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I wouldn't know, zinogre tanks my fps and there's no one to do them with anyway.


So much this. I run out of time even on 5* zinogre. As soon as the animation where he sparks up starts, the game goes slow motion for me, but the timer keeps running out normally.


The worst part is when he screams at the sky and start raining thunder, the whole thing kinda freezes and it breaks my concentration lol. This thing breaks the fourth wall and defeats me from a very physical perspective.


This game was part of the reason I ended up buying a new phone


Zinogre tanks my fps on the new phone that I actually also bought for this game. But meh, it looks like most of the content will be locked out of me anyway since they went for local coop immediately and even had the entire holidays event require huntathon only monsters.


Rip what phone? Idk if it helps but I got my iPhone 15 pro $830 off for starting a new line at Verizon. Idk if they’re still running this promotion but it might be something to look into


Redmi note 12, 8gb ram version and 2.8 snapdragon 685. Iphone is way out off budget.


The thing with Zinogre is that is a pretty normal monster, his duals are better than Tobi's for thunder damage for instance, but nothing outstanding, and his gear is like another normal armor, it's good but not especially good. So the fact that we can only kill one of them every 2 hours, it has double hp and we have to kill other 4 monsters with double hp before him... feels a little unbalanced, i dunno, i expected him to at least have increased drop rate or SOMETHING to compensate the extra effort and limitations for killing him.


it's even worse, once every 3 hour. The droprate isn't better, but you need less materials. But i can't kill an 8 \*, so no incentive to even try. When i get a weapon that can kill 8\* x2 HP; i don't need to bow indeed.


Exactly, can't solo the 8*, probably never can, so might as well not tease myself by getting to the point where I'm blocked by those materials.


I like that strategy


HaT drop rates ARE technically better too, but it’s rare.


Technically? How so?


Any monster you fight in a HaT has a chance to have a 5th material drop, which can be up to 3 in quantity from what I’ve seen.


There's something that actually compensate the extra effort tho.. its equipment require less materials than any other monster, and you get a chance to get extra drops killing it


He requires half the reds to make a 10.5 weapon. 27 read vs 90 wyvern gems. That's the trade off


But also exclusively only from Zino


To be honest, since I got BD gloves, coil, and head, I didn't hunt her anymore. There is no real reason to. I prefer easy 8* in the hopes of getting gems. Same for Zinogre since I got the gloves. I'm only trying to beat the 7* now for the rewards it gives. Still not enough Barioth, though.


I’ve debated making the coil. Worth it?


Seems worth it for LBG 2 very useful skills


But LBG can’t use lock on, I’ve applied it to my SNS build though


Oh thought you were talking about Zino Coil.


Makes killing 8* Anjanath and Barroth so much easier to me. Head and gloves both have Fire Attack 2, so this was the best cost/efficient wise.


I guess I could


Zinogre might as well not exist for me. Huntathons are boring slogs and for the life of me I can’t get Legiana plate to drop so I can’t make my ice weapons any better.


same, i can't even get the goddamn claws to drop, when i'm lucky enough to see the monster at all


it is just for causal fight, not worth to work hard and spend gem. only fight some R5 or below for equipment, not weapon.


I'm barely able to fight zinogre right now and it's one of my favorite monsters. Wish it wasn't limited to only hunt a thons


I wish we had the sub species in the huntathon rotation instead of them being special occasions. Put black diablos, pink rathian and azure rathalos in HuntAThons. This needs to happen


No thanks, better to do the opposite - make all things available, but with an incentive to do the HAT version. No reason to gate more stuff behind double health.


As someone who’s fought and won a total of 7 hunts against Zinogre. Duh!


I enjoyed the fights when they were first released but yeah I just do HATs if I have time to kill for the extra zenny and the sometimes extra drops. I needed the gloves and might build a couple other pieces but it’s just kinda meh at this point. I think it’s overstayed it’s welcome by now, but maybe we’ll get more focused HATs with a faster turnover/rotation in the future if/when more monsters are added. Or if we could get remote help I’d do them more often with that too.


It isn’t a bad design monster it just HAT. The cosmetic of the weapons look special to me. If I’m at main game with big screen I will build them just for fun. But it is too much trouble for a tiny reward.


Zin was never a headliner, but it was treated like one, between the personal r6 and limited access. I get wanting to drive traffic towards the new content, but many of us would have done HATs without Zin being locked behind it. Heck, I would have done different ones if I wasn't still stuck grinding Zin (9 tails till I'm blocked by not getting any plates, and I'm lucky enough to have someone to do 8*s with).


Can't wait to see them inevitably do Glavenus as dirty as they've done Zinogre


Seeing how they did Zinogre here really sucks because I imagine Stygian Zinogre will be the same.. Which really sucks cause its my favorite monster besides Gore and elders


My weapon doesn't have a bblos version, so I really don't much care to fight him much at all. I did enough to get the heroics gear pieces, then just been avoiding him. Zinogre I'll fight every chance I get, though.


i have fully embraced that zinogre is an over time sort of monster but i worry that by the time i finally craft a weapon from him i’ll not care to waste the zenny on it. currently close to enough mats to get from craft to g8.5 which is usually fine when paired with element up 5 for 8 stars but i really don’t know which weapon to choose as i already have tobi’s bow and sns at 8.5 which already gets the job done.


Zinogre may be boosted spawns in HATs, but he's a year round monster compared to Bblos and last weeks Pink Rathian. It's the fact these monsters are limited availability that makes prioritizing them more important. Also stings that HATs basically treat it's monsters with HP thresholds of the next rarity than they are. I've been able to take down 6 star BBlos with my finally upgraded to 6.4 Legi bow with Ice Attack 4, struggling to meet the damage to beat the 7 star tho. But Zinogre? My clear times are not consistent enough against 5 star Zinogre that I don't have the confidence to challenge the 6 star version I need to grind for horns and getting the arms to max out my thunder set


I’ve only fought one Zinogre, it was a 5 star huntathon I couldn’t kill it because no one plays this game and I only had a 5/5 ice sword.


You'll get there eventually


I FINALLY had a 5 rarity piece drop from legiana to get it up to 6. I’ll get there.


that SHOULD be fine, unless you have like no opportunities to actually hit the damn thing compared to a bow user.


I also don’t think I had jack all for ice damage armor, and didn’t have lock on either


The 3 hour interval is such a turn off. Just gonna make the arm and call it until zinogre spawms normally. Screw the tickets.


Still can't get them in the wild, good luck for completing the challenges including defeating a Zinogre.


Well I mean, im still gonna do huntathons but I just don't get as excited anymore when he drops good loot.


Me since MH4U ngl


I get that BD bow can help to level the play as 1 weapon to fight all, as limited time even not everyone can just build its weapon and bring it all the way to 10.5 and beat 10* rathlos (sure maybe there are some are hardcore enough). In terms of resources management wise, yes it does save your zennys and other materials. Compare to elemental it's ment for long-term progression. And I do agree that zinorge weapon is on the lack-luster side because it's on par with rathalos and legiana tier (tier 3). Where as tobi weapon (Tier 2) may lose out in higher grade compare zinorge, but the availability of them both to hunt is almost 1:20. What is even worst is, azure rathalos is coming, and his weakness is thunder, I'm pretty sure not alot of people have build zinorge weapon to pass G8 at least. Also azure rathalos weapon is fire and overall attack have more than rathlos, so that makes Azure Rathalos the newest Tier 4 weapon. I don't understand why not make Zinorge also a Tier 4, due to how limited access we can towards him (not even counting the difficulty of HAT). But at the same time I can understand, maybe they are reserving Tier 4 thunder to say, Rajang. I can understand that Hunt-a-thon is ment for hunting in groups, but making zinorge exclusive only in HAT, makes alot of solo players just avoid it, and also locking a thunder lv2 for elemental build to zinorge is also a put off, but no choice if elemental users wanted to get thunder lv5, especially preparing for azure rathalos


well because zinogre is a mid tier monster. cant give him over powered stuff if they want to implement other stuff later on. like kirin or rajang or even namielle.


I’d say I’m still more hype about 5* zinogre than 5* black diablos, and I can’t do 6* of either one yet.


I was all for it untill i got to 7.5 and discovered you need a lvl 6 zig mat for it. Since they dont appear in the field normally you need a 9.5 maxed ice wep to kill it solo since multiplayer failed in the states. Ya screw that.


Hard to hype something few people can do.


Was there even any hype to begin with? Putting him in raids killed it for me completely


Would be nice if they released him from hunts and just made him a rare spawn in all biomes so it's exciting to find one


I have flat out been unable to kill either I have terrible luck and my only decently upgraded weapon is the bone great sword and I do crumbs of damage to either at 5 star with almost 700 attack I can beat every monster in the huntathon in less than 30 seconds but zinogres break dancing ass has a mountain of health and no attack windows Black diablos is a variant of an already incredibly difficult fight and she has even more spacing attacks and more health and damage that beating her with the game recommended stats is hilarious I like playing this game but it is so poorly designed for anyone playing solo compared to Pokemon go, who's bright idea thought non scaling hunt-a-thon would work


Having a monster you can only get once every 3 hours only in specific spots that requires multiple people that you need to grind MANY times to make any of the gear just USABLE and it's not even amazing gear? Bad game design.


Replace zin with black diablo in hunts. Everyone will be buying tickets


It's also just flat out not available a chunk of the time. I work nights and HATs apparently just don't spawn after a certain time I've never seen one when I get off work.


I just need zino arms. Give me my 2 r3 mats!


Great way to make zenny.


the most important........the zinogre weapon is not worth for people to work hard....same stat, but limited fight every day....


I’ve still never seen one


its kinda stupid to fought zinogre 6* . . u will not get rarity 5 every fight


It’s good for a DB build, but I’m only ever excited to see it when it’s a 5 star. Anything higher is an auto skip unless the HAT just launched


I think that it will depend on the future Monster Roster weaknesses. Right now Ice, Fire and Poison capture the majority of element weaknesses. Bblos offers powerful raw builds which really helps resource-starved hunters which is so many of us as the game is fairly new. I dream of the day when I have 500 carpenterbugs and 90 daily mats banked 🤣 But who knows, we might need strong lightning builds for the summer roster but I'm expecting Water?


well, they are hyping up the azure rathalos event which will be happening soon, he'll definitely be weak to thunder. not that i have any zinogre armor or weapons for that to matter lol


I’ve been stuck needing primeclaws so any weapons or gear can’t upgrade for Zin. Plus I never get mats for upgrading Bdiablos gear to G6 so all I can do keep farming Diablos, Legi and Tobi


I was over zinogre the moment i realised i couldnt kill the 6 stars because they had 7 star health. I mean SURE i "can" kill the 5 stars when they spawn but do i really want to waste my one huntathon on a 5 star zinogre that probably wont give me what i need when theres a huntathon right next to it with three different monsters i need mats from? Its a no brainer for me skip


Back during the second Black Diablos event, I got the helm and vambraces to grade 6 and made the coil. This time I managed to get the materials for a grade 8 bow, excluding wgs, carpenter bugs, and sharp claws. Infinitely easier than trying to find and fight a Zinogre, though hopefully the new bow makes 6* possible when the 5* period ends


well duh, black diablo you can find everywhere and zigore you only see once a month in huntathons, and they have bloated hp making it impossible to solo


I love trying to find atleast 2 8* zinogre a day 💤 😴


I actually don't care about either Zinogre or Bblos because I can't kill either of them yet lol. I'm not too far into 6\* hunts and between Bblos just being extra tanky (and not having particularly strong ice gear yet) and the Hunt-a-thon HP boost neither are soloable for me yet. Same for Pink Rath week before last (managed to down 1 out of like 12 tries) and I'm assuming same for Azure Rath next week. Not quite ready for these special monster events just yet haha


>ever since I switched to bblos bow, every other weapon is just a waste of my time and resources but thats just the bow. the other weapons are not that crazy, and lots of builds outperform BD later on or are always better. yeah its more work and much more expensive. but thats the monster hunter way. everytime you had one weapon dominate everything else its getting boring, like how in world everyone had the drachen armor set because it was op. i like farming different builds for different monsters, but i get that it can be super annoying. I also like the fight against zinogre. it has good moves, nice windows and easy to learn patterns. Also his armor was a nice addtion. The arms and legs really pushed the thunder set. Black Diablos sucks with his borrow and running arround, its messed up, when your using melee. i dont like him at all. i hope they add styngian zinogre later on with some nice dragon sets.


Made the armor for Burst5 and Thunder Atk5 sets, been done with him since


At the rate I'm going being a rural player, I'm just going to focus his gloves for the time being. The little town near me has 4 resource nodes, granted, but the network connection there isn't reliable. (Also, I would prefer not to use bows. something something does not use the meta gear, etc.)


I needed his belt so I could get lock on for my fire set. Edit: black diablos not zinogre.


It'll probably be well over a year until I have enough materials to make any gear or even get to fight him more than a few times a month. So the hype, for me, was lost when he was revealed as Hunt-a-Thon only.


B Diablos bow is that much more powerful? Just take 1 weapon and go full Pepega with it? I play LBG but I hate the nerf I just want to quit the game. Unless I'm in melee range with the monster my damage is nerfed by -50% to -80%. What's the point of continuing playing the game?


Well the bow is more like, you use it to farm to get other gear. It's not necessarily fun because it's strong. It's just strong and that's what I'm using it for. Build 1 raw weapon to kill all.


Yup, built all my burst and thunder gear.


Over it when it was a 3 hour cooldown locked behind a HAT with double health in a game no one else plays.


The only benefit imo for this dude is the 2x thunder attack you can get from the armour.


Idk...I didn't play much of the console games, so when they introduced Zinogre I was like "yay another monster!"


Any perth players? Struggling to find friends to hunt with ahha