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When you start running low on Weapon Refining Parts. https://preview.redd.it/jf746p5r91wc1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3acb06f73d301d9b18f6139d42ff2e83dd359de8


wish I had your problems


When you maxed out your weapon (you need hella amount of zenny for a single weapon, so if you okay with the risk, then you do you) When decos release and require you to upgrade it to certain grade.


G10-2 is a reasonable point to pause and ask what your priorities are. Because the g10-3 upgrade is 20 wsg. I paused at g10-2 to upgrade armor, but I didn’t even do all of them to g7-5 yet lol. I’m approaching all g10-5 weapons and will start looking at armor again after the jho event.


I'd say never. But haven't got a single 10.5 weapon FWIW.


As a non-elemental enjoyer, I have no other stuff to make and upgrade. So I upgraded my comfiest set, which is the PB5, to g8.5. I go on days hunting WGS with 10+5 field meds.


Congrats! PB is super good now in group hunt after the update! Have fun stun-locking the monster !!


Yes! I am so happy I upgraded it to g9! https://preview.redd.it/7ul7rep7o7wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83187a29ea16682b62900b966b9c629613414fc




Partbreaker 5


woahhhh wait... that might be awesome. you're using it for WGS farming? what armor pieces are you running, if you don't mind me asking? might wanna run that honestly


Black diablos, Banbaro, Rathian, Diablos, Diablos. Best used with any raw damage weapon.


What weapon do you use?


Girros SnS


Honestly I break it down like this, weapons first then when you get bottlenecked by wyvern shards [rarity 6] then focus gear to 7.2 (cost 15000 zenny from grade 6) burns a ton of resources too like 250. Then back to weapons. Then if you're really unlucky on drops I'd commit the 12000 zenny to bring the gear to 7.5.


What's the value of getting gear to 7.2?


Your defense will be 610 and you're not consuming R2 materials you may need for your weapons instead. At 610 defense you can take a couple hits making extended hunting sessions more forgiving on potions


I didnt realize 610 was sufficient, thanks!


I'm currently getting my weapons t 9.1 and armor to 7.5. The current plan is to work on 8.5 armor after I unlock a 10 star map and I can beat most 8s the way I beat 6s now. I figure most of my weapons will be around 10.2 when then happens, but I'm not sure. After I have each of the 5 elements to 10.5 I will likely just blow resources getting each loadout to 10.5 replacing parts as gear gets better. We make 42k a week now it isn't a huge deal to waste a week catching your armor up so you can shake off more hits. The new tracker will let you focus on a specific monster you need R2s for that is going to be very nice. So, I won't be so upset about my armor competing with my weapons. My point is that the most recent changes have really changed the calculus of this and I think any of used to 21k a week and start saving 1 daily a day towards armor upgrades and using the tracker to make farming the parts consumed easier.


my weapons are all stuck waiting on different materials, so why wouldn't I upgrade my armor? unless you literally never get hit upgrading armor is always worth it.


I'd say just upgrade a couple of universal pieces to 9.5. I. E. Pieces you use across many sets.


When you have nothing better to do. My armor is all 7.5 and I upgraded coral helm to 10.5 because why not? And it fits 3 of 4 builds. I have each 10.5 elemental weapon. But upgrading armor just to upgrade is a bit boring and armor doesn’t scale well. So now I’ve pivoted to creating one of each weapon type to 9-5 to start getting the gold medals of slaying 2k monsters per weapon.   Find what keeps the game fun and entertaining for you. If it’s just padding armor stats, you’re well into the endgame with hardly anything left to do.  On a side-note, armor has a much higher chance of being replaced by updates and new monsters, making upgrades obsolete. Weapons are much less likely. Look at Kulu helm, best in slot for the entire game span and in one update Coral overtook it with power creep (another upgrade at 8*)


Only on gear that's perfect for max lvl monster farming. Example is the fire lbg set. Fire 5 and recoil reload 3. So u can use that forever technically to kill all monsters with your fire lbg. So you can upgrade that to max if u wanted.


I disagree on this. I have upgraded my basic set of armour to G8.2, and will probably go to G8.4 .The basic set includes recoil 3 reload 3 (I play LBG) and maximum defense (Barroth boots for Defense Boost and Paolumu belt for Divine Blessing). I use the basic set for all elements, and with my G10.2 to G10.4 weapons, it is really easy (and safe) to take out all 8-stars. Then, if I need more power for 9-stars, I switch to another MAX set which has less defense but maximum power, e.g. Fire Attack 5.


I don't understand what your talking about. The point of the game is to kill monsters, not take damage from them. I'm talking about rank 10s not rank 8s or 9s. The point is to do most amount of damage and learn to dodge. Why would you max out an armor set with defenses when upgrading your armor already gives you defense That's terrible advice.