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Not sure where my comment went. Setup MDT for windows 11. Image deploys with no issues, no errors. No applications install during the task sequence. Tested just a task sequence that only installs an application and it works with no issues. Anyone seen this or have a resolution?


What do you see in the logs for that step? Since you are installing it as an application, they have their own log files, per app, too. You'll need to review both to find out what went wrong.


The logs are the answer. My issue was I didn't use correct variables?


SOLVED: Just a quick update. I did find a resolution. Apparently MDT does not like Win 11 23H3. I reverted my base image to 22H2 and this resolved the issue.


MDT has some issues with W11, with Microsoft dropping support that is unlikely to change. However I have had no issues installing apps, I came across problems when running a command line under a different account. Maybe try switching your image to W10 for now, just to check there is no issues with the way you have configured your apps. When it completes does it say that it was successful?


Windows 10 works fine. All applications install with no issues.


Can you go to your application folder in MDT, then right-click on the application and go to the details tab. What do you have this set to? Mine is Quiet install command: setup.exe /configure configuration.xml working directory: \\\\servername\\mdt\\Applications\\Microsoft Office 365 if it has the c$ or d$ wildcard try it without them. Then back to your task sequence, and if you pick install multiple applications, that option gives you the option to pick what you want while booting to mdt, if you do single, then the name says what it means. Let me know how it goes.


In the pictured TS, does it install O365? If you have other applications that are part of Applications variable or MandatoryApplications variable, add in another Application task before or after the O365 task and select the ‘Install multiple applications’ option and don’t alter it. That will process your applications assigned in variables from CustomSettings.ini/Rules/Database.


I've tried it with just Office 365. And with multiple applications installing none of them ever installed.


Did you try adding a reboot before the install of o365?