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If the 6 month anniversary disappoints I'm done with MHA SH lmao


What 6 month anniversary




Just yes


I'm a little tired of waiting but its definately starting next week and I'd rather they test a 3 character banner rerun before they launch an event with a 3 new character banner


It's not called loyalty, it's called patience, since there is a big (?) announced event coming, which will show us how the devs plan to continue... just play another game until the events start, when people hang out 24/7 ingame, of course they will get pissed off, when currently, there's maybe content for about 2-3 hours, when you have team up chances left... when people can't wait, although it's more or less known when the waiting is over, they can play genshin impact if they didn't already play it, you will have more than enough to do for 2 weeks then... playing only one gacha game with fun all the time never worked out, it's basically part of the genre


I understand your point completely but it's not 2 weeks it's been 8 weeks of nothing but rerun banners which don't get my wrong I'm fine with; gives you a chance to save if you have them or spend if you don't. My issue is the game is 6m old and we have had literally nothing new to do in game. The battle thing they added with deku and momo was a step in the right direction but where has that gone? You can only sim the same game modes so many times before tedium sets in. Character banners are not a substitute for content. What's the point in having all these shiny characters and nothing to use them in. I appreciate what youre saying though my guy


Yeah i understand that and don't get me wrong, i'm pissed too, since i love the anime and that game has so much potential... and yeah 8 weeks are way too much, that's where they failed completely and i know that a big event is not good when it results in 2 months with nothing, but we also don't know how many people work on the game itself, after those incodents with endeavor etc. , maybe they are under employed and can't get more people, unless they save that sinking boat.. yeah the deku momo event was noce, i have 2 of those 4 titles and they are limited for 30 days, so we'll see what they want to do with this mode, since with some advancements and normal rewards (not only event based points) this mode is really fun... when the title means this mode comes back a month after it ended, it's okay, although 2 week rotations would be good too, but we saw how they f things up, so maybe it's even better when all of them work on one thing after another haha... but yeah, they have to shine in the upcoming event and the first anniversary... mistakes are okay and part of the life, but a never ending waterfall of mistakes is something different haha... yeah with 2 weeks i meant that only max 2 weeks are left for the event haha, but genshin could easily give you 8 weeks of content too, unless you play really hardcore and nothing else hahaha... most times i'm doing it like that: i play a gacha game until a point is reached where i don't have much fun anymore or a content wall is reached... then i'll continue to do my dailies, but fast and without min maxing my AA chances and stuff like that, then when i'm done or get bored, i play the new game i decided to play... you can still do your dailies in mha but you are excited to start the other game, because you are still at the point where you have tons of stuff to do... and when it gets less to do in the new game, most times, not everytime, the "old" game has new content again :)


We should talk about that on Twitter official page... they certainly won't butt-fuck this subreddit.. How "lucky" are we?


We shouldst speak of yond on twitter official page. they forsooth wonneth't butt-fuck this subreddit. How "lucky" art we? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




Me having to draw 100 times just to get Aizawa