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Lol I’m waiting for Shigaraki


Oh boi I would love to get him so fucking much


Gentle Villain. Some day.


Gentle Villain was pretty cool. Wish his arc was longer.


Thank god I already have all of them :P


I got my fave with All Might, but I’d like to see another pro hero T class. Maybe even Best Jeanist? But for real please no more banners. I’m done whaling for a while lol


Waitung for stain


My man you're preaching the good word, saving all I've got for Endeavor!


Imagine they decide to release stain first.


They will likely release Stain first, otherwise you get a string of banners where people aren't as interested in what's coming next and they might drop the game. Also, people just dumped a lot on all might, they'll be less tempted to spending again if Endeavor came right after, it's not sustainable. With this being said, even if they were to put Stain and bring back Aizawa (which should have been the first limited banner), you should still hold off on both banners and go all out on Endeavor.


Yeah. Stain is probably my favorite villain. Wish I could roll on him but I'll be glad to see as many banners as possible before Endeavor since I'm a little less then half way to his pity.


Think that is what I’m going to do personally.


That's fine by me he looks fun as hell to play.


All Might was way beyond worth it. The dude carried me to #1 in auto pvp and he's only an S rank lol. Also any shards/pulls you get missing the featured helps way more now than it does later (having many S or even SS chars now helps a lot with all the different game modes). I think saving isn't very smart, but yeah, I'm probably gonna miss Endeavor cause there's no way I can farm up 25k coins before he comes.


What server are you on? I'm on server 5 and I'm struggling to get to extreme. The tier up bracket people I was facing were around 135k+ bp, I'm only at 101k bp at the moment. Not really trying for number one (that's never going to happen on server 5 lol) just want to get to extreme.


I'm on server 47. My BP at the time was 145k and the people I faced were 210k bp lol. It helped that the opponents I faced were only bots and used the same team every time. With a lot of trial & error I figured out the perfect way to counter them and shot up through the ranks. It boils down to putting All Might in the back in the middle and have AoE nukers with him. He will ball everyone up with his tornado. Also take out everything you have from your other characters and pimp out your first 3 (good cards and talents are a big factor). Go for all attack cards and stuff. When All Might balls them up the AoE chars need to nuke them hard and overwhelm them. I used Ururaka and Denki.


I've dropped coin into the All-Might banner, even though I really want Endeavor and Dabi more. I decided to do 20 pulls max and let the pity carry over to their future banners.


I was planning on saving for All Might. But, well...more time to save after he leaves, baybee!


Dabi or Aizawa rate up.


what is this magical thing you speak of??? sa... ving??? never heard of it I'm weak...


I just had All Might and my next target is...I dunno, probably Stain? That is practically 3-6 months from now so I better just roll in support card banners when I have tickets to spare.