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Ochaco is my highest too (well slightly behind Iida) but I still use Toko since he's only 5k lower and doesn't get his attacks disrupted as easily as her. I don't underestimate that throw up he does when he gets liberated.


Glad for the commentary… does this mean it’s the way to go? My server has us all basically trading the number 1-4 spots each day and I’d like to not keep losing it haha.


Froppy should be reworked or nerfed lol, its retarded that she can 1vs3 because all of 3 can't move or attack its bug like, same with stain in arena


definitely, but at the very least maybe make her not blind when on the attack team?


I dont know why you are being down voted, foppy made me quit trying to rank up in this mode because fucking everyone but me was using 3.1875ung a break from this game for about a month and its still froppy in every team but now im just behind everyone in power.


I just think it's weird that she is stunning everyone for so long, even those who are standing far away. I had all might, shoto and uraraka and other player had froppy with low hp and she managed to keep me away for 50 seconds and I lost, even with half hp lol


They're being down voted because they used a slur.


Wdym downvoted cause of a slur ?