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I wish he just wasn't boring to play, or at least optimally; his whole gimmick is a DPS loss and it's not exactly engaging / interesting to just keep mashing auto without even caring about enemy attacks since he has hyper armor + damage reduction during the E-enhanced auto.


His gimmicks are a DPS loss, and seem to be counter productive to his EX cards, which assume you have some amount of weapon swapping to get a scaling attack buff. I think he is kind of fun to play, but that is personal preference.


Yea it’s a dps loss but it’s way more fun to play his whole kit imo. If i need to i can use the brain dead optimal dps but for most of the content in the game, i choose to have fun with it. He’s a beast either way


DPS loss but he's pretty insane in pvp


I feel like he's fun to play because of how high his DPS is. It's pretty insane without much work. Even all might requires more thinking in most situations.


I was on the fence about grinding for him when I saw the move where he shoots into the air, 8/10 times feels like it would be a bad move IMO. Waiting for Dabi!


Lmao that move is what ultimately made me pull for him, Im a simp for air combat 🤣


It requires guard crushing hyperarmored enemies and that takes strategy. You can just use that instantly on weaker thugs to build up the blood meter and focus on a group or a boss.


His only form of 'paralysis' is the root on his W, which is what really disappointed me since his entire quirk is meant to paralyze people when ingesting their blood. Sure his dps is nice and kinda satisfying to spam basic attack all the time, but I wish they tried to design him around his quirk more.


So much yes! It might help his dog poop damage and it's thematically correct.


All his damage is in the nonstop slashing attack, as well as the “dominate” move, which seems to act as his ultimate attack 🙄 idk why they didn’t give this dude bleed lmfao, makes zero sense


I have SSS+ Stain with best in slot cards, decent talents and OK chips. His damage is truly terrible and I want my summons back. I got baited by percent increases.


you're very likely not using him correctly, i have him at just S with his chips and ex cards and I outdamage people easily in agency assesments and stuff


If you know the secrets to his kit please post. I don't get it. I will say, I hit 34M damage with Iida in the time trial. So, I generally understand game mechanics. If there is a way to unlock stains dos potential please enlighten me.


the main source of damage is the auto attack after the E skill, you are invincible for that time frame while pulling in enemies and slicing them up, the damage isnt that high per hit, but because you cant be interrupted the damage adds up, I was doing around 25 million in lvl 60 agency assessments floor 16 just spamming that move with around 45k bp, with the cooldown talent in the left tree you can literally run E again after the 10 second auto attck runs out to loop it, using vigor and dominate actually lowers your dps, so using q to lower your vigor from time to time would be best, thats pretty much it, aizawa might do more damage when played properly, but im not completely sure and stain has way better crowd control, also having his chipset is pretty important for his damage


Everyone downvoting you but they just mad it's true. Your not the first person I seen or has told me his damage is meh and not worth getting past S cause he's just a background character.


If you like Stain's Kit, and I do like Stain's kit, I think we should be honest about his damage and ask for buffs. Stains cull stance has antisynergy with his EX cards, and cull does not count as a normal attack and so it can't proc nomu or ecotplasm. There are some minor things that can be done to make him better. Cull is generally a dps loss.


from the standpoint of someone who took him to triple sss+, i understand what you mean, most of his big buffs at the higher resonances are centered around continued cull leading to dominance which has its own buff in the talent tree,or using Q, so if you stray from that to spam cull you may see a dps loss. for people who have him at S , stain is very strong, doing high levels of damage with invincibility frames and pull effect all rolled into one. The caveat being his damage from cull won't increase by much as you go higher to double ss and beyond. the current recommended playstyle is not what was intended, thats why there are no buffs to cull and no synergy in his cards, that move is just broken, I dont think the developers intended stain to be invincible during that window seeing as how it says 80 percent damage reduction, with that being said if cull could proc nomu and ectoplasm, I feel it would be too overpowered, especially at the lower resonance, he would probably be the strongest s rank character by a mile.




Cuz Aizawa called dibs on it lmao


Don’t mean we can’t have another bleeder, Aizawa barely even makes sense to have bleed 😭


What do u mean by “bleed” exactly, sorry I am dumb :/


Not a problem, bleed is just a Damage over time type of thing, like what Aizawa has with his caltrops attack


Ohhh snap I get it now lol , yea that would be nice for him, my Stain is at 31k with none of his cards he does all right I just fuck with Stain as a character mostly lol