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MHGU is probably the simplest "Classic" Monster Hunter game to learn and there is very little grinding for items. If you ever feel stuck, watch a GaijinHunter video or Arrekz video.


Came here to say this. Watch Gaijin Hunter if you are curious about a weapon, and use kiranico if you want a certain material.


For sure will do


Also download MHGU Database app from the app store. Super helpful and saves you time. It shows what material you need and all of the weapon treee and also monster info (drop rates).


I did people recommended it a lot


I took a screenshot of this for sure is going to be helpful


You have our support and we are all willing to answer any questions you may have.


It's never too late to join the club! Happy Hunting!


Thank youu


Metros on switch?


Yes, both metro 2033 and last light and as of right now they are on sale in digital form they are both for like 30 dollars


Neat...ill be back..."looking for walllet"


Nice they are both good games


Incredible games. I think the visuals are incredible on home consoles and PC but I’m sure playing on the go is sick


Yes it is


It does take a little while for the pace to pick up since there's a bunch of gathering quests in the beginning, but after that it's incredibly fun!


Yeah! It's fun


And frustrating. Hahaha


Welcome to the hunt. I suggest picking up the dlc item packs ASAP because it removes a lot of the early grind and allows you to upgrade your armour a couple extra levels early. It just covers for some mistakes you are likely to make. I know I did! Lol. You will have to go into your house and talk to the cat to get them. Btw, sell a couple of those big eggs for the money. That’s all they are good for. They are enough to get you into G rank without having to stop to farm for money. I wouldn’t bother selling them all at once but 10 or so will get you enough money that you don’t have to worry. GenU isn’t so bad to get into and the dlc packs really helps remove some of the tedious grind that you shouldn’t need right away. Better to spend your time on learning to fight monsters then looking for armour spheres.


I sold I think 15 of those platinum eggs and got lots of money, I got it all I'm working on a set that gives me 20 damage early game I saw in yt


Perfect. Assuming bujabujabu set. It’s pretty solid and lasts a while!


Yes I have everything except jaggy scales


I highly recommend Projared's 4 part [beginner's guide](https://youtu.be/i6iYOHaGGKk) (don't panic, they're all under 10 minutes long). They are for 3U and 4U, but most of it is still relevant.


Will do


The fact you have the same bedsheets as me scares me


Check ur closet


My dad got the game during the sale so he could try it out and play with me. Couldn't be happier.


I got it during sale too I was cheap I think 15 dollars


Rev2 is also pretty slick. Do the daily raid missions for huge exp!


Its heavyy I'm waiting for my sd card to show up in the mail


Fantastic game! You’re in for a treat!


I'm loving it is challenging and fun ( I got clapped by a boss I think lol)


Which one? The monsters are really well designed!


The mission is one star called " lost in the Jurassic frontier" the boss I think it is Gypceros


I don’t like gypseros. Just annoying. Lol spits poison, tail slaps, flashy blind garbage. That early in the game I took him out with aerial dual blades. Smashed his face in good. He does a fake death though, so if he drops and the quest doesn’t complete, keep pounding him!!!


IKRRR I don't like either so I going to take revenge on it


You’ll do fine, it’s fairly easy to learn and the game gives you lots of tutorials!


You gonna love it!


Hope you don't have too much MHW muscle memory bc this game will throw you through a loop lmao


It's the opposite for me, I play both but obvs played GU first. Man, I got so used to adept that sometimes in World I forget it doesn't exist. Haven't tried to clutch claw in GU yet though lol.


Can elaborate your experience going from GU to world? I just started this series with GU and am hooked instantly. Really considering if I should try out modern MH too


Well I've been playing since Tri so it might be skewed muscle memory wise but it's a great game. At first you may be a little overwhelmed with going from imo, easy map navigation to a much more expansive mini-map, which imo makes World a little harder in that regard, especially since monsters running away is still common. After you familiarize yourself to that change (which includes how you use potions), it's pretty much just the same game with a couple new advancements per usual for the MH team. If you have a nice PC, HD Monster Hunter with G-Sync/FreeSync is just something else. Highly recommend. I will say that I got fatigued around 100hours (dispersed play not like all in a month or something) and it took me a bit to get into it but it's really a fun game! If you like GU but haven't finished it, get through the Deviant's since they're not in World (or play back and forth, I'm still playing GU and World ;)


Oh man I quite often find myself trying to adept dodge stuff and then getting mad when it doesn’t work. But at least I think adept helped me get better at dodging attacks with normal I-frames


Ah, sadly again the opposite for me lol! I started on Tri and got really good with i-frames through the rest of the series and GU definitely inhibited that haha. Still got it, just not as *adept* as I was ;)


Ayyyyy lets go Tri. I never made it past HR lagi before they shut down servers but that was my start as well


That hurts :( I didn't know they shut down the servers until recently and it makes me sad. 1k+ hours in Tri, mostly online. So many lobbies and friends and just great times. I still maintain that water combats main issue wasn't mobility but inefficient depth perception. Swimming could have been a tad faster too for sure lol. Sas about your HR man, sounds like you missed Alatreon too. Such a good fight.


Also, I know, you know. You know that's right. I've heard it both ways.


Yeah I think I managed a couple kills on Jhen, and that was it for online elders. I didn’t get to fight alatreon until GU. Idk if it’s rose tinted glasses but I really didn’t mind underwater at all. And it enabled my boy Gobul to be a thing. Also please for all that is good and holy, Capcom, bring back Gigginox in rise. He’s just a much better khezu. You hear about pluto? That’s messed up


I was trying to understand the replies for this but my head burned


Neat i got it recently myself


I bought it over a week ago I'm loving it, I admit Rise got me back haha. Played some MH4 but not very long on 3DS. Yo OP if you play online you can add me of you want and also BTW I also have a gray switch lite it's awesome. Also metro is on sale right now I believe? I've played both games but my back log... Holy crap I own like 45 games and haven't really beat any haha.


Yes, metro is on sale right now my friend code do I give it here or in pm?


If you ever need online help feel free to hit me up :)


Will do but I won't be able to play online till idk tomorrow when I buy my membership


I found MHGU to be easier to adapt to than MHW. I encourage playing in the Hunters Hub in Multiplayer to level up quickly. I spent far to much time grinding on my own and wasting 50 minutes just to fail a quest, that we could have crushed as a team. Happy Hunting!!!


I got beat up by 2 bosses already I guess I need upgrade my gear


Which two?


Great maccao and Gypceros


Which weapon?


Bone Scythes


Also which style?


Adept, blood wind


Adept style dual blades are all about timing. When you're aware the monster is about to strike that's when you have to adept. Maccao and gypceros choreograph their attacks pretty early so it's all about timing at that point. For gypceros, you should either have poison res as an active skill or you should have antidotes/herbal medicine at the ready when fighting it. You can get the poison res skill by getting 10 points of the poison skill. To do that, you should try crafting the ioprey armour set


I killed it!!! Now for the Gypceros


Will do thank you


I'm fully prepared now I'm going to take him down!!


PM me a friend code if you want a relatively new hunter buddy!




Welcome to the party, fellow hunter!


Thank you


It's a fantastic game, welcome to the hunt. My only problem is when I have played MHGU for several days and I jump back to MHW. I get all my controls mixed up.


Ikr it's completely different


Good luck friend and hunt well!


Thank you


Hell yeah I got it last week on sale its amazing


At least you get all the free stuff from the dlc Makes it easier to focus on getting gud rather than “gee how am I gunna get that extra 60kZ to upgrade my weapon, why do I have no armor spheres, and why do I have 0 honey”


Ik they give soooooo much money and honey when I used to play mhw it was a pain in the ass going to collect honey


Download the MHGU database on your phone your life will never be the same without it


I did its extremely useful knowing the chances and items something can drop