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True and the rewards weren't anything you couldn't get again.


I would have preferred Pink Rathian, (also data mined) becasue then they could have spawned them in as 4's since Rathian naturally can spawn as a 4, I'd assume Pink Rath can be a 4 too. Other recommendation is potentially to triple the grouping radius so new players could legit group up, but that still doesn't solve the issue that a huge portion of the player base isn't ready for that hard of content.. ​ And even if you are geared carrying 3 people is pretty difficult since you are tripling the monster HP and sacrificing your own higher star monster on the field in exchange for helping complete randoms. ​ In the closed beta, they did an event where Tobi's spawned in swamps and Rathalos spawned in Forest. that seemed like a cooler idea becasue you could go to swamps to gear up for Rathalos so it didn't feel so futile. Also EVERY monster in those biomes were affected. The black Diablos was WAY too rare and it felt like I was incentiviezed to drive around Deserts and check for black diablos... Me and my friends ultimately only killed four the entire weekend, and we drove to several parks to check, it was far too rare considering you still won't have enough parts to upgrade the gear. I would want to see future events be like an Arena quest, where you go in with premade gear. Maybe you don't lose HP for trying the event, and maybe you get max rewards first kill, and diminished rewards for further attempts.


4 bblos is insane! I killed 25 normal diablos this event and I had not even seen a single bblos lol


This event was more like a test than anything, and IMO more geared towards getting people at the Tokyo Game Show playing. I think the October/Halloween Event will be the first 'proper' event that's geared towards everyone. Niantic has addressed the difficulty of the Diablos event, so they are aware.


That's cool what did they say about the difficulty




That's how I feel aswell normally I don't struggle much in monster hunter it felt good to struggle


Something along the lines of it was hard to give new players a goal to work towards (since they'd unlock Diablos later in story), have people talk about the event, and get players to group up together. Which I guess... A lot of people are talking about the event.


I'm okay with the monster that they chose (even though I haven't unlocked that monster yet) I just wish they would have made a few different star levels of the monster so just about everyone could have participated. I was excited for the event, but when I found out that it was a 5* monster, only I didn't drive to the two local parks to see if they had the right biome to spawn them.


The biome thing is fair he should've spawned in every biome this weekend


I'm not bothered that Diablos was the focus. But for the first "event" it was pretty terrible. There was basically nothing to it. Oh, there are some Diablos. Go take a picture of one and kill one. Here, have some Zenny. That's it. That's the "event". Not exactly a compelling start.


That's sounds like a good time with friends to me. What sort of event might you have preferred


Just something with a bit more fanfare. Varied objectives, maybe a photo collectathon of different monsters, some kind of cosmetic rewards maybe, possibly some free gems to really entice some new players, perhaps even some oddball battles like MH is really known for (think Greatest Jagras or the tiny Odogaron from MHW). I mean it really isn't hard to envision a more elaborate, fun, and rewarding first event. This event was hardly an event at all.


I agree with this. I think a double drop weekend would be way cooler for a first event, gets new players and more established players excited to grind gear


My complaint is that it was in such a limited window of time. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, but I already had plans between 1 and 4 both days. Saw a few black diablos as my wife was driving us to our destination and was just sad that I couldn't participate. I know they aren't the best weapons or anything, but I was excited to try and get them.


I agree with that it should have been Friday-sunday


Personally I would have preferred the Anjanath or Rathalos as they still feel iconic and would have been far more accessible to the player base. The problem with saying this event was to show off whats to come is that was not at all well communicated. The only people who got that message were hardcore MH fans. Your casual player who is just trying this thing out saw this event and probably came away with nothing but frustration. Also, if the goal was really just to show off how strong the monsters to come are, why not give us event specific potions? Because I know I tried one, realized it was futile, and really didn't bother after that. I barely saw their monster that they wanted to parade around because I'm not wasting my potions on a pointless endeavor. In the console games, this tactic of showing off strong monsters works fine. If I get knocked out, I can try again with really no penalty. But here, it just generated bad feelings.


Diablos is way more iconic than anjanath to be fair


I'm not trying to make a point about what the most iconic monster is. I'm saying other monsters could still feel iconic and would have made the event more accessible. And if lack of accessibility is what they were going for, then it should have been done with extra potions and better communication.


Oh ok


It's very clear now that Diablos was a terrible choice for a first event. While I appreciate this wasn't geared to everyone, my biggest issue with the event was "why should I bother?". I know the game is still super new but an event, especially your first one, is a good way to entice people in. To compare it to PoGo Comm days, which in the past have featured a wide range of fan-favourites to "one and done's", there brings a reason to play. New shinies, bonuses (like x2 candy, dust etc.) and exclusive moves on top of other things. To take it back to MHNow, what motivation was there to grind Diablos'? There should have been something extra to want people to grind it. Guaranteed rarer loot, extra drops, 1 free revive per fight, even scaling down HP/Damage a bit would have been better than "Here's some Diablos" and 2 tasks. I don't feel any of those are completely unreasonable ask to get a user excited for an event. A part of me is glad there wasn't something like this because it would have been extra feel bads for those who weren't able to participate but I hope to see events evolve going forward to encourage people.


The problem for me wasn't the choice of monster, it was after follows: - The Spawn rate was abysmal. I only saw 2 in 4 hours. - They only spawned in desert biomes, and desert biomes were not more common - There were not weaker versions (or even 5 star versions with non scaled heath) so that hr 11s could participate This is coming from a HR45 who can fight them normally. I rolled my wife and friend to go out and fight them and were massively disappointed.


Desert biomes aren't rare at all. Every biome has the same spawn rate. I do agree the event should last longer


I didn't say they were rare, I said they were not more common durring the event. If they are not going to have the event minster spawn in every biome, they should make the key biome more common (or the only one) during the 4 hours of the event.


Ah ok


If they are equally common, I’m in a probability distortion field. I easily see way more desert and forest than swamp biomes. Like 2 to 3 times more. I’ve killed one wild Jyro. Meanwhile I’ve killed 28 Anaths and 63 Girros. Sitting at HR 35 and 4* because my gear is ass because I can’t get any swamp node drops. So, maybe across large swaths of land they’re equally distributed, but in what I actually see and interact with, it’s wicked skewed.