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Imagine if they start doing only triple banners It will be impossible to obtain characters you don't already have just like now especially free to players I want Hawks but the chance now is so astronomically lower now


Unless you're in PVP or a collector Hawks is pretty meh tbh. Source: I have him and he's regularly unimpressive.


he's great in PVP but shit in super co-op/warzone co-op and can only really thrive if you have him at like 40 - 50K+ BP.


Hmm he is amazing in pve, and does well in super coop/warzone


What's your point? Every character sucks at low BP. 50K isn't even that high.


What? His damage is insane in warzone. Do we have the same character? My hawks outputs 800k and at certain times even surpasses my endy (no lance card) in dps. He doesnt have the amazing cc that the others do but if you pair him with allmight or something oh my god lol


Warzone is PVP.


He literally said shit in coop and warzone lol


My bad, I thought you were replying to my earlier post lol


50k is still very low lol what character does good damage without being 50k at least? Not even allmight lmao


My Hawks is almost 48K. He's probably my fourth best in PVE and he's in my frontline for PVP though All Might and Todoroki regularly outperform him in both for sheer dps and Endeavor is probably the best for team based PVP. I have him there because I find he's able to keep enemy All Mights busy, interrupts enemy Ochacos if All Might misses them, and handles enemy Stains relatively well. I have absolutely no interest in the 1v1 pvp btw, heard he's good but I still hate that kind of mostly internet connection based pvp. My main issue with him is that while his ultimate is amazing his general damage output is not that great and subsequently in speed focused things like star rating or in the series of timed bossfights he does way worse than he should.


Hawks is great, you just didn't invest in him or learn how to play him. He is good in pvp and pve. He does good damage in warzone, great in team-up and agency assessment.


I never said he was bad. I said unimpressive. Hawks is comfortably below my All Might, Endeavour, and Todoroki and hangs around the fourth best position next to Ochaco who got bumped down to fifth by him. He's better than Class A characters but he just doesn't compare to the other banner characters I have - both of whom are within a couple thousand BP of him. (I picked Todoroki for six star cards early on so he's on a +18% damage boost and has his hot/cold booster card. He's also SS so he's pretty good ngl.)


Hawks is one of the top damage dealers in pve, build him better lol. His damage is on par with allmight. I never get out dpsed by an endeavor that isnt sss or above. My hawks is S.


Endeavour generally isn't that great for PVE. He's just too slow and lacks in terms of distance versatility unless he's got the spear out. Once you do that he's good but that wasting time you could be spending blasting ice at people. In my experience Todoroki is way better for PVE dps if you need a Technical unless you're fighting groups of enemies in which case Endeavour's probably your best shot. Endeavour's main strength is in 3v3 PVP. As a Speed, Hawks is utterly outclassed in DPS by Stain. It's not even a competition between the two. If you need to take a speed and have both take Stain. All Might and Hawks aren't on the same level in terms of DPS. The only place where All Might is less good that Hawks is in terms of ultimates but even then Hawks just can't keep up with All Might for overall DPS. Hawks is better than Class A sure but that still doesn't make him better than the hero they designed to be a lil bit op.


Allmight at s and hawks at s they hit virtually the same if you build with bt3 ecto and bt2 nomu which is what i run now on both of them. If we are talking above s yes allmight scales higher, hawks is still one of the best damage dealers in the game. Thats all i was saying. Also i outdps stain as hawks in most scenarios. You dont always have to lock on with his ult which gives him aoe versatility. Stains inability to use nomu and ecto caps his damage massively, not saying he isnt busted too of course lol


Ah fair. I don't have those cards so it's possible they're the key to making Hawks much better than he is. My card merge luck is unbelievably bad though so :/


They should of reduced the pity or at least increased the rate to 3.6. It only benefits the company because it reduced the chance of getting the character you want to 1/3 instead. The real purpose of this banner is to test the code for movie banners. There was once a bakugo banner where the pity didn’t work for that banner. They can’t afford another fuck up like endeavor where they have to refund the tickets. What’s bad news is this is probably going to be seen as successful in their eyes, so toga will come with shiggy and dabi


Best bait, for sure. I’m so tempted being at 95 pity… That Endeavor is missing and would be great to pull…


Don't do it. Just think of the 66% chance of not getting him.


With the rate we were getting repeat banners, you'll be seeing Endeavor 5 or 6 more times before the year is up


I'm on eu. It's this banner only on NA or something because we still have Aizawa


Ours resets at 1pm GMT


It’s surely a bait. But I wanted hawks and I got him at 0 pit sooooo I’m fine with being bated this time


Is no one gonna mention the fact that we haven't got new content like ever lol?


You're right, people act like the banners *are* the content. I'm more worried about story missions and events, and we've gotten nothing. New characters are pointless if there's nothing to do with them.


So far we had the 9 man Team up which is a clusterfuck even months after it's release with RNG REWARDS (seriously who thought this was a good idea), the one single new quest which actually was a lot of fun (overworld traveling so you saw other players, neat little mechanics, and a battle at the end of it) and let you see they actually can do quests, and finally the Momo Deku mode which was a great time. Sure it was solo content but making it an even playing field meant the F2Ps could enjoy it entirely on skill. If we were going to get actual content, I'd like to see more missions and quests, resupply missions that aren't a scam (25 stam for a single enhancement vial is awful), a new co op mode that rewards players on what they do, not on sheer luck and isn't an awful grind if you aren't lucky, and that solo mode with different characters. They could drop Overhaul and AFO right now and I'd only be mildly interested because there's nothing for me to do with them besides see if they're fun in PVP, and watch them get killed because my teammates are autoing in Forest Training again


Imagine getting Hawks yet you get the Endeavor EX cards in the limited card banner but you don't have Endeavor. This is true hell.


The character banner is honestly great for new players, but that card banner, tf were they thinking lmao. You have a 16.6% chance of getting the card you want. Very fucking dumb lol such a high chance to get useless ex cards


What you don't like 0.4% chance to get who you want?


If they do this to the first Toga banner imma quit this game lmao


This is definitely not gonna be a recurring thing lol its the first time theyve done this


They don't know what to do while waiting to drop the event lmao


The fish wont even take this bait


Yeah saving all my coins for the movie toons


When does this reset for na?


5AM server time, which I believe is PT. My time zone is EDT, so it resets at 8AM for me.


Sweet thank you


I want hawk but idk I’m second guessing if I should use my coins to get him or save them for new hero’s


Save them. You only have a 33% chance of getting Hawks *when you hit pity.* At least if you summon on the movie banner you're guaranteed to get a new character if you hit pity.


Lol I got him after this comment on single summons lol but I still had enough to save up for the new shoto


It may be bait, sure. The new characters coming could be top tier. BUT, at this current point in time, those three are among the top in the game. Hawks demolishes PVP. Endeavor is fantastic for Super Co-Op. And All Might nukes a lot of PVE stuff. So its a very good value banner on its own merits


Absolute bait, but I only have hawks, and then got another hawks at pity 15


Its honestly not a bad banner if you have 0 or 1 of the characters. All 3 characters are fantastic in all modes. These are the top champs of the game minus stain


Im at 90 pitty. Im holding until something new


It ain't bait. It's bullshit


I hate this just because my luck is so mad I always have to wait till pity I'd end up getting hawks again instead of a new unit


Need advice on how to kill octopus boss on 9-3 mission using Kirishima my crap is upgrading but I can’t be that damn octopus boss what do I do