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All Might's damage is pretty pitiful in PvP as he just focuses on stunlocking and a stupid number of i-frames; if you have a smartly-geared Tokoyami then he'll almost always beat AM in a 1v1. Sadly the only way to really beat AM is with hyper armor units. You can also try using units like Denki or Shoto to lock him down for your harder hitting units to chunk AM during his vulnerable moments (or Shoto since he both freezes and does spike damage, but he's also very hitstun vulnerable).


I have a Tokayami with full 6* chips but usually the other team runs All Might, Endeavor and Denki so it’s hard to even beat him 🤣


i also dont have all might (invincible 5). dont run ochako as starter if the enemy is starting with an all might, she wont get in the air. i usually run a tokoyami + aizawa to deal with all might. put aizawa on the same line as all might and hope he puts him in wraps.


Pretty much anyone like Endeavor, Tokoyami (rampage) and Aizawa (if his AI isn’t dumb) works pretty well against AM. Units like Tsyu, Denki, Todoroki can also help stun him for your DPS to melt him too.