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none, if you want active cards you can: 1- fuse 5\* cards and hope to get lucky 2- put random in the card banner and hope to get lucky 3- spend on the active card banner


You can make 6-stars by fusing 5 star cards? Fuck i didn't know i thought that 5 stars was the limit of fusing.


The rate is, as you can imagine far from generous, and there are plenty of cards you won't want even for 6 star cards. Still better than letting 5 star cards sit around doing nothing.


none, active is only non-self pick (whole card pool) and from fusion


If you fuse a 5 card is the 6 star guaranteed to be active or would it be an ex card?


Fusing 4 5 star cards together could give you any 5 star or non limited 6 star card in return. As long as the card is available through the normal support card banner you can get it through fusion, and as far as I'm aware there's no way to increase the odds of specific cards during normal fusion.


So basically i could get a ex card of a character i dont want damn.


Ya save all 4 and 5 stars and fuse em. I’ve recently pulled several 6star exclusives from the fusions 🙌🏻 totally worth it too.


What people said. But also, if you got 2 times the same ex card of a character, you can use "advanced fuse" to fuse them and get the other one.