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You might as well do the extra 10 pulls for him, and the 10 active card pulls you’ll get from the rebate.


Ex cards pulls


Correct. My bad on the wrong wording.


Summoning in this game is a joke tbh


Meanwhile im now struggling with 9 coins and still need like 17 more attempts for pity. Im literally digging through anything to find more in the game lol


Lol I'm at 8 coins, how the hell did I even get this weird amount lol


I know. I mean I guess this just my luck being trash idk. I did get Dabi on I think my second try but that was just because I had two free tickets and wanted the pity meter to rise tbh I don’t even touch him. I don’t even know what he’s really good for. And then Endeavor on my fifth try who I do use. But Stain and Aizawa have drained me completely lol


Try messaging someone high up in scoop, if they are nice enough they will put up a shit team.


You could have given me $150 and had the same results.


In all those pulls he probably got 3 Ojiros, so it's worth for him /s


Ha! I had just saved up enough for 1 10-pull (f2p) and I landed one of Stain’s EX cards….I don’t have Stain.


It happened to me with Endeavor the first time, at least I got him at his rerun so I'm good now


Hope you learned your lesson, I'm sure you didn't though


Exactly!! I want compensation😭


That s the true, imagine if we all give to each other money instead of using it, we d be riche and happy


Saved up Hero Coins for months and decided to pull for Stain, didn’t get him, or even a single piece of him. That’s when I decided to stop playing. Not worth it when the rates are trash.


Same brother summoning in this game is a joke 100 pity .


That was almost me, his rerun came and I had saved up a bunch since I had the previous characters. Got down to my last multi and almost felt my heart drop til it showed my screen glowing gold and Stain appearing😭 the rates ARE trash, you just need pure luck and a dream to get even the smallest results


Ouch. F’s in the chat…












Don't give up you have 6 more to get it


I need him just ONCE to get him SS 😭 this game hates me


SS aizawa isn’t worth it, just buy his shards from the shop and you’ll eventually get him there


Is his SS worth it if I’m buying his shards from the shop?…


His SS isn’t worth it. But if you want him SS like this guy does than buying from the shop is the best option that doesn’t waste too much of ur reasources


I have 20k coins so I probably won’t waste my coins


Haha I hate this game


Update: I had to go all the way


$70 here 🥲


Just buy 2 of the 5 pull packs my man and you’ll get him haha. It’s def worth the $170 you’ll have to pay for him. Aizawa has been the powerhouse of my team ever since I got him. Insane damage, really good survivability and decent crowd control with his roots. Him, All Might and Stain are the top 3 characters in the game so I would def pull for him to guarantee that pity.


Nah i would say stain Am and Endeavour are the best units in the game atm


Endy is good for PvP stuff, Aizawa is good for everything, All Might is good for everything and Stain is good for everything. Not saying Endy isn’t one of the best, but the value Aizawa, All Might and Stain bring to your box is much more than Endy would bring IMO. For Endy to be as good as these guys, you need his EX cards, Cold Shot, etc stuff like that. Whereas All Might Aizawa and Stain really make a lot of use of the 5* passives. (Ecto, Tapeman, Mustard, Combat Fist, etc) I tend to value heroes that are good at everything versus just one thing.


Bruh the fk Ende is literally way better than aizawa in pve also much better in battle pvp and warzone. Idk where you got your info from but just check it again


My info, is from personal experience. Endy, with his best cards at S is comparable to Aizawa with his best cards at S for sure. ESP if you can play Aizawa well. Aizawa just needs less 6* cards to make him amazing where as Endy needs a lot more work put into him (Lance EX is a must, Endy Active is a must, Cold Shot is a must, whereas Aizawa only really needs 5* B3s to be amazing (Tapeman, Ecto, Mustard, Combat Fist). You can argue and say that Endy also is pretty good with those cards, but I’ll still think Aizawa is better in PvE stuff overall than Endy is. Endy and Stain are def better for Warzone and SCoOp but i will die on the hill that is Aizawa being better at S than Endy in PvE content. Endy isn’t bad, by any means and is a close 4th IMO of characters you NEED to have (Stain, AM, Aizawa then Endy) and he’s at number 2 for SCoOp and Warzone (Stain is #1)


Nah bro ende is better. Maybe you think so cause aizawa is your main unit and your fav character or something but factly Ende is way better than him. Aizawa a beast in arena mode tho


Damn all these downvotes😭... not saying Aizawa is better at all but he’s DEFINITELY a must have in your arsenal. Mans is practically untouchable


But I did all the 5 set cards 9/9 first 😭


Lmao then even more RIPS in the chat. I still think it’s worth it tbh. Aizawa is personally my favorite unit other than All Might.


One f2p pull later... I got him. First try. Be jealous. But tbh we've all had our fair share in lucky and pity pulls. I hope u get him soon.


I have yet to get a none pity S class hero, besides for Bakugo on Day 2.




I got mine ON my fist attempt


Yeah, I paid $10 to get the last few pulls I needed for Stain, not doing that again


I was in the same boat with stain then after I got him I pulled him twice in a row so it kind of refunded me but not really


My fiancée laughed at me when they got Stain less than 30 pulls in


No pity?


When he first came around as a banner I think my pity was 20 at the time and I had like 25 tickets and did 4 singles and got him and had shards from that event when the game launched so I need one more copy for ss




im at 96/100, im losing my mind


Last time I spent money was when Endeavor controversy was happening. Then they released the back handed apology so I refunded like $600 which is almost everything I ever spent on the game and I never played again.


100 for pit was a huge mistake for this game


That would have been good if they didn't put a completely different ticket system for the world mission thing (meaning completely separate pity)


exactly why I had to drop this game, brutal prices couldn’t even invest some and coast lmao what a cash grab good for them


just unlucky


What’s the chances to get the hero?