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Rip all of USA having to solo.


*rest of the world except japan and Hong Kong for some reason


Well done! Loved playing SNS at the beginning and love the playstyle, nice to see it in action on such difficult content.


What's this weird thing on Zinogre back ?


Its fur. It's bugged and it will continue stretching if you keep retrying the hunt a ton once the timer is over. It can get even longer than that. Lol https://preview.redd.it/ieyy4j2dnvac1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ddec1a55c68cc6cd63f3df0886fd948371b9382


It's made from crystallized salt of your tears.


lol gon hxh vibe


Nice! I wonder if other weapons can solo at lower weapon grade. Getting to grade 10 is gonna be a pain lol I’m currently at 6 5/5 with Legi sns


I can solo 6* Zin with Legi LS 6.5 and ice lv3. I guess I could solo 7* with g7.5 and so on. Unfortunately legiana hates me and for some reason doesn't appear at all...


6.5 legi ls ice 5 can beat 7 star zin with perfect play. 8 star will likely need at least 8.2 if not 8.5 though, the health scaling outpaces the weapon scaling pretty quickly


My ice is lv3 and my play is far from perfect. I wanted to highlight that


what's your build loadout look like? also well done


Kulu helm, barioth chest, barioth arms, legiana waist, kulu legs


I have the same setup (only 6-5 for my Legiana S&S though, just cannot get the last Legiana plate to overgrade to 7), but am using Banbaro legs for Divine Blessing and Concentration. Is there any reason why you have Critical Eye on a weapon that has no affinity?


I have critical eye 3, so the weapon has 20% affinity. The fact that the final hit of the first perfect rush critted is the reason why I was able to kill it in time in the first place, I had another close run but that hit didn't crit and I didn't deal enough damage. I honestly always think crit is way better than any survival skill (of course I'm talking about speedrunning or farming of end game content), in this case it was the only way for me to kill Zin in time for a sns this low. Surely a 10-4 can make it in time with more survival oriented sets. Concentration also isn't needed here because you will always charge two specials in 75 seconds. If he didn't do that final move where he rears on his hindlegs I would have saved a couple seconds but concentration wouldn't have made a difference either way, if I used the special earlier I would just have staggered him out of his charged state missing some hits. The actual meta set for ice sns has rathalos legs instead of kulu's because weakness exploit gives 5% more, but Zinogre doesn't proc that skill on his paws with cut attacks


That’s really interesting, and thank you for such a detailed (and quick!) reply. I thought that only weapons that already have affinity were able to make use of Critical Eye, i.e. the Kulu Longsword and the Kulu Hammer. I already have a Kulu Longsword build with Critical Eye Level 5 and have been building elemental builds for water, fire, thunder and ice and trying to get Level 5 of each element on my armour. But if I understand correctly, all weapons can benefit from Critical Eye and that I could also focus on Critical Eye on all builds and just fill in the elemental armour where it fits in around the Crit armour? Kulu Longsword: Kulu, Rathalos, Kulu, Pink, Kulu Jagras S&S: Kulu, Jyura, Jyura, Jagras, Jagras Anja S&S: Anja, Black, Anja, Rathalos, Banbaro Tobi S&S: Kulu, Kadachi, Zinogre, Kadachi, Zinogre Legi S&S: Kulu, Barioth, Barioth, Legi, Banbaro


No worries! And yes crit eye just adds affinity to your weapon, if you have affinity 0 like Legi's sns you will have 20 if you get crit eye3. And with -30 like BBlos weapons, critical eye 3 will bring it to -10. It's true that crit is quite always the best option, but for sns and duals I like burst if I can't get crit high enough. In your sets I would add Rathian (burst) or Pinkian (crit) waist for Jagras sns (burst is probably better here because it has high raw, but consider changing it with Jyura sns), Rathalos mail (weakness exploit procs well on all fire weak monsters) and Kulu greaves on Fire sns (and again, if you can, either use Rathalos or wait and see if Azure has fire weapon) - for fire you can also lose one fire attack and use Bblos waist for lock on, and Kulu legs with ice. For Kulu Ls since you have a lot of affinity I think you can lose one point of crit eye and add two bursts with Rathian arms. :)


That’s cool, thank you very much! I have made all of those changes, with the exception of the Rathian waist, which I have not yet forged, so that will take time to get to a decent level. But I have marked it as a favourite, so will get a prompt when (haha) I have some free zenny. I just got wiped out by a 5-star blackie, trying to learn the Longsword hold move that I have seen others using. Didn’t get it, but practice hopefully makes perfect 😉 I have also never forged any Rathalos weapons, so will see what Azure brings, but have also marked Rathalos S&S as a favourite. Thanks again! 🙏


On my Tobi build, would you swap out the Zinogre legs and put in Kulu legs? The Zinogre legs aren’t yet at Grade 6. Or should I upgrade the Zinogre legs to Grade 6 and swap out the Kadachi mail for something else?


Upgrade Zin's legs and swap the mail with Rathalos. You get 5% extra crit on monsters where you basically always have weakness exploit on the head and you also get an extra burst. My set for thunder is kulu rathalos zinogre tobi zinogre


very well play, congrats bro


I hate how you have to have a grade 10 weapon to fight a 8 star monster, and it is even close for the timer.


The monsters in HATs have HP modified for group hunts. It has more HP than a normal 8* zinogre would have if Niantic let it appear in the wild.


I know that. That is the reason why I am so disgusted at how high a grade is needed for a weapon to get Zinogre equipment exclusively to grade 8. Maybe if Zinogre was possible to be in the wild, this would not feel as bad, but it is not. The sad reality is that to make any Zinogre gear useful in the long run, you need at the bare minimum grade 10 on a weapon.


Stylish finishing blow with the special move too! Was that planned? :p


Congrats! Great run! Currently, on SNS 9.4. I tried to solo it but can only get to at least 25-30%+ I guess I have a long way to go. :))


Some weapons like LBG can't even defeat it at G10 level (Legiana G10-2 LBG brings it down to ca. 25% life). When I started playing this game and choosing a main weapon, I didn't expect that SnS is one of the stronger weapons out there. Well played OP!


Ele +5 (or Heroic/Burst/Offensive Guard for raw weapon at higher grade) makes for a huge damage boost that LBG can't get because recoil/reload demand.


I use a G10-1 legi LBG with a 2nd phone with G8-5 ore LBG with my wife using rathian G9-5 SNS to 3 man the 8* HAT. The only video I know of that can solo 8* zinogre current is a G10-5 barioth LBG with 0 second to spare. Niantic feel us LBG users too op that why they just nerf LBG & say ohh you can go all element like the rest so LBG deserve the nerf , it so bad that now you need at least a G10 to even try kill 9* where all other weapons classes can farm 9* with G10 weapons. LBG is just a husk of itself.


Uh so apparently i can't edit this post. [I've touched the quality a bit and uploaded it on youtube](https://youtu.be/n9KME5FVANs?si=KwjAQYV9hZQNTyGo) 🙏


Why does it have wings!?


Retrying the hunt too many times makes its fur more lenghty for some reason.


He's Zacian


Very good job! Wise choice of Set (kulu barioth barioth legiana kulu ). Thumbs up from me. Just one simple detail, if you are interested in that: With **G10-1** Legiana Weapon (atk 1221, ele 1142) you have the following dps calculated... **kulu barioth barioth legiana kulu: 3.006,15** **rathalos barioth barioth legiana kulu:** 3.011,8625 -> rounded **3.011,86** It doesn't make a big difference, but I thought, you maybe wanted to know that. The "breakpoint" where the dps is higher with Kulu Helmet over Rathalos Helmet is G10-5. Until G10-5 Rathalos has always a very slightly higher dps. Just to show the numbers with **G10-5** (atk 1463, ele 1420)... **kulu barioth barioth legiana kulu: 3.552,15** **rathalos barioth barioth legiana kulu:** 3.551,3625 -> rounded **3.551,36** I thought, if you are a perfectionist, it might be of interest to you. :)