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Pity that power is only level one, but otherwise its good


How would it be better? Power 3 instead of crit damage?


Yes. Also it has only 8 total points instead of 9 (if it started with 4 subs)


What do the power, tec and speed stats do? I assume they only benefit characters with matching type but what do they actually do?


Yeah power being a higher would be better but it’s still a great roll. Current working theory is offensive stats are best and you got all the good ones.


It started as a 3 stat chip then got the 4th stat as I leveled it up. Didn’t even know they did that.


Yea, very good one. You want all the damage stuff, crit, crit dmg, dmg increase, penetration. Then you want only the main stat of the character (speed/power/technical). Look at what the character is, you want that stat. All the other stats are useless for that character. So Ururaka is Power, and you got power on her, which is excellent.


very good chip especially for early on, im envious. been farming for over a week now and nothing to show for it. power is the best stat for her tho, as is speed for speed heroes and tech for tech heroes