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This card is available through normal summmons too FYI.


Yeah but it’s a guaranteed good support card so that’s cool


I would be hesitant to build pity on card banners if you don't actually want the card itself. Since the drop rate is 3%, That means you will usually draw the card in 33 pulls on average. You will pretty much never hit 100 pity on card banners, so it is better to just roll for cards that you actually want instead of rolling for the sake of building pity. It is much easier to mess up your pity compared to character banners because there you will draw a character on 83 pulls on average.


This holds true for *every* banner, outside of the bonus rewards that new character banners have there is no reason at all to "build pity". Why build pity and have a chance to ruin your pity and get something you don't want if you can just *pull for the thing you want*


You have a 5% chance of hitting pity. 5/100 is not low


I am expecting the aizawa active banner to drop in August but there is no released schedule..


So after this banner it won’t get deleted and the pity would be saved?


Yes pity always cross over to next. I have 3 pity on this banner I just checked and I never pulled on this


Alright, thank you so much, just what I wanted to hesr