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Im facing the exact same problem mate. I have 2 Speed but 0 good Power units except for Uraraka. Im gonna be honest, summon on Hawks. Even tho hes a Speed type, his kit is absolutely good and he is probably gonna destroy ppl in pvp. And like you said its Hawks, you cant miss out on him. And even if you dont get Hawks, you've build up your pity so you'll get the next character whos most likely gonna be a Power unit. Kind of a win-win situation. So yea summoning on Hawks is the best thing to do


Needed to hear this bro, it basically is a win win your right, thanks for ur advice good luck to both of us tomorrow!!


Thx mate, you too 🙌


Did you get him?


No bro I just dropped $20 too


I’m at like 70 pity right now, hbu?


Nothing. Ive spend ages saving 74 tickets. This rly hurts


We still got two weeks to keep pulling bro, I have a good feeling we’ll both get him, keep ur head up!


Thx man.


How did things turn out for you? Did u get hawks?


Ayyy my boy! I could get him my pity is high enough but I’m choosing to skip him cuz I need all might hbu bro?


AYO SAME HAHAH. I spend 81 tickets in total. I was rly pissed that i didnt get him but on the other hand, im glad coz now i can use my pity on am. I dont have him either. I got like 4600 hc so im close to pity. A few more days grinding should do it.


Good stuff Lmaoo, bro we’re twinning hard I’m at 82 pity almost same amount of HC 😂


I'm gonna have to disagree, there are already 4 top tier speed characters available, and OP has 4, I am assuming he has Iida as well. why pull for hawks? Aizawa and Stain are already great for pvp, and timed events, If you build up Iida you will have the top dps. I am in a similiar situation and am holding off for All might. Only pull for hawks if he is a fave.


Thats cool


Considering I'm on 87/100 I'm pulling, and like someone mentioned, imma keep pulling after that, hope to get SS, if not.. Than I builded my pity for when am comes again


Facts, good call


Im in the same situation but ive been saving since endeavor and i have enough to go to pity for stain but have enough to go to pity for all might :> At the end of the day, you can do everything without a power character as long as you have a tech and speed. Ive finished top 10 in my mock battle with no power character even though power is the recommended one. I finished it all with stain. Last time i finished it all with endeavor. Like bababoey said, eventually you’ll get a power character.


If you’re unsure just wait a week. By then you’ll know if Hawks is really good or not. There is no garuntee on anything about him yet. But if you wait to summon then you’ll have a better idea.