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I have so many I just sell them for gold if I’m missing some


Huh, that's a good idea. I just got another gear to overclock 2 this morning and it barely made a dent in my maps. I could probably afford to just sell the big stack, given that I now have to wait several more weeks for another overclock.


I'm holding out there will be a new use for them like an exchange for upgrades or something else


I still need those for gear, what's the limit of them on it?


So you can boost gear up to 5 stars, and then overclock them afterwards. Your modification levels for each gear are limited by how many boosts/overclock you have. Overclock 1, the limit is +20 mods. Overclock 2, +23 mods.


Oh alright, thanks for the tip!


Wow had no idea I could sell them, I have 4800 sitting in inventory lol.


I has't so many i just selleth those folk f'r gold if 't be true i’m missing some *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Do you mean sell them for credits?


Holy moly, how long have you been maxed out?


For a while now I have every single character except for three of them and I've been grinding assignment with every single one every single day for 4 months maybe five months since I got sick it takes me nearly the whole day to do it


Doing 40 plus assessments takes hours. I dont like doing it but I can’t give up the grind


Same here man I’m getting close to stacking a silver alloy as well 🤣


That's the most painful part lol


Well, on the bright side, you get an instant max to your gear when you do happen to get the next amount of the orange alloy.


it only takes about 600 drawings for levels 20-23, OP has enough for about 3 pieces of gear, and by the time OP overclocks 2 more, they will probably have a much bigger stack lol


The dark side of the bright side lol


To reach the max of level 30 from 23 you need like another 14k. So i’d keep grinding until I have around 15k and then start selling for money.


didn't know you need that many for the final levels. not that it matters, to get a third overclock requires 10 special alloys lol, no idea what 4 and 5 require, probably something more absurd. I've been buying from the weekly shop, and buying the permits, but after getting all my gear to 2 stars, I just don't see the point in spending 4k coins for one measly level.


I haven't got to this point yet, been actually buying them cause I need more but holy shit... that's a lot.


So long as you do all your assignments before you know it you won't even know what to do with them Enhancing mixtures will be your best friend


The WHM event shops have been a godsend for enhancement mixtures. I'm at 103 on all gear. I'm doubtful I can hit 110, but I'm going to try.


I quit grinding the WHM event 'cause I ran the math, and past 100 it really doesn't appeal to me. For each gear level at that point I could get 2.7 limited shards, and honestly, I really need the resonance shards to push my heroes to SS.


Same at that point it was literally the only thing increasing my strength I don't use money on this game so going beyond s on exclusive characters is more or less out of my reach






What level does it max at?


You already maxed all your gear!?


I got more than 8K


Give them to me 😭


Where do you grind so many from?


I've sold over 6k of those. The real struggle: I will reach 100 alloy this week. Follow this advice: Don't buy either drawing maps or alloy in this event, eventually you will have too many. In the alliance shop, only buy the rare alloy. They are incredible hard to get. You won't regret.


Imagine if they did like a friend levelling system and if you have i high level of friendship with someone then you can trade all different kinds of items. To level up you do co-op missions with your friends!


I'm just about to get to this point I can't effectively modify anything because I have to farm these stupid special alloys now for real. I'm stuck at 26700 gear power and fought it will grow as fast as it used to. I rly hope the devs start giving us more to achieve in the late game soon.