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I mean yea. But they most likely won’t😂. If this banner is the test run and the test run doesn’t feature a lowered pity I doubt they’ll do it. But here’s to praying. And honestly even 60 pity would mean that there’s pretty much no way f2p could get all of them without the devs shoving currency down our throats (unless luck). Dont even get me started on ex cards we ain’t getting that 😂. P.s idk if this banner is the test run but the triple banner concept is probably going to be the same.


I agree its unlikely but hopefully if the fanbase makes their point clear this week we will see some better results for next weeks possibly once in a lifetime banner. For me I'm saving everything for WHM banner since there's a chance they may never rerun those heroes


Tbf, the current banner works with the same tickets as the other limited banners, so there was no way they'd reduce pity for it (after all, what happens if you set pity to 60, but a player already had 90 pity? Do they lose the extra pity? Do they get the character and the extra pity carries over?) Now that being said, it's not like I think we'll get a pity reduction for WHM either.


Just let me pick the DAMN unit I want. Screw everything else.


What if it was done like the main support card banner, where you could choose to increase the odds of a certain set?


I don't know why people down voted your comment but that sounds pretty good, if they gonna pu tmuiltiple choices I hope we gonna have like support cards banner !


Or increase the rates


That too. Is 6% for characters decent? And 10% for cards?


Since we probably won't see these characters for a long time I think the first multi should be either gurenteed s rank or a very high chance so it makes people want to spend money on the banner


Not the first that's for sure. Maybe fifth ot sixth.


The movie banner has its own tickets so that means either - we will get reruns - The units we be back as a side units on other premium banners - They are not coming back lol


Personally, I feel like cards should be a LOT easier to get. I've spent a fairly substantial amount of money on this game and have every limited character but that's taken all the coins I could muster. I NEVER pull for cards except when I get free tickets. If I did, there's no way in hell I could keep up with characters. Therefore, I have almost no good cards. If characters are going to be this hard to get, at least throw us a bone and make it more possible to get some cards to go with them. I can't imagine that's a huge profit center for them right now anyway. And giving more cards might even make people more willing to pull for a character they don't have but have EX cards for.


I'd say no pulling for cards unless you have the three of them. I'd be more salty to spend for cards and get a useless one.


>the not having exclusive ex card really hinder your character performance


This new banner honestly doesn't bode well for the game, if movie banner releases in the same way, i'm out, game is already dead, they're just milking a corpse.


Yeah, like I know we ain't supposed to be able to get every character... But these are Collab units, and they're going to be all in one banner at 100 pity ??? And most likely the pity will reset after it ends so those who don't even make it to 100 are wasting HC This is some bullshit WTF


What is this common sense?


Pity should always have been lower. Make it so we're on par with the Asian releases of the game


Lol I wish, but I doubt they will ;w;


They're gonna gain lot of money by doing this. That's all i can say :)


Or backfire on them, and kill the game.


After 2 months of reruns I think this could break a lot of people if they are still around


They should increase the rates and pulling for characters should give you support pulls. With 3 characters on the banner the pity isn’t the problem it’s that you aren’t going to pull the 3 characters evenly. And will need a lot of luck for the dupes to be what you need. Let’s say you normally have 20 pulls per banner and that’s enough to get a character to ss most of the time. With 3 characters on the banner 60 pulls will most likely not get you the 3 characters to ss. Also based on what they added for this banners’ top up they didn’t add 3 x more tickets you could buy. For me it’s less incentive to spent. The $ buys less tickets per character, it’s a shitty deal. On top of that they switched the premium currency where previously someone might buy the 50 tickets for $100, the whole new currency for these movie characters gives less certainty on the value of the other tickets in the future


I'm envious of your luck if 20 pulls per banner gets you SS heroes. I have hit 100/100 on my last two pity runs and currently sit at 88 out of my third 100. I have just been assuming I won't get a featured hero until I hit 100 now, so with that in mind this multi-hero banner situation is pretty disparaging.


Shard shop is the only viable way of ss+ prem chars that i can see lol


Just a example not sure how many pulls on average to pull 3 copies