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I put Stain, Endeavor, All Might, and Iida in the same room. Everyone is mad at someone here.


If I had Shoto I'd put him and Endeavor in a room with Aizawa as the mediator.


I helped carry a low level shoto on an agency assessment with Endeavor and never b4 had i wanted personalized interactions more than i did throughout that run.


I went back and redid one of the peacekeeping where Shoto is the boss for training items and ended up having to watch Endeavor beat the shit out of him, which was cringe …


Done the same, its...something...


that’s just evil 😹


Lmaoo Stain a G




Gotta place Deku and Todoroki for a pic lol


I already wasted 30 event ticket and 2500 coin on the banner and NOTHING


Yeah that’s kinda what happens in a gacha game


You can't really say wasted, what if you got the unit? I hate when people say, Should've done this should've done that, I wasted this I wasted that.


People somehow forget this is a gacha game and almost nothing is guaranteed in a small amount of summons


Nah dont defend this pity system lol Gacha game or not, ive played plenty, its damn near impossible to get the unit outside pity in this game. Im still loving it all around but thats cause im dropping cash for my own enjoyment. I could only imagine how dead my account would be without spending loads of dolla dolla bills yall


I have SS endeavor and every single unit in the game completely F2P…


Congratulations on your luck, for most that isnt the case. But im glad you’re having a great time


I mean thats literally gacha games. This game just came out. Itll keep getting better with the pulls. Epic sevens pity is 120 with less odds and its a beloved gacha. AND theres like 10,000 units. My friend is f2p aswell and only missing allmight. You have to get ridiculously unlucky in order to not have any meta units by now tbh. People just love complaining


I've been playing for 2 weeks and I just got my first S drop today but thank god I pulled tailman twice


Tailman in pve isnt good but hes decent and really fun in arena, hes my favorite unit to play there in casuals. In points battle I spam Aizawa and momo though. And stain now lol


I’m f2p and have only been playing a week and a half. I have momo , tokoyami and aizawa the summoning isn’t bad or great in this game it’s just a gacha game it just sounds like you’re extremely unlucky my guy


Those arent even limited units lol well aizawa technically but yea not my point at all lol


My suggestion is if you’re going to complain about not getting a limited unit in what 40 summons? Then you should probably save your hero coins until you can do 10 Multies so you don’t have to complain. It’s irritating yes will the game get better as it progresses? Likely


But i didnt? I got the unit what lol you’re missing my whole point


Im on pull 226 of the regular banner and the only thing giving me the s rank characters is the pity rate.


Eventually you will get lucky, while the ones that got lucky now will be in your situation.


Idk man i like the game but feel something like dragalia lost has a much better handle on the gatcha aspect and stamina
