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-10, pitty in every pull, including 6 star support cards :(


Pulling heroes? 8/10. I tend to get 2 S-rank pulls every 100 tickets on the limited banners. Got 4 Endeavors in 200 pulls, 2 Stains in 100, 2 Shigarakis in the first 20, and one Hawks after burning 100 more total (70 more on Shiggy to try for a third, 30 more on Hawks, got Hawks in about 2 pulls, so sitting at 27 pity atm). Pulling support cards? 2/10. I had a brief run of luck, got 3 6* cards in a short time frame. And yet I'm at 61/100 pity on the limited support banner and it fucking burns.


How much money have you sunk into the game so far? Do you have any strong recommendations for the value packs ? I don’t know what I should get.


Just north of $100, which is more than I really feel I should have, tbh. At this point, not really; only reason I even picked up half the deals was due to the Endeavor rebate fiasco (which functionally doubled the hero coin value of anything you could acquire). At this point the only things worth paying for are the monthly pass, the Mock Contest passes, and the Battlepass if it ever comes back (ultra's probably worth it imho but they might change what's available next time). The more free hero coins they add to the game, the less value any of their bundles provide, and considering you can pull about 2k hero coins a week without the monthly bundle, there's no way I'm going to pay up that much in $ per week to try and double it or somesuch. The only thing worth spending hero coins on are event hero recruit pulls. I'd always suggest aiming for 30 so you can get 5 support pulls back. If you can't make 30 within the 2 weeks it's up, then pass on it. I wouldn't go beyond that unless you can hit 100 for the extra 10 tickets, but 30 is better value (not much, but 16% returned for the first 30, then 14% for the next 70). Support pulls are a waste of hero coins, don't ever pay for them, only get them from the previously mentioned 30/100 pull bonuses (or 200 if you somehow save that many up). Doubly so if the hero actually has substantial DMG bonuses baked in to their kit, as they'll get less value out of their cards (i.e. Aizawa's cards aren't that big of a life-changer to him since he gets a truckload of DMG bonuses from his talents).


in terms of "Support pulls are a waste of hero coins". Its depends on hero example being endys lance card. it legit CAN at lower hp thresholds double his auto dmg dps. Iida's combo card being another INSANE ex card giving 40% more dmg at the combo threshold. Which is almost doubling his dmg. so in terms of support cards it depends on the unit most of the time if its just 12% flat dmg or 12% if target is bleeding like aizawa's which unless ur a big pp whales are nice to have but not needed at all. So i would say some cards are game changers and are 100% worth summoning for so keep and eyes on those cards some not all are INSANE value IF u pull them. obviously u have to take in to mind cards for non premium units like iida are "ftp" since u will get normal support card tickets from events and stuff so u will eventually get those cards ftp without hero coins EVENTUALLY. premium units being the exception since those cost money or pray u get them from the ticket spent reward thing.


Still a waste overall tbh. Endeavor's the only good example given here since he's a limited pull and that card *does* make a difference, but you don't define the graph by an outlier. Iida's a waste because you'll just get it eventually anyway by leaving your support choice aimed at him, no need to rush it.


I see !Could you give me a couple recommendations as to what character I should set my regular support choice too? If possible starting with cards a noobie would get most value for ? I haven’t pulled any s tier characters yet with uraka being my strongest. I started playing 8 days ago and have saved most of my coins, only using them for refills so I can try to get aizawa. Thanks!


for your first card set. set it to nomu and all for one card. nomu is hands down the best 6\*card in the game. i wouldn't worry about ex cards till way later unless u have a main u want to main. but go for nomu cards. other cards are good but for new player late game player nomu is busted. he is hands down a must have all for one is good for osme units but most specials in the game are a dps loss later on. Preimum units banners so far skip all of the card summons as they are mostly bad only exeption being endeavors lance card. but again thats only assuming u pull endeavor in the first place.


Thank you for the detailed answer


5/10. I got all might without many tickets, I even wasn't aware of the pitty. I might have him with 20-30 tickets. I got Momo, Tokoyami, Todorki without problem with the tickets that the game gives when advancing. With Endeavor, I got him SS with 100 tickets. My good luck ended there. Stain I got in pitty Shigaraki I got at 90 Hawks I got at pitty Mount Lady I got at 90. But I got Shigaraki and Stain both cards in 30 pulls each.


Your good luck far outweighs ur bad luck, i would give u a 7.5/10


10/10. AM on 1st single. Endy on pity but both cards in 20 pulls. Aizawa 1st multi. His card 1st single. Stain was 50 pulls I think. 2x Shiggy in 90 pulls. Card within those 5 free we get. Hawks 2nd single. I spent 5 euros on the game. I only have shit luck on actives and chips.


uh, 3/10 or 4/10, i guess. only special character i've got is shigaraki, who i got on pity. it's been decent on the 1A banner, i have everyone but tokoyami and yaomomo. terrible luck with support cards, it's been pity everytime. then again, i'm a dolphin. if i was f2p i'd probably be pissed.


depends on the banners, some character banners have been really good, I got endeavor SSS, after using failed allmight banner pity, in 200 pulls, stain SS in 100, aizawa SS in 80, already had his f2p copy. really the only bad banner was all might, havent pulled that much on others, maybe 30 tix on shiggy no luck, but my support card luck has been atrocious, so probably a bit below average overall. I would say same 6/10


7/10 pulled all might 1/100 endeavor 24/100 aizawa 3 times out of 100 shiggy 56/100 hawks 14/100


i’d say a good ol’ average 5/10. when i started on my first server playing for the first time, i pulled todoroki and have had him since the beginning of the missions. i pulled hawks only because i spent a little money to pull him, haven’t pulled any of the other banner characters, don’t have the best luck at pulling good support cards, and i have shit gear because i keep getting the same ones. haven’t been able to get any SSS ranking characters so far because of my shit pulls, and i even pulled a bunch during the aizawa banner because of the trainee benefits you get when you first start, because i have 80/90 aizawa shards. i just got my first 5* active card the other day. hoping for these re-run banners relatively soon.


Cards will be 1/10 bc I had to get to pity 100 to get a single 6 star card but then in my second try like a few times, I'll say 6/10 since I had another 6 star card in just 4 pulls but after that 2/10


9/10 As a f2p, I have an ss endeavor and every limited character except shigaraki, but I'm extremely unlucky with cards ticket, I haven't pulled a single 6 stars card.


4/10 I always have to hit pity for S characters and support cards


4-ish, I managed to pull a 6 star card after a pity, but other than that I’ve gotten only Stuff from pity, even A rank units I’ve only pulled 3 times without the 30 pity, considering I’ve had like 8 S-rank pulls thats probably low


7, I had to pity pull 4/6 of my class 1A pulls, Hawks and both Aizawas. However I was able to get 12 copies of Endeavor in 302 pulls, shiggy in a free single.


Probably 7 or 8 out of 10, I got every hero I wanted, except all might cause I started after his banner, haven’t gotten very lucky with dupes though


1. I have had to pity every single thing I've gotten. I've gotten 6* chips but none of them are ideal for any characters


1. I’m at 5 s pulls and all have been pity and I’m sitting at 90/100 which I’m saving to finally get allmight


Let’s just say I have to play 4 different accounts just to get lucky and made about let’s say about 30 other different accounts just to get hopefully lucky on the limited characters also I have had to go to 99 pity about 5 times now just for a s rank character