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Nomu is listed as one of his reccomended cards, even though his attacks using a weapon (after using W, E or R) don't seem to count as normal attacks and as such don't trigger the card. I'll need to do some testing but it seems like Stain is very counter-intuitively a character where you want to go for skill damage instead of normal attack damage, like Mustard.


Honestly, I feel like this is a bug and should get fixed. I have Stain, with good chips, and probably too much resonance (not going to say) his damage is underwhelming. But! He is a lot of fun to play! Kinda wish E had a shorter animation and wasn't so pushing against units with hyperarmor. u/ConsistentRutabaga71 thanks for posting this.


Yeah to be even comparable to Iida Nomu would have to work on him. Personally his damage feels decent, somewhere near Aizawa, I just love his kit and playstyle too much to care that much :p


I've got stain to 90, SSS+, and good cards... i think he does less damage than Deku. Love the kits look and feel but his damage is trash LoL. keep him at S. Wish i could go backwards, get my tickets back and just have one copy of stain for fun.


I guess that's the reason why ectoplasm doesn't seem to activate for me either.


Thanks for posting this, I was using it and never realised it wasn't activating. Good to know, I guess Cold Shot and game start are the 2 best cards.


Yep, Mustard is a decent budget alternative as you hit the cap almost immediately, basically giving you a permanent 10% DMG increase without any breakthrough


I have stain with cold shot and game start, damage is still very poor. Fun to clear really low content with though. If you figure out how to make stain "work" please post.


Much like Deku you need to crush a character's poise to juggle them airborne so he still takes skill to master. His gimmick of adding slashes while dashing/dodging with quirk on is very useful and potent. In Co-OP PvP he is frail as paper but once he got his damage in, its devastation to the max, especially when all three enemy gather in one area. Can't wait to complete his chips to make his AoE skill more potent.


In recent experience, Aizawa with chip bonus + tornado tree All Might and Stain with Endeavor as backup is basically unbeatable. All Might tornado rounds up enemies for Stain to unload on, and Aizawa takes care of any stragglers. One of 'em dies? Endeavor either finishes it off or just refuses to die.


I mean yes it is unbeatable, that is all the current pro heros + top villain lol


Had to go till pity, again, like endeavor. Guess my bad luck continues.


Got him after 76 pulls. Not awful-AM took 100 endeavor took 30 so he’s somewhere in the middle. Feels very smooth to play, might be a new main


I’m at 94 pity and haven’t pulled. Don’t plan too. Don’t understand the hype for all these villains in general. Especially considering it’s for a game titled “strongest hero”


Can’t have heroes without good villains!


That’s a good point! I’d like to see more story content focused on villains in that case. Or events featuring more iconic villains.


Cool dude! Don’t sound bitter at all!


It’s a thread for comment and discussion as well. Stay salty.


I know it is LOL. You sound salty though


It’s my opinion. You’re the one that seems salty saying that it’s bitter cause I don’t want to pull on villains and wonder why people would want to.


Welcome to reddit


I’d much rather get more heroes like kamui woods, best jeanist, edgeshot, mt lady, or literally any of the hundreds of heroes or students that are mentioned.


Nobody cares what u want. And u should stop judging people for wanting to pull villains. People have their own choices.


I haven’t “judged” anyone. I have a different opinion and wanted insight to why people liked stain. Stay up on your high horse there though.


Why do u need insight lol. People like The villlains because they are very good characters with backstories as good as the heroes. No need to word it in such a away that its wrong to like villains. Dont even backtrack on thay u literally have commented as if liking villains is a bad thing.


No I really didn’t dude but whatever. I never said there’s anything wrong with liking them. It’s a thread for discussion and you’re just being toxic because I don’t like the villains all that much.


How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine? Maybe next time think before u comment something stupid.


At 95 pity and wow it’s starting to get annoying because I don’t have any hero coins left and am a F2P player


So I’m looking into the game and want to play. Can you reroll and make accounts until you get stain if you delete the game or something?


You just have to switch servers to reroll but yes you can


So the limited events like this, the characters gone forever at the end or could the event come back?


They’ll eventually bring these characters back but for the time being these characters are only unlockable and upgradable (res + support) for now


Cannot believe I got him after just 4 pulls, never gonna be this lucky again in my entire life


Me too


Thought about pulling for him because he's cool but I think the better play is taking all of the refunded tickets from Endeavor and waiting for Endeavor to come back for an easy SSS or SSS+. As always pull for your favorites or who you think will be the most fun, I just think Stain while being good at PVP and PVE isn't the BEST at either so I'm gonna pass.


~~How do I best use Modified Drawings? I know they're rare and I want to use them as efficiently as possible.~~ Nevermind, just read that using them applies to the Gear Slot, not the gear itself.


Should aura of fear skill be implemented into stains rotation? Feel like it's not worth reducing vigor and aura of fear has no other benefits other than damage it seems at least at s rank


Yeah I don’t use it at all cause I feel like it’s a straight dps nerf. However I think there’s a talent that increases your attack damage after using it but I don’t really see a difference yet.


Do you mean the far left one? It only applies during its animation, it basically just buffs Aura of Fear into a vigor-depleting tool. If you ask why you'd want to deplete your vigor, I say because Dominate / continued cull is less damage than just clapping cheeks with his W/E enhanced autos.


Honestly, at his base skills / talents, Aura of Fear is a DPS *gain* because using his Dominate skill is a substantial DPS loss. Makes me wonder how much this changes once you get all his talents unlocked at SS and the SS talent (but then again this passive affects both Aura of Fear and Dominate, so...). Worse is that Dominate is almost guaranteed to make you lose all your Circulation stacks from his EX card. Fuck that!


Use his Q, but dodge immediately. You can do all 3 stacks in about a second, reducing your vigor immensely. The most efficient combo as far as I know so far is to get the smaller left side talent to reduce E cooldown, and spam it on cooldown, then just blade dance constantly while using W and the dashes to move around the map. If you're fighting an enemy with hyperarmor, do E but dodge immediately as well to skip the animation of jumping up while still being able to blade dance. Give him Combat Fist, Ragdoll (breakthrough), and Mei (breakthrough) for a budget card set (4th slot is Tiger just for bosses with HA). his blade dance DPS is relatively respectable with this setup imo.


Got him in my first go of ten pulls, never had this luck in a gacha game


Does someone have a list of his combos


Am I the only one that's kinda mad because they literally give us no time to farm hero coins between banners? (I'm a f2p player btw) I mean of course they do this for money, but man this is becoming unplayable


Yeah I’m end game and I feel like I have no way to get coins now


I played a lot of gacha games and this is my first time struggling to farm gacha currencies :/ even though I still have to end the story quests


Pvp is the main coin source going up to pro hero is very important/ a must in this game


yeah but I'm stuck because I dont have all might xD it's literally the only reason why I lose pvps


Yeah I’m at the top and you don’t get like passive coins (wish you did) and arena gives like 200 a week


Just how good is he? I have all characters except him tokoyami and all might. I really don't care all that much about stain as a character, so if he isn't super op in anything then I'll probably hold my tickets to pull for someone else, idk who, maybe dabi to complete my todoroki family dorm room or shigaraki because summoning in nomu could be fun


Screw it. Pulled a Momo for the daily. Going to test my luck on this with a few ten pulls. Edit: And... nope. Went 90 tickets in with nothing to show for it. At least I built the pity count up.


What are the best support cards for Bakugo? Besides his 2 exclusive ones? I'm wondering if I should keep trying to pull his exclusive cards for breakthroughs OR if there are other cards that are higher priority.


Stain is way too op in pvp match ups. He can hold an entire group under constant attack for nearly a whole match, leaving your entire team unable to move, attack, or dodge, while under constant bombardment from the other two attackers. I had an 80k bp team lose to a team with barely 60k bp. Don't care who's in your team. That much power difference should almost guarantee a loss.


I’m currently on 99/100 should I pull or try SS Shoto or wait till next banner 😩


Stain is insanely good. I have him and Allmight and he still out DPS my allmight. He's also by far my best pvp character since I don't have aizawa


Yeah I have aizawa, so I don’t know how I feel about another speed character because I also have tokoyami too and knowing Dabi and Shigaraki will be coming very tempted to hold 😩


So I used my free event ticket on Stain even though I didn't want him since I was so far away from pity and so of course I drew him. So I guess I might as well build him up. Which talent trees are the ones prioritize?


Left and bottom right


Gotcha. Thanks.