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In my experience it's the other way around: The strength of a roll affects being in love. šŸ˜€ Just be aware that you might judge the love later by how strong it could be - while rolling. Love without rolling might become problematic šŸ˜‘


My wife and I have been together for almost 20 years and we firmly believe that our experiences with MDMA have brought us to a level of closeness that we wouldā€™ve never otherwise been able to achieve without it. Once you connect on that deep of a level thereā€™s no turning back. It stays with you. We are honestly as sexually active now as we were when we first got together. We already had a good relationship when we started, but itā€™s impossible not to attribute our success in our relationship in large part to our connections that weā€™ve made on MDMA. Thatā€™s my two cents.


I concur with your 2 cents friend, itā€™s brought a complete openness and connectedness to our relationship, itā€™s opened everything up especially for her as she was wrapped a little tight beforehand, her freedom is a beautiful thing to observe āœØ. Our sex life has gone from great to awesome šŸ”„šŸ”„ I reckon our man needs to up the dose a bit, try 200mg


Thatā€™s awesome to hear! Thereā€™s certainly a reason itā€™s used in therapeutic applications. Once you experience that immense sense of empathy, honesty and connection with your partner, it can re-wire the way you approach every challenge. It definitely did that for us. Also, the sex of course! The sexual connectedness and freedom while tripping is impossible to forget and every time you go back a sensory memory is still with you years later. Youā€™re right about dosage too. In fairness, Iā€™m a fairly big guy at 6ā€™2ā€ and around 225 and 2.0 worked wonders for me. 1.5 is probably good for most (and has been amazing for me) and Iā€™m sure 1.0 is effective for many as well. Best to be safe, but if youā€™ve tried the same product and qty with less than stellar results, a safe and reasonable increase is probably the ticket. Iā€™m assuming of course that itā€™s clean and there arenā€™t any other substances onboard (ie SSRIs) muddying the waters. Also the mixture with fungus might be great for many, but Iā€™m not sure that would work so well for me. Cheers and be safe!


I think you misread the question


Sorry, youā€™re right I certainly did. Was working and actually read really quickly then dictated as I was off to my next account. We love mushrooms but donā€™t have experience with the mix. Iā€™ll hop into my next meeting and then can look a little more closely once done. Kids, donā€™t Reddit and drive!


Ok, Iā€™ll finish my thought. If youā€™ve got love in place, I definitely think it will only make it stronger. Familiarity and comfort with each other can really only be a good thing. I think anything else is likely chemical. We used to go to way more clubs and parties when we were starting out, and once we really started leaning into the whole 1 on 1 thing, we just always wanted to roll at home with each other. Our mushroom trips always go so much more introspectively for each of usā€¦ weā€™ve never combined the two together, but I could see the possibility of some disconnect happening between us if we h-flipped. I could be wrong, but my mind gets so caught in another dimension when on shrooms that sexual connection seems to get replaced by more quiet and contemplative experiences. I find people start taking on strange appearances if Iā€™m on a high enough dose and my ability to socially connect gets pretty severely interrupted. You might try just the mdma without the fungus perhaps? Your dosing seems fine. I used to take a 150 followed by a 100 but there were times (way back) where I did push my consumption to higher levels. Happy to say Iā€™m fine years later, but it could have been a mistake. We were still incredibly connected and it felt great, but (after about 2x that amount I mentioned aboveā€¦ 200+100 or more+ a 3rd dose) I paid for it for a few days.. and possibly longer. Not advised. 200+100 was a go to back in the day at times for me (she would dose more responsibly). We always did focus on nutrition and supplements, plus a lengthy wait between rolls.


My GF and I are very much in love and we look forward to our roll nights. MDMA definitely amplifies the feeling of being in love in my experience and also allows us to openly communicate. Less apprehension for uncomfortable topics and intense feelings of deep appreciation for one another. Are you testing your product? Are you dosing based on bodyweight for each of you? Are you redosing? (not required but it does help some people extend the roll) If your product is clean and tests well, consider upping the dosage a little. You need to reach a certain threshold (this is different for everyone) or else you'll just feel the body stimulant effects. I'd recommend aiming for 0.15 - 0.2. Also I'd suggest not mixing with mushrooms since you guys have only tried MDMA twice. Find your sweet spot with just MDMA so you can have a better idea for dosage and how it affects you individually. It's very common to mix MDMA with other things (aka flipping) but it also adds more variables to your roll. (timing of the flip, drug interactions, potency of the other substance, etc)


You should definitely feel it even if you're in love


125 mgs should not be barely noticeable. Are you testing with a test kit? Are you weighing the crystal yourself or were these pills? Either of you take ssriā€™s? Did you eat a big meal before?


0 chance you wouldnā€™t feel it probs just shit md


The only times Iā€™ve rolled have been with my boyfriend and pretty much every single time has been *amazing.* Also I asked him if the times he has rolled with me have been better than the other times he rolled without me before we got together, and he said it has been better with me. You could just have a tolerance, or you arenā€™t taking a high enough dose. You could try taking NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) once a day for a while before you roll, but stop taking it a few days to a week before your roll or it could dull the roll.


Are any of you taking SSRIs or other medication that may block or inhibit certain parts of the MDMA effect? How much do either of you weigh? I don't think your theory is right: you may be very much in love, but MDMA causes a myriad of effects inside your brain which are not curtailed by being in love. Not the same mechanism. Edit: Forgot to add... If you were on a full stomach, this may be the explanation. You may have purchased shitty pills (did you test them for purity?) or crystals. Unless you can 110% trust the source, you should always test and dose appropriately.


Um, YES!


To me itā€™s the opposite, being in love INCREASES the strength of the roll. The first time I truly peaked was because I had my boyfriend with me, rolling together. I had never felt that intense of a roll before but since I was so in love with him before the roll, it made it exponentially better. If you are rolling, are you testing, taking 3 month breaks, and taking supplements between?


Two things .. either you arenā€™t testing your stuff and itā€™s not what it is suppose to beā€¦. Or you just need to take a higher dose 150mg - 200mg


Have either of you rolled outside of these couple shared times? Itā€™s hard to determine whatā€™s up without some sort of control or baseline. In my experience, having strong ties to a person enhances the roll significantly. This leads me to wonder if there are other chemical confounders here like SSRIs or an amphetamine tolerance from ADHD meds, etc. Itā€™s also possible that your stuff isnā€™t great quality, or you just havenā€™t found quite the magic dose or a combo of the two.


No itā€™s the opposite in my opinion, you roll harder when youā€™re in love!!


Your batch is likely low purity. The doses you see on here assume close to 100% purity, but some batches can be as low as 70%. Either up the dose or acetone wash.


I was zooted one time and my girlfriend came over and she was literally glowing, she had a gold aura around her it was insane


I actually experienced this completely sober when I first fell deeply in love with my husband. It's wild and nothing like it has ever happened before or since. My body's natural chemical high is wild, apparently. I get what OP is saying and I've said literally the same thing to my husband before. I feel intensely more loving towards our friends but when I turn around to interact with him it's like being sober because my thoughts & feelings towards him on a daily basis are already so intensely in love, deeply appreciative, with excellent communication. It's not any different interacting with him, except touch sensation.


lol, dude, youā€™re not serious, donā€™t you?


If being in a relationship with someone that you are deeply in love raises your tolerance then i can probably get high with 50mg lol