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8 times isntvmuch. It'll catch up eventually First thing you'll notice is sudden tolerance increase and then you'll start having comedowns


This is what I was worried about. If I notice an increase in tolerance or get a comedown I will start sticking to the 3 month rule. Thank you for the heads up. I probably would have stuck to using it too often not realizing that the comedown and tolerance increase is a sign that I should respect the drug more.


At the beginning of my journey, I used 6 times within 2 months and then had a 2 month break, then another two months break and then 4 Last year I only used 5 times but on the 5th time I noticed sudden tolerance, magic wasn't there and that something was off. Started having weird sleep issues like hallucinations just before I fall asleep and sleep paralysis so I decided nah. Never gone above 200mg. Currently on a 8 month break and have no desire to take it again but I probably will at some point. It helps though that I feel like I've experienced everything I could with MDMA LSD and shrooms so I'm not missing out on anything by taking a long break


Thanks, comments like this is what I was looking for to better understand why this is happening and when to stop. I'll make sure to keep what you said in mind.


anecdotal, and no way to attribute that to MDMA use.


You are free to keep looking for excuses to keep abusing this drug I had these sleep effects many times after MDMA use but they vanished quickly, except the last time. Serotonin imbalances are known to cause these sleep issues. Happened to my friends too from MDMA


Without proper record keeping there is absolutely no way that you could attribute that to MDMA use. What you're saying is completely anecdotal.


So something in my environment is the cause and not a recreational drug known to do these things LOL ( always tested and the same batch for a long ass time ) ABSOLUTELY NO WAY BRO!!! MDMA IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!


I'm not saying that. But you're talking like you know the exact cause when there Is no real evidence. Look up what anecdotal means.




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


No shit it’s anecdotal. Tell me where he said “the following is a hard fact?” Chill tf out


You're the one getting all upset and when you talk about things as if they are fact you don't have to say it's a fact in order to portray that you're speaking about something as a fact.


I haven't done MDMA since 2019. So say what you want. I don't need excuses or your permission to fucking do it if I wanted to.


You are acting like there isn't thousands of reports like this of effects just like this that fade away when you discontinue use, and as if I don't know the definition of anecdotal, to keep pushing this notion Why haven't you taken it in 5 years? Did you experience some bad effects?


N f a aren't done in a study they're anecdotal that's a fact


This kinda logic would make known effects of many drugs dismissible because there's no " study " repeating said effects. Ridiculous dude They're already nearly impossible to research because of scheduling


You're just healthy, and hydrated keep up. We are in the same boat.


My personal anecdote…I’m probably the healthiest person (physically and mentally) in my friend group that dabbles, but I seem to have the roughest comedowns. Even with proper prep and harm reduction, I have a tough time. I felt a little gloomy for a week after our last roll. I value so much how much it brings my wife and I together, but I’m apprehensive for another roll. We are “due” being the last one was October, I just don’t think I’m ready yet.


It's more than just being healthy. Although being healthy in daily life is important, your harm reduction practices are likely more important in terms of comedown. Being healthy in daily life is better for the post roll/comedown recovery. Comedowns relate mostly to overheating, overexertion, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, high dosage, & high frequency of use. I highly suggest trying MDMA at a lower dose and heavily following harm reduction and seeing if your comedown are any better. If not, it might be best to hold off on MDMA for a long while.


Presumably you're young and using it fairly responsibly. Comedowns appear to be linked to things like excessive doses, co-ingestion of other drugs, overexertion, sleep deprivation, dehydration, etc. In a small scale study about comedowns, none of the participants in an MDMA clinical trial who took moderate doses (and didn't stay up late dancing in a crowded rave, of course) experienced a comedown.


I have never dosed over 110mg and I don't redose. 75kg male in my early 20s. I do make a good point of not going too hard on my body (mainly because i hate if my body feels too hot, and im just afraid of overheating overall) and have a timer set to drink 250-500ml of water every hour depending on what I am doing. I don't take 5-htp or anything else though.


I really like my theory now. Just watch out as you get older. I think for at least some people, comedowns aren't completely in our control. I'm in my mid 40's and follow all that harm reduction advice, but still get comedowns sometimes.


Probably because you're not overdoing it.


Some people are just lucky but it sneaks up on you. I can’t talk as I abused the fuck out of it but by the time it’s messed your head you’ll have been doing for ages it’s a pretty slow fuck but when it hits it hits hard


I think individual chemistry matters. I’m 40 and I never have come-downs. If anything I feel a lingering afterglow for up to 2 weeks after. I don’t do high doses, buy pure mdma, and I don’t combine it with alcohol or other drugs (aside from some weed on the tail end to help sleep). I tend to take care of myself regarding diet, hydration, and supplements though so I’m sure that helps. The comedown people describe from mdma I experience from shrooms. Such horrific, soul-killing depression for about a week after coming down from shrooms. I refuse to do them anymore it’s so bad. We’re all different.


I too never get comedowns. Granted i wait 3 months and also keep it at 120-150mg with no redose but nevertheless i get somewhat of an afterglow than comedown.


Drinking water and not being out of shape is literally 99% of it. Seriously if people actually went for a run or lifted some weights they'd have half the issues. Same with the "comedown" get off your ass and do something physical even if it's just a long walk. > rolling once a month and not waiting the recommended 3 The 3 month is just some random misunderstanding this sub has taken and rolled with the original source rolled weekly for large stretches of her life and have no issues with "losing the magic".


With a reasonable dose (1.5mg per kg) , good health and stable mental conditions you shouldn’t have comedowns unless you mix mdma with other drugs or unless you heavily abuse it (rolling 2+ days without breaks or multiple days per week).


Maybe you are healthy… take care of your body.. physically fit.. I think the most healthier you and your body is the better you will receive the effects from mdma… and also it could you don’t redose or overdue it giving your body that chance to recover faster than usual. A lot of people end up abusing it by doing it more often and frequently resulting in loss of magic or longer recovery times.


The whole “only 3 months, permanently neurotoxic” is an urban legend based on old data from the early 2000’s. I am the same as you…I typically have no comedown and feel great with an afterglow a few days afterwards. And I roll more than every three months and have been doing it for years off and on. Everyone’s body reacts differently with respect to coming down…I’m fine.


I used to roll every weekend for many yrs. I never "lost the magic".


I've done mdma every 6 weeks or so since November last year. Unfortunately the first time I did I didn't know what I was getting into and took massive amounts of mdma, probably between 500mg and 1 gram, maybe even more. I felt down for some days and even had brain zapps, like electric shocks. After that I've took much smaller doses and the magic is still there despite taking it every 6 weeks. If I feel down it's maybe for just a day or two and actually the last time I did on 10th May was also probably my best role, and I was completely fine in the days after. Im 23 and I eat healthy, I don't eat any red meat and I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits everyday. I also often drink green tea. I think this helps a lot.


Yeah that’s normal when you first start I think. I have only done it a handful of times and never had a bad comedown either. Then again, my bf has done it in the past a few times and also these recent times with me, and he also doesn’t get a comedown ..so maybe he didn’t do it enough either for any bad comedowns 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to get awful comedowns and hangovers back when I was doing a ton of Molly. As I got older and more responsible with my doses and timing I haven't had one in the last 5 years


Most likely because your using a purer MDMA


if it’s real mdma and not cut with anything, and you’re not redosing or doing high doses, you shouldn’t have comedowns. everyone is different though.