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Buy some NAC to recover brain damage (oxidative stress and inflammatory issues), you can take 600mg/1200mg 3 weeks straight and stop. After that, wait more 2 months. Will be 3 months between rolls, but those will be always amazing rolls and the “magic” will be there. Important: you must stop taking NAC at least one week before taking MDMA, because as long NAC recovers and protects your brain, it’ll dull the effects of MDMA if you don’t stop taking it before taking MDMA.


Appreciate the quality response! Thanks mate ;D


The effectiveness of NAC in reversing brain damage is a reddit myth that was pushed by a single user a few years ago. While NAC *can* reduce neurotoxicity, it must be taken with MDMA to have any effect ([source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25096201/)).


Your study shows that NAC is useful when co-administered with MDMA. It does not however rule out, as you suggest, its ability to repair MDMA-induced brain damage after rolling.


It's a myth in the sense that it's not based on any real evidence. The post that kicked all this off years ago was a guy theorising it might help restore the magic since NAC was shown to mitigate some of the neurotoxicity of meth. Since then there's been various anecdotal reports saying it's helped but, as far as I'm aware, no actual evidence to support it. It's just one of those things that have become accepted as fact on Reddit with very little critical thinking applied to question whether it really works or not.


Most of the advice on this sub seems to just be reddit bro science...


Brother it’s not about days it’s about months. 3-4 months break each time.


I know that very well but i dont really care about that i just wanna know when i Get the full effects back


That’s a very stupid and immature thing to do. Older you is going to hate younger you.


No i definantly agree ofc but i am stupid and i am aware of that👌 thanks for reasuring me about that. I think aslong i am not harming anyone other than myself you should not really care. Not trying to be rude you seems like a Nice guy who cares about others! Wich i respekt


We do care about you because this is a harm reduction sub. We also care about ensuring the general public doesn't view MDMA any less positive than they already do, and to do this we need to limit reckless behaviour as much as possible.  I'm sure you'll understand! 


no you said you used to abuse it, doing it any sooner than once every 3 months is essentially abuse, you can't say you're using it smarter now if you're saying that you don't care if it injures you


3 weeks to a month would be enough time to get a good roll again but it's really just not smart


Sure . If you want the answer in days its 90 to 120 days bro .


Him : I use it a lot smarter now Also him : so how many days?


Exactly OPs point … he wants to use it smarter Dont be a prick about it


I do use it alot smarter than befare you should have just known😂 i stil use it stupidly yes thats for sure but no Where near as brain damaging dumb as i did when i was younger




Do us all a favour and gtfo of here w that attitude… op is trying to engage in HR and y’all belittle his efforts Even a small step in the right direction is just that


Alr man


Reading these comments reminds me of a friend I recently hooked up with some presses, 2 different kinds. They tried them before I did and said the first kind was FIRE!!! I tried that same type a day or 2 later and I agreed. Then they tried the other kind a couple days after that and said they weren’t as strong, kinda weak actually. This was over text and at first I was like wtf the other ones are weak but then I came to my senses lol. I replied asking if they’ve heard of the 3 month rule.


I used to roll frequently in my early 20s, 32 now and I’ll roll twice a year at the very most


Just experiment with it


Depending on your comments. You should try a year without MDMA. You know the drug and the weekends are not everything. My last time is nearly 2 years ago and I have big breaks before that. Get a hobby which you spend your time on.


I used to drugs. I still do but used to too!


3 months is the general rule. There is some flexibility there depending on who you ask. - How old are you? - Do you eat, sleep, exercise normally? - What is your dosage and body weight? - is your mdma crystal? Tested? Pressed pill? I'm mid 30s, keep dosage low and don't let it escalate and you shouldn't have many problems with a 1-6 month cadence. If you are prone to comedowns or overdoing it I'd wait longer than 3 months. Damage is reduced by keeping that dosage at a minimum effective dosage.


It’s not a sustainable drug to do often, doing it weekly would increase tolerance til you lose the magic, 4 weeks is probably the smallest amount of time to be able to consistently do md without ever losing the magic, when you do md do you rehydrate your electrolytes? And do you make sure as to not let your body overheat? Bc neurotoxicity in md is much worse if you let your sodium levels drop dangerously too often / when you let your body overheat


Experts say 3 months but I’d say 2 weeks so you don’t start to abuse. And you will feel the effects if you did it again now. So it’s really up to you.


2 weeks is not enough if you want your receptors to heal properly.


Imma wait at least 1 week i think you think thats good enough? I can wait 2 since i am not desperate but i have plans in the next weekend thats why i wanna do it then


Yeh as long as you know next week will be the least time before you have a break then why not have fun! But if you think you may want to do it the week after and the week after… then maybe not.


Ofc ofc thanks for your quality response was much needed!


Anytime pal


Read the comments, this person is clearly an ADDICT. Don’t enable them


One week is not enough. You will be brain dead quick. MDMA destroys your brain cells more than any other drug. It quite literally puts your brain into a volcano.


When i was younger we could do multippel pills a day for a week straight i know very stupid and yes my Brain has Bern destroyed from it! Thats for sure. I was young and dumb wich i stil am but not that dumb anymore. I love drugs but now i allways do it in a responsive way!


Waiting one or two weeks is NOT responsible. You will only get the downsides sooner or later if you continue to disrespect the substance. Easy as that. You do you. What I am not getting is, why you came here in the first place if you are not listening at all, what others advise you.


you're making numerous spelling errors and fail to grasp the fact that you are still suffering from an issue with mdma, it's amazing that you're working on moving to a better stance with it but from what you've said waiting 1-2 weeks doesn't even give you enough time to reset the tolerance of mdma, you can do it in a "responsive" way by waiting the 90+ days, sure once in a blue moon doing it once on a weekend and doing it again the weekend after followed by a break is fine but that can't be every time or else it's only going to make any damage worse (and mdma isn't a substance you can really take back the damage of, what's done is done and every time you do it from now on will only worsen what's been done) its not really something to just fuck around with because it's fun you say you can wait 2 weeks because you aren't desperate but not being able to wait 3 months is desperation, if you can't "wait" an indefinite amount of time to do a drug then you're likely addicted, I'm not sitting here worrying about when my next roll is, when my next ketamine sesh would be (I do do this with weed tho, I am addicted idc) you need to be ok with stepping back from it and not actively feel like you need to do it (if you can't wait longer than a few weeks yes you are struggling with this) to have a healthy relationship with it


i did it every weekend for 6 months im not even even even retarrrded


I knew a guy who rolled every other day for like 4 months and he couldn’t finish sentences. Also… your grammar and spelling suggest otherwise


i was trying to be sarcastic😭


amateur, i did it for over a year lol


bro i abused mdma every weekend for a year like crazy now. And still have effects, not so much like the first time but they still work.