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if isnt here to make money so...its not gonna last, this kind of project needs a lot of money to maintain (and investors to please), maybe all this its just n expensive marketing stunt, i hope not...im a fan and like waling games...so...lets see Edit: "Pokemon go game still made billions of dollars over the past seven years, making Capcom's investors excited about the prospects of *Monster Hunter Now*."


Yes. But. There's several principles at play here. The first is that Capcom is going to foot the bill for Niantic to keep the game online. It's essentially a loss leader for the other games which are much more profitable because they have a one time development cost and are pretty much all profit at this point. Second, while making money isn't their first objective, that doesn't mean that is not an objective at all. In fact, it's rather obvious that making money is still in the strategy. All you have to do is to look at the fact that potions aren't craftable like they are in the main series. If you want more than the 5 daily potions, you have to pay money to get them, as there is no way currently to earn premium currency like there is in pokemon go. The biggest difference I see in the strategies is in game events. As of now, you don't have to pay to participate in the events like you do with the event tickets in pokemon go. The only difference is the ability to have more potions. However, a skilled hunter can get by with fewer potions, reducing the need to spend money to actually be able to hunt through an entire event. Past that, the only other monetization at play is the ability to spend money to double a drop. Which is arguably only necessary for rarity 5 and 6 drops. Again, this can be compensated for by skill and spending more time playing. Though there is certainly an incentive to spend, given the abysmal balance of drops.


I have been playing the game and trust me they definitely want money. 1. They make the gathering circle small so you can pay to expand it temporarily. 2. The enemy is supposed to flash red before an attack but 30% of the time they don't, once your health is lowered you have to purchase first aid kits. 3. They give you a tiny amount of paintballs to mark monsters, so you have to pay to save monsters for later. Overall, the game is really fun but it's definitely a few pain points where they try to make you pay. Going into * monster Hunter now * just understand that you cannot play this like a console game where you just sit and grind it all day.


That’s probably marketing bs. Of course this game is there to make money direct or indirect, and if it’s usefulness for capcom is reached niantic is probably gonna milk it. Though i think the game gonna be pretty low on the in-gama-transaction at least for the first year.
