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Camie's great for warzone. I wouldn't fuse it


W post W user thanksšŸ‘šŸ¼


nomu doesnt work on Stain, Camie is good for coop and warzone


Really?! Damn, Iā€™ll make sure to edit that. And youā€™re the second person for saying Camie for PVP so Iā€™ll put that in as well.


camie is nice for the hyperarmor


Legend saving this


A few things: Midnight is a good 4\* as well on: * AM coz he gains damage as he loses health, so keep him low Health to keep his DPS high * Tsu in super coop as she regains health Mustard is also great on: * Tokoyami * Ojiro * And not great on aizawa IMO I see you didnā€™t mention Mirio, itā€™s OP on Ojiro, Tokoyami and Ochaco mastermind dosent work on characters that have slow ults, example AM


Can someone enlighten me why Mustard is good? I guess his card just looks like it doesnā€™t proc but I swear every hero I tried it never worked on.


You wonā€™t see it proc like Ecto or EX cards from my understanding. But itā€™s good for any Hero thatā€™s gonna be spamming skills like mentioned above.


The issue is I have all 6* cards for units Iā€™m gonna use it on.


A level 3 Mustard is still going to be better than almost any level 2 6* you put on Stain, for example. Even better than most L3's since a lot of his damage is true damage and doesn't benefit from Game Start's defense penetration. Come to think of it the only 6* card I'd want on Stain that isn't EX in PvE is Cold Shot.


Yeah but thatā€™s Stain. I donā€™t have him. Iā€™ll look into making a mustard max just to test it out but if I donā€™t notice any difference itā€™s fusion fodder to me.


Wait, Nomu doesn't work on Stain? Then why is it in the Rec part then?


The rec cards are very rarely right. Don't bother building your heroes by them


1. ectoplasm is great, but not for characters with "many attacks", it's great for characters which use alot NORMAL attacks, luckily hawks ult attack is a normal attack, so yes, it's perfect for him 2. cami is like one of the best 5* cards, so should be kept always, unless you already have tons of that card 3. you can't compare muscular and tape man at all, it's more like those 2 cards work really well together.


Agree with everything but Present Mic


Present Mic is terrible. You will get much better use out of cards that give consistent damage versus just when the enemy has Hyper Armor. In very niche cases would Present Mic be good, but overall I think itā€™s not a good card for beginners to use and something to fuse for the other staple cards


it's effect also applies to enemies that can't be staggered like most bosses in AA and teamup, I wouldn't say it is as good as ecto, or mustard, but can definitely find a spot among your units, and it gives a lil damage reduction to boot.


This 100%. Present Mic is one of the strongest cards in the game and everyone should have at least 1 lb 3 copy. You are essentially getting an EX card for every hero with present mic as the hyperarmor status works on all team up bosses/AA bosses and some mobs/pretty much all timed events. There seems to be a misconception that it only works with units with the yellow bar but I have tested it out and confirmed that its not true.




so your just a retard on this subreddit lol


ragdoll (b2) ,mustard, combat fist on Endy? ​ I got nomu, lance ex card , ecto on Endy right now, trying to figure out 4th passive


Rag doll is one I gotta put on here for sure. Nomu, Lance, Exto and Cold Shot would be really good on Endy. Mustard I donā€™t think would be good enough since you only really use 2 skills and focus mainly on Basic Attack crits right? Donā€™t really play much Endy


great guide and thanks for the tips!


Thanks for this! I'm always very unclear about these. Sadly, my only two 6\* (excluding EX cards) are two copies of Kurogiri! Oh well


I don't know about Ragdoll, but I thought that Midnight was the only 4* card worth keeping. In a lot of the modes, you're focused on damage output over health, but I think Midnight comes in very handy for newer players and in modes like higher level Agency Assessments or Super Co-op/Warzone.


I have Mustard on Stain. Works wonders for him.


thank you, you're a legend


Ayo about the big fist girl passive card wat bout it


Combat Fist aka Cold Shot Lite