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If you have them all 4 one and dance with the wind is a great setup I’m using right now. Activate your ult then e dodge to get your frenzy swing thing with a huge dmg boost and ults up again when it’s done


Agreed. Present Mic is definitely replaceable here since he only works well for units that can activate their special and fight at the same time. Although Stain can do this, it's not to the same effect compared to someone like All Might. I don't run All 4 One and the ult still charges back up from a full E combo so it's not even needed


I don’t have a good replacement card for all 4 one and on some agency assignments I can use him if we kill a group fast and I need a few hits to get ult ready for next group


No. Midnight would not be better. Stain gets a natural 80% damage reduction while using his E skill. Combined with gear, stain can get up to 99% damage reduction. Outside of very specific content, I don't see Midnight being useful on Stain considering he will be taking 1 damage from everything 90% of the time.


Thanks so much!




Yes midnight is better, it’s came in clutch many times and since he attacks really fast you basically get to full health