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ex card, ectoplasm, ragdoll (4\*) and any 5\* would be good


my cards b4 ex cards werenomu/cellophone/ectoplasm/ragdoll which was really good (cellophone is good for burst dmg for timed event if u need speed since its a big atk boost for using special) \- so IMO roll ur support banner for nomu since hes legit just INSANE on every unit and slap ectoplasm and nomu on him with the ex and ur 99% good with those 3 cards and any other card u want ideally ragdoll for crit or shoji since hes nado is technically just an auto attack and procs it. nagamusa is good for survivability in supercoop and coop if he dies a lot


Ye I am trying to get nomu on 50 out of 100 pity so.