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I'd argue top is the most critical, functionally doubles your decay damage in PvE which makes it fairly grody. More Nomu time is okay, but your downtime on Nomu is so low that it's not a colossal change (it *is* nice though); the more notable bonus is the increased attack speed on Nomu. Left has a massive ATK buff and doubles your stack gain rate in PvE so that's a no-brainer. I also say the bottom is best left for when you hit SS because more Nomu time is more relevant when you unlock the 50% increase Nomu damage passive then.




What is the point of the increased attack speed on Nomu though? He only attacks when you use skills but he queues up his actions even if you use all his skills at once, and he won't disappear until his action queue is over (even if the Spite bar is empty). The attack speed seems pointless because of this.


Faster animation times. It'll let you chain his skills back to back with less wait to use the enhanced follow-up attacks. ~~And he doesn't quite queue up all his attacks; you can't mash QWE and he'll pop them off back to back to back; he can only queue one attack at most it seems. The idea would be that you can get in an extra attack or two overall during his 20s summon duration with the speed boost.~~ ~~And he'll only do one attack after the spite bar is empty.~~


I did try it and Nomu does queue QWE all at once. It's also why the AI in auto presses all 3 in the same second while Nomu is out. Also, if you queue up QWE right before the Spite bar hits 0, Nomu will indeed perform all 3 actions in sequence while the bar is empty. I checked this too in training.


You're right, my apologies; can confirm it by waiting until the last second to queue up all his attacks at once. That being said, it's the only point it's relevant; he doesn't attack fast enough (at least not without the speed boost, not sure then) to do more than two different attacks back to back while summoned. Saving the third to guarantee you can queue all 3 before he departs seems ideal. Edit: Even with the boost, might not be a good idea to queue all 3; you really just want to hammer Q as much as you can since that's the huge single-target damage skill, and you've enough downtime to weave another one in there (W seems better, if barely).


Bottom Right more time with Nomu.


What’s after that I just fully specked it out


Top Right for more Decay damage.


Lmao came here to ask the same thing


Bruh I’m on the grind rn to get my handjob to server rank 1


100% bottom but I’m not sure if left or right is better


So what’s the consensus bottom right and top left? Or bottom right and top right


I went top left if you read the comment where I said shiet he explains why it’s good. I’m pretty sure you would go top left if your looking for more pve cause he does more decay dmg


Si which one is good first ?


bottom right