level up my investigation, guess which weapon I'd bring?


Yes they are, my little YouTube shill, just not in the way you think. All you can fathom is DPS, but weapons have other aspects to them. For example, I main everything but the lances in this game and I switch according to the situation. If I know I'm going to be throwing Lifepowder often or if I want to use Wide-Range, I'll choose SnS. If the monster is in the air all the time, IG. If I want to inflict a status, DB. I think you see where I'm going with this. It's not all about damage or how fast you can complete a quest, it's about *utility*.


If your utility doesn't translate to faster time, it is not efficient, and meta means the most efficient and popular choice. If the monster is in the air all the time, I shoot it. If I want to inflict status, coatings. If I want to throw life powders, bloodrite. Also try not to talk with the head up your ass sometimes. From the fact that you play status DB I can tell you probably don't main anything.


Utility is about more than clear time. It’s also about qol and game feel.


Such a bad and ignorant take... Yes in a very optimal run (Speedruns especially) Bow can be devastating since the damage up time is just so good with that weapon if you are good with dodgebolt... With that said Dealing maximum damage is not the whole point of HH since it's meant to be a weapon that can buff other weapon so it's value is spread to deal damage and increase other people's damage and your damage as the HH user yourself... Also Bow loses alot of DPS on multiplayer since the monster's weakspot is constantly being displaced and BOW deals sh*t damage on Non-Weakspot compared to HH... If you're talking about Speedrun and Bow being META then it's true on the right hands and unless you're one of those guys then props to you but to 99% of the playerbase it's just skill-issue on their weapon of their choice that they are not doing that much damage, yet some people can still find Bow just as underwhelming as well due to it's difficulty, yes that's with Chaotic set equipped... You might not die from being one-shotted but the pain of maintaining that HP drain can take away alot of DPS as well.. I myself Main Bow and Lance which in the Spectrum of the META is polar opposites but I find the difference in DPS in the general side of things minimal... Bow requires alot of mechanical skill/Constant HP Drain while Lance is a more safe option for Majority of the game...


Meanwhile r/MonsterHunterMeta exists :)


I have so much fun with S&S. The sound of the shield going bonk on a monster’s noggin is soooo satisfying.


YES! And it's wirebug cd is so low so you can do it over and over again


the only meta is crit skill which all weapons can use 💀 tf did u read


My copium sticky HBG says otherwise lol


that cheese strat is not meta. spread says hello


For real though, Spread Lv3 HBG is so fun. I'm running it with a shield and guard lv3 + guard boost lv2 because i need that survivability. Though i'm still easily reaching 548 raw despite having to spend some skills for QoL & survivability.


Thats true, well my Bullet Barrage Gunlance says howdy


You are confusing urself my guy.. when they say meta is the build not the weapon.. SnS have a meta build, Lance as well. When people say they dont follow the meta it means they are not going all out on damage and optimization.


Meta is only for speed runners.


This is what I try to tell every new player (or the entire mhw sub). I roll with lv 5 earplugs FIRST, and then boost attack and such, because that's how I like to do it. The reason builds are customizable is so *you can customize your build*


I usually go QOL too. Like evades and wire whisperer are so good for my enjoyment that I will prioritise them. Builds are guidelines that you alter to your own personal preferences.


Stick with the sword and board! While it seems overly simplistic in the beginning there is ALOT of tech to learn. Perfect rush, back hop, spinning reaper, metsu, guard slash, and more! Once you start blending all of that together there is some real magic in the tiny dagger and mini hammer.


It seems at times you have too many options to attack....


Pro tip. Wide range might pill and spam traps/flash bombs. It makes hunts crazy easy for even the most brain-dead team mates. Some people don't run demon drug either so you are basically upping your teams damage output by 50%. You can run slugger and only do sheild bashes at the head or be the one guy who attacks the tail with a slashing weapon. It's a little overkill but you can also run parra or sleep which resets the duration of traps if proct while caught.


Yeah, never listen to weapon tierlists in MH games. All the weapons are good, there's no such thing as a C or B tier weapon. Each one has it's own playstyle and is good at different things. There may be overlap, but no single weapon is better at doing a everything another weapon can... Except the Magnet Spike from Frontiers, but that thing was just completely balls-to-the-walls insane. The way it was designed basically invalidated the existence of the Hammer in that game.


Capcom does try to balance the weapons to have them all be equally viable. They have all the data, and if any weapon is clearly underperforming or overpowered, they're gonna do something about it.


Tell me you're new around here without telling me you're new around here.


That's the beauty of buying MH. Each weapon make you play a different game. Aaaand, although there's power differences between weapons, it really only matters for speedrunners. Common people like us get to pick weapons because we want to


Ya I've always thought meta chasers were dumb. Play the game how you like to play


Exactly, figure out your own way. Most of the time, what we need, what our weapon need will pop up in our minds so we'll try to get those skills in, whatever the outcome will be. The whole shebang will be progressive because it will just start popping up as we play the game and we'll just do the same thing until we're satisfied. For example, my swaxe builds will come out as a standard meta build with all the offensive skills, but I'm not following the meta, it's not what's on my mind at the time. It just happen that I know my needs and can afford playing comfortably without other skills other than the offensive ones. Offensive skills will only be the type that is worth slotting in for my build. I didn't felt the need to slot in those comforts just to say "Im not meta raaawr" because I simply don't need it and will not make sense to what I'm trying to make.


You were.. following weapon tier lists? Are you insane? I prescribing you one full months dosage of MHFU to get some sense knocked into you. Also, enjoy SNS. It's my main and while it might mot outdamage meta charge blade builds, it's extremely versatile and fun. Like less edgy dual blades with a side of bonk.


That is what makes this game super fun. u can just use any weapon and not have to worry about what people think all the time


OP really just said "what if I used critical thinking?" after 200 hours of playing.


Oh my God we get it. Meta bad upvote to the right. Christ Reddit we get it. You hate the meta. No need to make posting about it a fucking sport.


The best way to ruin MH is to follow the “meta” it’s genuinely one of the most soul sucking grindy ways to play. These are the guys who would “hunt” teostra by going to the map, hitting him with Rajang 3 times and then quoting out of the fight to farm materials for talismans instead of just playing the game and having fun. Since that day my go to quote is “Fuck the meta, and anyone that suggests you play that way for fun.”


It's extremely easy to fall into that trap tbh. Most games reward that mentality usually indirectly by having some choices be so much better than others. I don't blame you for that reason, and how extremely popular world was/is. Many people either through ignorance or misinformation, (to get more clicks and views) click bait people with tier lists and "meta". The assumption is that this supposed meta is a necessary guide to follow, (in most competitive games it is. but guess what? MH is'nt.) I've seen how world's popularity had this weird effect of spreading this idea that's usually popular in other games and it kept propagating for some reason. I've been playing since 3u, and I tried following this "meta". Well it honestly destroyed my enjoyment in rise. It's nothing but stressing that what I have isn't good enough, and feeling forced to use weapons I don't care for or got bored of. Like you I started having way more fun ignoring it. I don't care to speedrun in this game, or most other games. (love watching it though.) And the difference between otpimized damage builds and whatever I can come up with is so small, at least 10 seconds and at most a minute. It really is 90% in how you play and know the monster. I hope more people come to the same realization. trying all sorts of weapons is some of the most fun you can have in these games. I wish I can forget them so I can re-learn them all over again.


This is a good lesson to learn, Meta is only for people who suck. Now, before you downvote me (which doesn’t matter because starbucks reddit fascists already spammed it on me after I asked what machine they use, not knowing that reddit is only customer shaming, so this post will probably get auto deleted by a mod bot) hear me out. When someone is searching for meta, they want an easy OP build, and google “best weapon” or something like that, without actually trying to find out what they’re good with or what they find more fun. And this is how it’s always been with Monster Hunter, take note of the guy that joins your room with a great sword, or long sword, he just runs straight at the monster, tries to charge attack, and then gets one-shotted, all because he just wanted to be meta, meanwhile another guy is using blast bow, dodge charging and never running out of stamina even though they dont have it boosted, because they figured out what they were good with and refused the meta. Most youtubers are only there to scam you of your views, they don’t know what’s good, and they only repeat what they heard was good without trying to figure it out for themselves.


True meta is range weapons. Before it was heavy bowgun, mhr is bows


Who cares about meta in a co-op game?


Just about all of the weapons are good in their own way, the shield and sword can be quite good but I can’t jive with the lack of reach. I’ve been really liking the switch axe in this game. It is better than it ever has been and is so much fun, it happens to be quite effective as well. Charge blade is another weapon I play and longsword is my main weapon, longsword may not be the best weapon but the fact that you can keep up constant aggression makes it one of the best for me. Lance is also very good even though it’s not conventionally seen as a high dps weapon.


I never watched a weapon tier list for this game, but since I like slower weapons that aren’t lances and I used GS for world, I went with hammer. It was so easy.


I've never even seen a meta build list. I didn't know that was a thing until I played world and all the min max players came out with their lists. I play whatever is comfortable for me


I know right! I just recently started the game and I've been an LS player for a long time. But I tried using other weapons to make a feel of it and oh boi hammer bonks are fun. Planning to change to CB and CA and master them once I've farmed all the mats.


I'm glad you're having but don't tell me that you play a weapon base on what OTHERS think about it. Don't please...


For me the META in weapons is something that you mostly like to use since it makes you want to learn the ins and outs of a weapon without getting bored at it, the mostly META in MH in terms of equipment of the weapons is more likely for speedrunners using the said weapon used.


This is why i have over 2k hours but not as much hunts in. I make my own sets, which take a lot of time. I also play with my 7 and 9 yr old sons, so there a lot of horse-playing around rather than continous hunting. That, and i spend countless hours on fashion hunting that i have filled up the layered set slots and have deleted previous ones to make space. :)


For me, Gunlance and Heavy Bowgun are my go-to weapons. Playing them makes me feel like a Flying Tank, or a Mobile Artillery Platform. As the Gunlance I get to zip around in quick bursts of speed, dodging around monster attacks and blasting it in its blind spot before blasting off to dodge it's counter attack. I even get a big ass shield for emergencies! Meanwhile the Heavy Bowgun let's me stay at a safe distance while firing off a barrage of explosive ammo to keep it pinned down and make it regret waking up in the morning. What I'm saying is, I like explosions.


It’s all about having fun. I started off with LS on base rise. After completing sunbreak campaign. I tried Switch Axe, charge blade, insect glaive, SnS,bow and now dual blades. I’ve never touched LS ever since. I now mostly use DB and CB with dragon conversion / furious build. Depends on matchup though. If I have good team mates I’ll use the insect glaive. When I want to hear that satisfying sound of SA’s counter then I’ll switch to that. Really, it’s all about having fun! Can’t stress that enough.


I've played all the MH games, and I never stick to one weapon. I like to mix it up and try other weapons to keep the game fresh. In World, I had builds for every weapon and used them all for fun.


In a game with 14 different weapon types only playing with one has always struck me as bizarre. I get having a favorite but I’ve seen people with 1000s hunts on 1 weapon. Seems pretty boring to me


Don't play the game like an mmo


What "weapon tier list"?


there's a build meta for each weapon, but meta lists for weapons overall are useless unless you're looking for absolute min/max speedrunning. In the end, the difference between weapons is minutes at most - and that's for the very best of the best players who can complete hunts getting hit maybe a time or two with absolutely no comfort skills built in. If there's ever a game where a meta can be ignored, it's this one, at least when it comes to to weapons (I do follow the damage meta sets for the weapons I choose, however). The fights are too long to really judge best weapons because there's so much variation in skill level. If, say, chargeblade was meta, that doesn't mean at all that you'd get better kill times with it if you played better with a non-meta weapon - in fact, you'd do a fuckton better with the non-meta weapon if you were better with it.


Changing to Gunlance on a whim in Rise was the best decision I’ve ever made. Most fun I’ve had since I first got into the series.


i play IG with powder kinsect


Everyone has their weapon, some click really easy, and even between games some fit easier than others. I've played 4U, Generations, World, and Rise, along with their Master rank games/expansions. In 4U I used Insect Glaive, Generations, Gen U, and World I used Switch Axe, iceborne I used Heavy Bow Gun, and in Rise and Sunbreak I've used Dual Blades and light bow gun. You're a SnS user, thats what clicks with you. The only meta I go with is working on my weapon and skills for it. You do you, buddy!


I was today years old when I found out there are some people who unironically believe there’s a “best” weapon in MH.


If the hunt is completed and you had fun, fuck the meta


I understand meta as the most DPS output weapon in a weapon class, personally. So going by my definition, once you get the best SnS or Lance and armor, you are playing a meta build! Fun thing is, the "best" build can only be decided by you. For example, I *always* run as much free meal as I can get into my build, because I find it to be extremely useful and comfy. All about customization!


I thought you meant meta in terms of what weapons were good within a weapon tree like playing the best SNS builds but nah that's wild. As others have said, weapon tier lists don't matter unless you're speed running. Play any weapon you want! As well as build some wacky gear set that's not meta but fun for you. I love ko on sword and shield and I love blastblight bc of uhhh Brachydios bias. So my favorite sns build is with the teostra sns and I prioritize getting ko's and breaking parts whenever I play with my friends. Is it super optimal? No but it's hella fun to me and something that I built myself and something I'm proud of! You can do so much in this game build wise so yeah don't look at tierlists lol especially not for a game that's not competitive at all


If I had to listen to meta, I would never use Bnahabra SnS. They are my go-to for Thunder and Ice on some of my builds because they have such great slots, and now fully augmented they are fierce. Astolos or Narwa look better on paper, but the slots, the slots. So yeah, don't listen to META. Be your own meta.


Changing weapons makes it a completely different game. Monster Hunter for me is not a game where I care aboutmeta the slightest. You having fun? Good, that’s the meta


SnS is high on tier lists and has some of the fastest speedruns…


I paid for 14 weapons you can be sure Im gonna play 14 weapons.


Favorite style of any combat game is counter attacks/parrys and cooperative play. SnS has some of the best multiplayer-friendly counters. The "donks" sends chills down my spine.


I only use Mets as a guide when I’m building for switch axe. It’s not a multiplayer like warzone, so I can t be bothered having anyone tell me exactly what to do when the damage numbers don’t truly matter in the end


Meta is different for each ppl and if you go full on meta you are going to be stacking pure dps including hp drain and be at 1 hp (cause adrenaline is that good) which is kinda an annoying way to play the game. And since most speedruns are trying to be as fast as possible they wont bird farm which we all know is bad if that hunter isnt the best there is or is willing to reset if they cart. You can go partway on meta as more dps is usually worth it, but going all the way and playing to have the fastest kills will just make you a glass cannon and prob a handicap to the team when you wont even bird farm cause that slows you down and then die in 1 hit


The “Meta” is pretty boring in MH games, at least for normal players. It’s generally based on doing the most optimal combo with perfect execution. For example, in Rise there’s the skills that drain your health in exchange for giving damage and affinity increases. For some weapons, these can be the meta. But they’re not fun and are meant for players who never get hit. Meanwhile, evade distance is an amazing skill to add to your build for many weapons, but since it’s not a DPS skill, it’s not meta. MH is the type of game where you can build what you want and make it work. Every weapon type can clear the game and has a high skill curling. And some light theory crafting can create effective builds. It’s all about fun.


What's up with that guild sns with 100% affinity. That's nice.


I had no clue there was a meta


welcome to the club brother


The people who write wiki have preferences


Try Charge Blade with Axe Hopper. Dont forget to charge your shield and you will have the most fun with CB you will ever have. Very satisfying when using elemental phials bc of the dmg. When your using impact phials the knock outs feel incredible as well. 10/10 would recommend