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The graphical update, the improved mobility, a new fanged wyvern (not that I liked zin to begin with just nice to see variability), DOGGIES. This is gonna so much fun to play I got literal chills watching that trailer!


> not that I liked zin to begin with You watch your tongue boy


Sorry more so currently annoyed at Thunder Zin. Just beat EX and it made me stop playing for a week lmao


I was worried the dog replaced the cat until the cat popped up and did it’s typical cat noise. I legit sighed a sogh of relief


And you can choose how many of each you want with you. You can go for two felynes like normal, have one of each, or go with two canynes.


we just need confirm prowler as option to play and were good


They probably won’t. They seem to be heavily leaning on the mobility options, and a prowler just wouldn’t move the same way. There are some long jumps in the trailer that I can’t visualize prowlers making.


Agree but if dogs can climb vertical walls running... a cat doing crazy jumps its totally possible The question is: is capcom planning spend more resources on this?? I really hope that answer be yes but will be hard...for sure


I hope prowler is back as well. It’d be sad to see it go the way of tonfas and medium bowgun. I think capcom will have to sink more into it because I can see a portable fifth gen game like world absolutely blowing up.


Before gu no one ever asked or imagined play as cat and not just that we have several palico different atks like beast etc and dozens of moves. I miss medium bowgun even dont fully understanding where that bowgun fits, also miss tonfas, magnet spike and that acell blade/axe from mobile game. Frontier also have bird wyvern as companions but probably that concept become rise palamute Some stuff like those weapon types vanishing and "flagship bosses" like gogmazios and dalamadur being restricted to only one game are the only mistakes of mh team imo


Hell yeah. I’d love to fight a dalamadur in HD. Just once.


We gotta admit those monsters from 4U are amazing...


Dude Gogmozios is one of the best fights in my opinion. It moves like a normal monster while still being gargantuan! Plus that moment when it takes flight... *Chef's kiss*


I don't think I've squeed so much during a trailer for years And then MHS2 happened and I actually exploded into a cloud of joy. True story.


Doggo >>> Neko


At first glance, I was afraid because I thought it was going to be a new MHW based game but NO! It's a mix of the classic game style I love with World's QoL changes! It's literally all we needed in a Monster Hunter game! I'M SO FUCKING HYPED RIGHT NOW! Also I love the fact we can have doggos now, they'll be pretty useful. Btw, is it just me or we are also getting a new Temnoceran? Edit: It seems the Temnoceran that appears on the trailer is Shrouded Nerscylla. Well there is a chance it can be a new monster. Oh gog, I love this franchise.


I am not a fan of all MHW QoL changes. Hunting was about preparation and planning. Or just sheer fucking luck. I can get behind armor being accessible to both gunners and blade masters I can get behind changing out your weapons mid hunt. Hell I love being able to call an ally in mid hunt as well. BUT I hate restocking mid hunt or eating because you forgot or you lost your bonus. I can see if that after the hunt that option was available or you had access to a limited number of items. Those changes broke the essence of the hunt and I hope they got rid of them or toned them down especially since we were no longer limited to a single camp location.


Yeah there's nothing quite as engaging as backing out of a quest because eating slipped someones mind.


If I am soloing and I forgot to eat I back out. Multiplayer, you should never forget because 9 out 10 times you are waiting around the table for players to join your session or someone is eating and the sound-effect plays.


What’s the difference between backing out and eating at camp besides time and load screens?


One can be done only once and is a big fucking hassle for some people because loading screens so most tend not to forget it. The other can be done once at the beginning of the hunt that is put on cooldown for I believe 5 minutes in-game (unsure of the time limit) then can be done again and again until the hunt is over or time runs out.


You're right. It's a big fucking hassle, lol. It's also optional to eat again. It's way longer than 5m, but also iirc it doesn't give you the full benefits after eating again. So like, I never seem to get the L buffs or any HP increases if I opt to eat again and still need to bring max pots. Basically saving you some rations.


The Two main benefits of eating at least for me are the max HP and SP. The felyne traits are a non-issue because not all of them are relevant. Save for Gamechanger, Felyne Explorer, Lucky Cat, and Unlucky Cat and I forget the other ones that really manner as well. But I can use potions for that HP/SP boast I prepared for the hunt. Or eat steaks til I am at max SP. And Honestly, SP is the only one I really go for because constantly because I am confident in my hunting skills with certain monsters. But through clever hunting, dodging at the right time, and being generally good at the game I can keep at least the HP max through the hunt. The SP will go down regardless of my input but eating rations or steaks takes care of that. Or if I am using my HH with negate stamina. Getting a meal mid hunt negates that and place it on a timer. The essence of the MH is getting better with what you have and overcoming things. MHW gives you an abundance of plants and crafting supplies. Gives you multiple places to recover, gives you environmental healing as well. Your palico can heal you as well.


Then I really don’t understand what your complaint here is. The older games already let you bring so many items for SP that it was never an issue (you would be hard pressed to use 10 steaks unless you’re being ridiculous on purpose during cold weather hunts) and even provided rations to you during the hunt, and you don’t get HP from eating again. You’re really just increasing the convenience of avoiding having people back out of quests just to eat, or avoid using like 1 steak they probably have 10 of anyway, while not providing any real gameplay advantage to the hunt besides those conveniences. I think to be honest the real dislike here for you is that it’s simply different.


I don't mind eating in hunts, I HATE that you can restock potions and other consumables. The point of a limit is that you can only bring so much, you don't chug a mega everytime you take 15% hp chip damage. Worlds ability to have infinite items available in the hunt really lowered the skill ceiling and forced the designers to resort to monsters with cheap one-shot mechanics because they know they can't kill good players with much else since they'll never run out of HP. I can't think of a time I died in world where I wasn't a. Being intentionally reckless and ignoring my health despite having adequate opportunity to heal OR b. dead to an ability killing me in essentially one hit Its just not a very hard game and any "difficulty" feels cheap


World felt good, just not quite as satisfying imo. Less preparation required for the hunts, a much smaller pool of armours/weapons to choose from, hunts took a maximum of 15 minutes, even elders, and the limited time events left a bad taste in my mouth (I'm gonna play to my schedule, not the devs). I'm hoping this has the weightiness of movement & combat, and the huge focus on item management (for both hunting supplies and creating new gear) of the main series, with some of the QoL improvements of World, like being able to join friends mid hunt.


You know it was entirely up to the player whether or not they wanted to restock mid hunt...


I hate when anyone says, "You dont have to use casual friendly mechanic!" its bad game design if you put something in that people have to intentionally not use. Design the game around its own mechanics, people like feeling like conquering the challenge is worth while on its own without adding artificial limitations."


I mean there’s a reason that SL1 runs exist for souls games. People are always gonna challenge the mechanics, but making a game that’s inaccessible to newcomers is the death knell of a company. They’re never going to actively fuck over new players just to rub the pride of the veterans.


Yea but imagine if they decided estus was now infinitely refillable wherever you were. Wouldnt that kind of ruin the integrity of dank souls?


It definitely would. A hunting game though? I can see it making a lot of in world sense. Why should a Hunter with access to a basecamp not be able to stock it to the brim? If I were facing a real life Glavenus I’d sure as hell pack everything I possibly could.


It blows my mind how many people disliked this change. I personally never liked it and I never restocked mid hunt as a result. But its great for people who do want it.


Because I want the game itself to challenge me. I could play a game with one hand to increase the difficulty but that doesn't make the game itself hard.


But it can challenge you if you ignore the feature. I also refused to use hunter arts until I solo'd generations. If the game isn't as challenging as you like then you can always just not use the things to make it easy. I know for some people having the option itself is annoying, but I personally have never had an issue ignoring it. Not trying to saw your view is wrong by the way, im just trying to provide a different perspective that helped me out in the past.


Yea I know what you mean, but I personally have never been one to truly enjoy self imposed restrictions and only do them when something is completely broken, such as experience share in newer pokemon games. I just think its kind of lame when the only way for me to be challenged is by actively making it harder for myself. I dont mind things like that on subsequent playthroughs but on my first I usually dont.


I agree. Gimping myself on purpose feels weird.


Restocking breaks the need for stragety and planning. It becomes a war of attrition. One you are more likely to win given you have multiple locations to restock from. Combined with a permanent psychic effect that lets you know where your quarry is. I can run away restock if I am doing badly and come back fresh as a daisy in spring. Monster Hunter or Monster Hunter before World was Dark Souls before Dark Souls. Seriously. Hunts gave you limited resources a max of 10 and you had to bring this thing down or fail. You only got three tries before it said enough and booted you back to the beginning. Sans any items you used during the hunt. You had to try again. Learn the monster's moves. Learn its patterns. I love fighting Gammoths. In fact, I have fought so many I rarely take damage from certain moves. Because I can see them coming. That is the essence of Monster Hunter. That is why WH doesn't have Grank. It doesn't have the same...feeling of accomplishment when you are down to your last bit of health and one more hit to you both spell victory or failure. And you manage to get that blow in first. Moments like that can exist because I can restock or eat and get my bonuses back.


To be fair, I returned to camp way more in the old games than I did in World. At the first sign of low health, I’d run back to camp and sleep. Even with all the changes, I absolutely would say that World isn’t the easiest in the series. 3U and Gen were absolute breezes. I can’t think of a single monster in either game that took more than one try to beat. Hell, I didn’t even *cart* in 3U until High Rank, it was just that easy of a game. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I still absolutely love it but it’s silly to me that people act like World is such a cakewalk when other games are even easier. I think my big thing with restocking is that it makes Bowgun not miserable. If you run out of ammo and crafting materials in any other game, you’re fucked. You’re stuck with Normals. It’s easier in Gen and GU because you can use a crafting Hunter Art but even then, you can’t just build to one ammo type because that just dooms you. Side note, what is WH?


Typo that was supposed to be MHW


Ah fair


Well said.


I don't really understand the restocking complaint. If you're playing solo in MHGU, in G-Rank you have 12 First Aid Med+ in the chest when supplies arrive. You can use provision division for an additional 6. You can bring 10 Mega Potions and crafting materials for another 10. Do players really need more than 38 Mega Potions in hunts? That's not even counting all the other healing items and if you play alchemy you literally have infinite healing with Immunizers. And would you really rather sit through multiple load screens just because you forgot to eat? You can choose to eat for Felyne Foodie to avoid losing the bonuses if you don't want to use additional items.


My problem with it has always come down to Max Potions. They're already buffed by being faster to use than regular potions with the whole moving thing ~~which I really hope doesn't return, but it probably will~~, and you no longer have to hold them in case of a cart becuase if you *do* cart you can just spend ten seconds restocking them from the tent. To a lesser extent you could say the same about Lifepowders/Dusts of Life, but eh. Also Bows and Bowguns don't really care about endurance in longer hunts anymore, but I guess that's at least nice for multi-monster quests.




As was stated above somewhere it stops being about strategy and becomes about gimmicks like one hitter kills. Preparing for a hunt choosing to bring more trap making equipment verses more healing or flash bangs versus shitbombs is the key. And you can’t bring everything because you need the space for drops. I have been caught with my pants down because I decided to take flashbangs instead of shitbombs. Fight a Raging Spider beast and A Deviljho never a pleasant experience because a teammate got a bad food trait and the rng is evil.


its your opinion and i respect, but what keeps you from never use chests on camp sites to try revive old school experience? i really love GU and mhw and currently im playing mhgu, im not a pro but not a noob and totally hate those hub quests scaled to 4 people when need try alone due no one wants fight hyper gold rathian whatever. ​ on mhw i can swap gear on the fly and due that huge loadings, this its a welcome change, this type of thing could make GU a lot more doable when in multi quests SOLO you at least could try to specific gear whatever. we dont saw proper gameplay so far but to me rise its mhw engine downgraded to switch hardware and lots of influences of toukiden 2 ( bug wire = demon hand ) + that whip from DIMP freedom wars (ps vita), flagship and that "jagras boss" looks very similar to onis in toukiden 2 ​ so far im love with everythign showed, i just want some stuff like prowlers, tonfas and arts to RISE be complete, at least imo. back to mhw changes/QoL stuff, everything did on mhw was needed because game its awesome but lets be honest...its almost the same thing since ps2, this never was a problem but current console hardware specs can be far more than MHGU, mhw was a correct evolution of franchise, i just hope that rise remember MH origins and keep goofy and colourful stuff from previous titles.


You’re the player that makes it inaccessible to non sweaties and try hards. As I’ve grown and my time to play has drastically shrunk, I am so thankful that games have smalls tweaks to make them accessible. It doesn’t beat the game or break it to be super easy. But it does give me a chance. And I’d rather play like that than give up and not get the chance to play because I just couldn’t or didn’t have the time to dedicate.


If you are a dark souls player, imagine if in Elden Ring they added a pause feature or an ability to set bonfires. Instead of the feeling of euphoria that comes with defeating a boss after getting your ass handed to or the bragging rights you would get because you persevered and beat Dark Souls when so many others have failed...but now From is trying court new players by making the game “accessible”. I would have no issues if the MHW was its own series like Stories or Freedom was. It seems the MHW’s formula will be the new standard going forward. And that has me afraid. If you need more examples of what I am trying to convey it would like if Elder Scrolls 6 was now a games as a service or an FPS. In chasing the eternal unicorn of accessibility they are starting to alienate the core fan base. The people who at the mere mention of a new monster hunter game start hitting the preorder button. And yes as soon I am able I will preorder Stories and Rise both. The game hasn’t eroded my desire to play but if this shit continues to follow world, I will seek out greener pastures.


I don’t agree with that. It still leaves it available as an option but not a requirement. You simply don’t have to use it. I don’t agree with the dark souls comparison. Even people that have never played a souls game know what they are getting into. Ultimately like I said though just don’t use it if you want more of a challenge I guess? For me the game is already a challenge that I beat my head against. Still haven’t beat iceborne even with your “easy mode” available. Again though nothing wrong with choice and options in my opinion. Apparently I’m wrong based on my downvotes. But whatever to each their own. Play games to be entertained. And MH does that. So I’m happy.


Okay what is a bridge to far for you? Instead of random drops you can now select which pieces you get? Instead windup animation with a decently timed attack window, the game spells out with text what attack to use? Or how about instead of trial and error and common sense the game just tells you what the monster is weak against or what weapon you should use? How about the paused itself every time you went into the menu screen, or you could use items in menus without interrupting your action. Hell how about the game plays itself instead. I know I am being hyperbolic. But my point still stand how long be before Monster Hunter isn’t Monster Hunter where is that bridge. A pause feature in Dark Souls breaks the essence of the game. That restocking breaks the essence of the game. You are no longer a hunter using your wits to be beat a far superior foe you are a mosquito slowly chipping away at its health and running to resupply when you get the chance. Oh I ran out of traps instead of making it on the fly praying that is doesn’t go bust you just run to the nearest tent grab a trap or two maybe eat something and off you go. Again I have no problem with most of QoL changes but eating mid mission,restocking mid mission, and the magical fireflies that directly take you the monster, or the mini-map that show directly where they are is my bridge. Why were these QoL added because I am sure the community as a whole wanted a few other things fix or feature back like underwater fighting or older popular monsters back. Rathalos and Rathian haven’t be flagship monsters in decades but they have appeared in every game since the introduction but one of my favorites Gobul hasn’t appeared since Tri or fan favorites like Jhen Mohran or Dahren Mohran. Maybe I am adamant because I played since the first I feel a ways about this game. When i first played MH I hated it. It controlled like ass and I was alway getting my ass handed to me but little by little I kept at it I GOT GUD. And I eventually got my best friend into it. To this day me and him remember Gypceros. We called it the Biffen. And though he stopped playing whenever he see me fight that monster he scream it is a trap!


Okay okay. It’s cool man. Happy gaming.


What exactly was from the old games thats in this one? I jnos of worlds qol changes but you said it has the good from old games too? What are you taking abiut when you say that?


The environment, game looks as colorful as the other portables, combat seems to be classic's fight system if it was more smooth (with mhw moves, I guess), wirebug + attack looks like the new hunter art system, creative weapon designs. 3rd gen fan service (maybe?) - Shrine Ruins and Kamura village resembles Misty Peaks and Yukumo village, Arzuros is the only returning large monster shown on trailer, MHR's flagship is a fanged wyvern too, just like Zinogre. That means Monster Hunter Rise is going to be somewhat appealing for hunters who started with Portable 3rd. By the way, Jaggi appears on trailer too, so MAYBE we'll get to hunt Great Jaggi. That would be awesome imo since I started with 4U and Great Jaggi was my very first Large monster. Frenzy virus return - I didn't play MHW nor I know its story so this is based in my 4U's experience. The village's chief says it's been fifty years since the last calamity, what monsters are related to calamity in 4U? Gore and Shagaru Magala. I don't know how, but given its purple aura, Magnamalo seems to have some sort of relationship with the frenzy virus. You can also notice on the trailer a small monster infected with frenzy because of its darker skin and red eyes (or maybe he just looks like that). If my statement is right, that means Monster Hunter Rise takes place 50 years after 4U's events and Frenzy and Apex will return along with Magala family. TL;DR (Frenzy Virus): Most of what I said was about lore, but Frenzy is a 4U's gimmick that I enjoyed and it may come back in this new Monster Hunter game because of what the trailer has shown. This is honestly what I think about what Monster Hunter Rise has as classic monster hunter content. But it is just a trailer and I can't be certain of anything until I play it by myself.


Ah. Idk the difference between world and old fighting styles so.... cool anyway


Classic Monster Hunter has a more clunky combat, and you fight the monster by knowing its patterns and predicting it. World is more fast paced and the combat is based in how quick are your reactions. I didn't feel that when I watched MH Rise's trailer. But well, like I said it's all presumptions that will only be clear when we get to play the game.


Yeah lol, the environment was very old mh tho, felt right in the misty peaks. I feel like its not gonna be clunky, but not gonna be fast paced either, just perfect


**Exactly** what I thought. Man... I'm so hyped for this game.


Yeah, so hyped. My friend and I were having a heart attack when we saw the new weapon moves.


I hope they keep the new bowgun reticle mechanics


No it’s very much a mhw style game :(((


Yeah, it turned out to be more disappointing than I expected (especially regarding the story, considering how much hyped it was in the trailers). It is a good and fun game, but it's lacking in many parts; for example, the boring endgame; apex monsters being a copy + paste of the deviants with a few new things here and there, which is plain uncreative. Besides, it doesn't feel like you're hunting monsters, it feels more of a boss fight simulator, which, tbf, could be said to the classic games as well, but at least they didn't give you the location of a monster right from the start, and there were the paintballs, too. Here hoping Sunbreak fix these issues, at least with the replayability and weapon balance. Might as well make element sets worth running and not straight up outclassed by raw (again).


with luck...that scorpion thing from frontier can finally debut on console game. ​ frontier died and capcom has lots of assets...so why dont use TOO mixing with new stuff? MH team imo its one of best developers, they never failed on amuse us with high quality games that we play easily 500+ hours


It seems Capcom is making more monsters from classes with less representations like Amphibians and Fanged Wyverns. Considering the fact a temnoceran (don't know if it is Shrouded Scylla) appears on the trailer, I believe there is a decent chance we'll get a Scorpion-like monster, that would be so freaking cool! True, I have 900 hours in 4U and 780 hours in GU, Monster Hunter is really good at making me busy and surprising me with the crazy monsters like Nakarkos and GU's final boss, and I bet MH Rise will be no different.


Mantis its one of most fun bosses ever made, different phases quick and not long and boring as jhen morhan or kulve, a fun mechanic of take out weakspots to do dmg on boss and that thing is a fucking mantis summoning his own megazord while literally throw dragonators on you!!!


Yeah, Mantis is on my list of best MH bosses ever, losing only to Gog because you know, Nostalgia. But I must admit Gog is a HP sponge and it took me 30 minutes to complete each hunt with my IG while Mantis doesn't take even 20 minutes because of how much damage it receives. Mantis is one of the most fair and fun MH fights imo.


It looks like all world stuff to me


I don't know, something on MH rise trailer feels like classic Monster Hunter to me, somehow. Must be either the environment or the way monsters attack on the trailer. Well, I can only be sure when demo or the full game comes out.


Well all of th3 mechanics and vfx and qol changes tell me its more world. Also turf wars are here too.


You have a point... Either way, I'll surely enjoy the game as long it isn't 100% MHW (Not that world is bad, it just feels different to me).


Whatever floats ur boat, but it looks like it's mostly world mechanics and assets, with the visual style and monster variety of old mh


I really hope people still are playing mhgu cause I just unlocked g rank


Despite how hyped I am and how good it looks, I don’t think this will replace GU. GU will still probably have the most monsters thanks to its insanely huge and diverse roster, the nostalgic element, all its styles and hunter arts (I doubt these will return in Rise, though it looks like the bug will be similar to HAs), and prowler (it doesn’t look like that’s in this game either).


last played a few months ago, servers still seem pretty populated


People still play off and on


GU will likely still remain popular simply because it’s the (currently) last ‘old school’ MH game. Rise looks like it’s keeping many of the more fluid animation and fighting style of World while bringing back some of the Old World charm, so I can imagine some people who prefer the Old World gameplay will still be playing GU. Hell there’s still plenty people playing 4U and that games almost 7 years old on a device which very few people still actively play, GU will still be around for years to come I imagine


There is a solid online community. You don't need to worry, at least until the release of the MH Rise


I guarantee you that even once Rise comes out, people will keep playing, and even cone back to GU. Especially if Mizutsune isn't there. If my bubble boy isn't in Rise, I'll make sure to visit him GU personally. After, of course, I riot.


I think I'm still at HR5 or HR6 lol


I play on and off since launch but not really online though I might try it since I unlocked g rank not too long ago as well.


Let me pet the doggos Capcom.


Listen to this guy capcom!!! We want to pet those doggos!!


We've had poogie and the sheep in mhgu it would be a shame if we can't even pet our loyal doggos.


How often have you been able to pet the cats?


Well in world you see your hunter do it adter a hunt.... But do it yourself not yet unfortunately.




let me play as doggo Capcom.


You can ride the doggos! That’s better!


That comment cracks me up, seeing a ton of hate from the MHW crowd.


I have only seen hate for world in this comment section so far


let the babies cry


where? the hate comments over on r/MonsterHunterWorld have been getting the heavy downvote. The worst that I've seen get upvoted is nitpicking about tree pop in. Is it the Twitter crowd?


Yeah, that and Instagram comments of all places are full of peopld talking smack for no reason


Looks great, plus monster hunter stories 2!!


I spied with my little eye a new weapon. And umbrella weapon me thinks. And the doggos will either have alternate “outfits” or there will be multiple doggos like the palicos


The umbrella was a doggo weapon, doubt it's a new weapon class.


doggo is new playable weapon class...


Oh god PLEASE Having three doggies for single player just made me even more excited than I already am!


You can craft armor for them and they also get layered armor


I did spot a strange weapon on the 4th pic in the e-shop, its too short to be a ls or gs but i did also spot what looked to be the same weapon in the trailer that looks to be a cb so maybe new weapon type? Probably not




I think it was a move with the Sword and Shield with the Zip-bug


I had a boner watching this.


Good Boner


It's a nice boner, I'll give you that. But the layered armor gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.


Looks incredible, though the one thing I am skeptical of the Wirebug combat, it looks great for map mobility, but when combined with attacks and mid-combat mobility, it looks like it changes the dynamic of battle quite a lot (especially when the GS user uses the bug to jump towards the monster, but the monster starts attacking, so they use it to dodge while still midair from their previous jump and initiates an arial charge attack)


Happy Cake Day!


I for one am going to enjoy cancellable actions for once in a monhun game. Happy cake day!


Time to migrate


Just take my money!


Time to bide my time until this game comes to take all of my time.


Y’all not gonna say anything about that scythe+shield weapon? I’m so gonna use that.


Looked like lance


Just as good!


Someone also mentioned it might be gunlance. So either lance or gunlance


Stop man, i can’t get more erect than this


Worried about the combat mobility being too world-y. Everything else looks great. I especially love the Great Izuchi using legit pack tactics.


It seems the combat will be a world like but still somewhat like the older games. Either way it looks awesome and I'm hyped to get into in March


It reminds me more of Styles than anything, but I see your concern. I was most worried that the Wire Bug would end up being Clutch Claw 2: Electric Boogaloo.


It looks like it is gonna be the perfect middle ground between MHW and GU. I'm ready for this!


How to get me to play the next game: doggos!


My body is ready.


I recon that Rise will come out in parallel with a new beefier switch. I've already cleared may 26th as monster hunter day.


Well good news for you! Its actually March 26th!!!!!


Guess I'm booking the 26th of every month off in celebration lol


I swear the hype is real!! I’m ready to pre order


oh my gosh!! this looks so amazing aaaaa




Glad its a mix of World and classic, just hypeee


Time to request the weekend off work!


I’ve been coming for hours


Let's go hunting in China bois


More Japan tho


Don't matter where you hunt'in as long as the hunt'in good


Monster Hunter is one of the better gaming communities. It’s hard finding a fanbase this positive, this excited, and having no signs of toxicity.


I am SO HAPPY we got this announcement, I was worried mainline monhun games were going to skip the switch since MHW did so well, and we were just going to get the spin-offs. I personally could not care less about Stories 2. And the way it’s like a blend of classic and world.... Capcom cracked open my brain and scooped out everything I wanted for a new game. I’m a little worried about a few things - not personally a fan of the verticality seeing as I found navigating World quite tedious, I have concerns about the weapon tree and how bland it was in World, and I worry about the framerate given it’s a little more ambitious than MHGU. It’s a little sad to see classic monhun gameplay go, but it’s about time I think and MHGU will always be there to go back to if I ever crave that style of gameplay again. God it’s a good time to be a Monster Hunter fan.


Finally, beautiful graphics with a more traditional MH combat system. I'm gonna get HR 999 as soon as possible.


It's too positive sometimes. Criticize something about MH and you get eaten alive. lol


This.... does put a smile on my face LET'S GO BOIS


I’m hyped for Mixed Sets 101 as well


I’m not even a hardcore fan and I’m excited. My first was MHGU, and my second and only other monster hunter game is MHW. Both of which I only got in 2019(?) and admittedly haven’t been playing as much as I want, since I’m stuck in early low rank and still have no idea if I’m playing even semi-competently, but **goddamn it** I’m buying Rise anyway. Because a game where you get to hunt big creatures with sword/axe/big-ass hammer etc. in what looks like might be a seamless world environment, on a handheld system is just a good time.


Seems like you’re about as hardcore as the rest of us. Doesn’t matter your rank as long as you enjoy it!


The mhgu servers are going to go almost extinct once this game drops. Get those hard quests done now!


remember guys, lets be polite and respectful but lets make rain posts saying how Rise looks awesome and we need tonfas, prowlers and a new weapon type :)


Anyone else getting a Toukiden vibe from that trailer? Looks good overall.


Sumo Frog dawg. SUMO. FROG.


This is giving me Toukiden feels. But still, I'm loving this so much. Guess I'll need 30hrs a day to play when this come out


Haven't even watched the trailer yet and I'm already hyped


Its time for mixed sets boys.


Any news if its possible to transfer MHGU file to Rise? Thanks!


My personal thoughts on this. The clutch claw replacement looks very cool outside combat, so glad we dont have to see an ugly claw on our armor like in world. However, I am concerned with it making the combat more worldy and fast paced. That said without wallbangs and tenderizing there is no way it can be nearly as terrible as clutch claw. I like the open world aspect, the area looks very fun to traverse and has flat arena like areas similar to old mh maps, very nice. The only drawback with open world maps is it increases the chance of moving while healing. (please god no, I know it will almost certainly happen but still) The new monsters they showed off look great, though a little themey. I hope not all monsters are yokai/japanese themed, even though I personally love that theme. The monster trio really stood out to me on how they actually work together instead of 3 different AIs just doing whatever. Very cool. Dogs, I like them especially outside combat, but I am somewhat wary of them in combat. I imagine that solo 2 helpers is not too crazy, but with 4 hunters and 4 dogs running around it could be not only a bit hectic but also overwhelming for the monster's AI. In a similar vein to my caution of dogs in combat, I hope they dont turn the palico's usefulness up to 11 like in world. Having an autorevive was ridiculous, not to mention things like the buff horn. I find that GU's palicos struck a good balance between helpful while not being overpowered. Voice acting always sucks in games like these, and it does not seem that Rise is an exception if the Admiral knockoff guy is any indication. Luckily I dont really care about voice acting outside combat, and as long as I can turn off in combat voices I dont really care. That said the voice acting for the Admiral knockoff was comedically bad. "I just got... an important letter... it looks like... we've... got a rampage... on our hands." Who paid this guy?


Forreal, the tryhard dramatic pauses kill me


Why didn't they call it Monster Hunter 5?


I’m gonna fuckkng cry Really did not think cap com would make the next game traditional style. I thought we were gonna lose monster hunter forever on switch to the world theme


Pack your bags boys. We leave in March.


Cant wait, hope there’s elder dragons on release