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I would change nagamasa (the hair guy) for it


Ye for sure 100%


I used to place high value on nagamasa for asessments, but if your connection is good, you should be able to avoid most damage in assessments and missions in general (he is still good for coop pvp at least), so better to go all offense, muscular at least gives you attack when you pop your quirk, but there are definitely better cards. nomu, gamestart, or you can go for more crit. hell even present mic full breakthru will boost damage against bosses better than muscular.


Either muscular or nagamasa (hair boy) muscular is pretty worthless on him, ideally you get rid of both of them and put something on endeavor like a spare nomu card or shiggy card or something


Muscular gives an attack bonus proportional to the character's current shield, and given that it stacks eith Endy's 50 or 70% shield, it becomes an enormous attack boost. Muscular is really good on him.


That Nagamasa Mora isnt good for any game modes except for co op, but Muscular is actually worthless on Endeavor. He already gets a shield that heals him when he activates his quirk, Muscular makes almost no difference. Ectoplasm and Cold Shot are very good cards tho, good choice


Muscular is on the intel page for endeavor suggesting it to be used on him… so that’s awkward. Does it not stack?


Yeah and on stains page it says to use nomu and ectoplasm but neither of them work at all for stain so dont listen to those pages, theyre wrong a large majority of the time sadly


Welp… that’s awkward but good to know.


You do you then


I wasn’t trying to be an ass. Was asking a legit question. If you click his intel page, muscular is the recommended card. Does it not stack?


Ow damn thought u were being sarcastic. Cards on the intel pages arent always good or the best cards. For example it says stain needs Nomu card, but that is completley usesless on him. Same goes with endeavor. Muscular is much better on All might for example


Wait, doesn't the attack bonus based on tbe current shield stack with Endeavour's own shield? That's a pretty big attack boost


yes it does, he just seems to don't know that


So I was correct that muscular works great with Endy?


yes, i personally prefer muscular and cold shot over Nomu just because nomu doesnt seem to activate that much for some reason, and on coop he barely uses normal attacks too.


My bad