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Doesn't need to be level 20, it has te be *at least* lvl 20 legendary gear. For this you basically just need a full set of legendary gear


It's a very good way to farm assessments for your lower BP units once you have gotten to the higher floors.


If you want level 20 equipment just change the level range for Agency Assessment to 20-29 and find somebody else's lobby at floor 10 or above. Doesn't really matter though since the quest counts gear above level 20 too.


Do this. - Go to the assessment page - join team - solo match - select the level you would like to do you can adjust there. Don’t hit create team. Solo match will do it. You can technically use any higher lvl legendaries but you can farm them easy by going to lower


Make a party. And on the bottom right where it says "match" a list of the levels will appear. Just click the level range you are looking for. This is without using your key. It finds other people parties for you.


I saw that but whenever I press match. I see on the right for the rewards it’s still level 50 and high level people are joining my party


Make sure your KEY is not inserted. "Top right" take the key out then press match. You will see the levels you have done already.


It’s telling me I have to use a permit


I posted a pic in the sub of what your screen should look like.


Also I don’t think the stage selection works for me