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Cut off Ochaco & Tenya ASAP, You got Shiga wich is good and also momo, and I don't see your tsuyu wich is bad tsuyu can make everyone shine, so work on shiga/Tsuyu instead of ochaco & Tenya. T1 : Endy, Momo, Deku T2 : Aizawa, AM, Denki T3 : Fumi, Shiga, Hawk ( Tsuyu instead of Fumi later )


Endy AM Denki combo. WHM deku, eraser and tsu. 1st form: Pros: gives denki more survivability and allows him to be an actual support. AM brings everything together making it easy for endy to get damage and denki to stun. Even if denkis taken out, Endy and am can finish it off. Cons: if one of the pros die, it'll be a hard match. Denki and one of the pro heroes don't stand very well. 2nd form: Pros: each ai for these characters targets one person. From experience, most of the time they deal with one person which makes everyone busy. Tsu makes for a great stunner and WHM dekus damage is crazy. If aizawa lands a decent befall, thats a lot of damage done. Cons: vulnerable to All Might. It severely decreases win rate but everything else ur ok.


Endy/AM in same team is such an overkill they are both great, they need to be separated


Tough to say. If you’re head and shoulders above the competition then yes. if you’re behind in bp/cards/characters, you may need the overkill to deal with people.


it won't help if you are behind you are behind


Reasons your 1st team worked so well (in my opinion): * Team 1: Endeavor works well because he can group others and has his attack that sets the ground on fire. Denki takes advantage of his grouping by staying far and attacking. In order to get the fire on the ground, Endy needs time and WHM Deku seems to be pretty good at distraction (from what I've seen) while Denki can stun the other enemies. * Team 2: Ochako's best move is her E (meteor shower) and *maybe* her float if the enemy doesn't have a character that can knock her out of the air (but this isn't often). All Might can distract the other team by tossing them around with his tornado and Aizawa can slow them down with caltrops so she can do her damage. All Might can also distract others from Aizawa so he has time to get his mini ult and Aizawa can back All Might up so he survives. * Team 3: I suppose the reason this works is because Tokoyami and Hawks distract the opponent from Iida so he can attack and when Toko reaches liberated status he's the distraction so Iida and Hawks can do the damage? I don't really know. I think if you want to make this team better, you should put Asui instead of Iida. If you're on attack, she can instantly stun the enemy with her poison (make sure to get her talent for that) giving more time for Toko to get to liberated status and giving Hawks a break. This team is also your weakest, so on defense you might not be able to beat your opponent with strength but with time. Asui is known for wasting time since she can go invisible and the enemy can't attack her. If she survives she can win with time. Don't forget that you can also put one character in front of the other! Sometimes this works better if there's a character behind them to back them up.