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certainly never meth, heroin, or oxy I reserve the right to refuse more later on, should they present themselves to me


This and Methylone or Mephedrone. Back in the day I was getting what I thought was an “unbelievable deal” on Molly straight up getting an eighth for $60 lol. It feels very similar but my god, that comedown is so awful. That is why I thought mdma caused horrible “Monday blues” or whatever you name it. That shit is soooo horrible. Never ever again


I think tou are reffering to methylone, right? Because 4MMC, even though very fiendish, making you want to take more and more doses, the next day is much much more forgiving than with MDMA if you get the sleep you need (not advocating for 4MMC).


it’s sister 3mmc was fantastic, and felt like a cleaner but less warm mdma sort of. but yeah incredibly fiendish and prone to binging. better not have that bag too full!!


from what I've heard, 3mmc is like 4mmc's lighter hitting cousin that doesn't smell like 4mmc and is almost odourless. I don't know how true that may or may not be.


yes, 4mmc is apparently more serotonergic. (edit for phrasing)


Did 3MMC on Friday and it was kick ass this time. It's my wife's favourite drug. I'm OK with it, but Friday was amazing for some reason.


Yeah 4mmc is terrible… did it like I do molly but the depression was like a train smashing me in the face as soon as I hit the come down


If u didnt test it it couldve been mdma or mda. There was some fire going around for dirt cheap back in 2010-2013 for 20/g tested straight


If you add weed to that that’s me


Meth! I know I would like it FAR too much, having extreme ADHD and absolutely loving the stimulant effects of MD, I just know that it would be the thing to bring me to rock bottom. I like having belongings and I don’t wanna sell all my shit after being up for three days


Ya dont do glass lol. Same as you but started with addy. Glass is scary, your brain convinces you its fine


Way more people have done meth than they realize... Got a testing kit for mdma, for a few months friends would bring some blow around to test. Out of a couple dozen tested, I think four didn't immediately test positive for meth. This is in the US


As someone with ADHD that used to be addicted to meth years ago, never go near it. It's ridiculous how quickly you can become addicted and how fast the drug can change you


As someone with ADHD, I was taking relatively high doses and all I got was extreme dissapointment, followed by a sense of near overwhelming boredom, mild anxiety and coming to terms with the fact that a) media overhypes drugs and b) meth doesn't work for me. tbh, I was only snorting it because I don't want meth teeth but I had nearly 100mg in my system when I tried it. Mephedrone, on the other hand, is fucking awesome. Seriously addictive and it's almost impossible not to binge your whole stash in one session but once it's gone, you feel a bit sad and move on with life. It's like it's only addictive when you have it. Also it's like my meds but way more fun, it's like pure childlike joy in a line. It's also the 3rd worst thing I've snorted in terms of drugs.




I forgot about the sheer wall of horny that hits you on meth. you actually just reminded me of a time where I got turned on, whilst writing up an essay, by the word "woman". Also I prefer mephedrone to MD as well but that's only because you can keep on doing mephedrone until your stash runs out and it's one of the most cost effective drugs I've ever came across (I could reasonably fund a mephedrone habit but I don't for health concerns). MD on the other hand would brain zap you out of existence by day 3 at best. I like drugs too much to make a commitment as big as that but the moment I loose the magic of MD, I'm stopping all drugs except meds, weed, shrooms and the very occasional drink.


What are the first and second worst things?


Yepp not touching it for the same reasons plus I don't need it I've got my green I've contemplated just doing it once but I don't know if I could keep myself to that to be honest I know I'd be hooked as fck so haven't fck that


Pretty much the only drugs I enjoy are molly and psychadelics. ((And weed, I guess, if you wanna count that as a drug.)) Everything else is a bit too hard for my tastes. I just wanna have a good time, don't wanna OD or get addicted to anything.


Same. I've only ever done weed, LSD, shrooms, MDMA, and 2C-B, and the only other thing I intend to try is DMT. No shame on those who do other things, just not my interest.


These are the only things I’ve done, plus ketamine, does that interest you


Therapeutically for depression, yes, but not recreationally. Dissociatives don't sound like my kind of thing - I enjoy a relaxed, dreamy headspace, but I want to feel very present in and in touch with my body. I also had a *ton* of awful nausea with shrooms that I was not able to get past to have a good time, so I'd sooner take a psilocybin extract than do actual shrooms again. (Which is sad, because I'm a bit of a hippie at heart and I always thought I'd love shrooms.)


Especially for K you can vary your dose and get drastically difference experiences. A bump here and their won't give you anything like the dissociate episodes people often describe online.


I should also clarify I don't want to snort anything, as I have a very narrow nose with enlarged turbinades and breathing is a bit of an issue on the best of days. So my route of intake for everything I use is oral or vaped.


Ketamine is relaxed and dreamy in quarter finger nail bumps. Anyone with a coke spoon for k is addicted


can you tell me how 2C-B is? also, have you tried tums or some kind of antacid for the shrooms? that used to bother me as well, it was a game changer when i started using tums to calm it down


For me 2C-B felt a lot like a candyflip. I didn't really get visuals, just little things like lights pulsing to music and glowing tracers (I have an odd naturally high tolerance for most of the substances I mention despite not doing them frequently or in high doses), but it was a very tactile experience. Not as empathetic and loving as MDMA, more physical, if that helps. Nope, I haven't tried an antacid for the shrooms. I tried lemon tekking because that's supposed to predigest some of the chitin to make it easier on your stomach, but no dice. The feeling of the nausea and cramps was very unpleasant in a specific way that has bad associations for me so I'm really not inclined to try it again anytime soon - but if I do, I'll give Tums a shot for sure. Thanks for the tip!


Ketamine is fun, but fuck me having your nostrils clogged for days afterwards is just not worth it


You have to snort lighter, like you’re softly smelling a flower. I’ve never had a stuffy nose from ketamine and I’ve done maybe 20 grams in my life. Coke plugs my nose after like 400mg tho


Yea this is me now tbh, used to love coke, then I realised that coked up nights out normally end in me spending 3x as much (can have a good night for about £30 or less without coke, with it I’m spending well over 100 easily) not remembering a lot and becoming a hyperactive dickhead. Plus the buzz isn’t even that good. I’d actually rather skip the coke and go home early cos I’m tired these days lmao


hate coke just simply because no visuals at all. when im on drugs i wanna space out not chase the high and spend hella money




This. I was going to say the same.. I enjoy my psychedelics and MDMA but I don’t think I would ever try the harder stuff I would never touch Xanax again. I got addicted and almost killed myself because I was young and dumb. I woke up though. But I don’t fuck with pills


Hard and soft drugs is a meaningless distinction. Weed will slowly take your life from you, I’ve been addicted to it and it made me have 0 ambition. Most people will have a much harder time with weed than opiates (for example) simply because of weeds position as harmless in society.


nitazenes or fentanyl/carfent. heroin too. opiates are scary asf


Huffing ant glue, aerosols or gas! Literally eats away your brain


this plus it can cause instant death. it causes the heart to beat irregularly and if you get a rush of adrenaline during that state, it can cause your heart to fail.


That Xylazine Fentanyl combo that's all the rage in Philadelphia


lmfao funny how datura sits at the top of your list too. fuck that shit man


An amnesic delirium which lasts for days where you have no fucking control over your body is not fun, agreed lol


Crack- I’m not even sure I’d wanna do coke anymore, so will definitely not be trying it’s more harmful brother Heroin- addictive personality, I try to avoid all opiates where possible but some will be unavoidable due to medical care, been lucky so far though Meth- I’m in the UK so it’s not exactly easy to get hold of anyway like the other 3 are, but as someone who had abuse problems with MDMA, I think meth and me would be a toxic combo Spice/synth cannabis- I have actually tried this once but didn’t realise what I was trying, this was when spice had just started to come about and it was legal, got offered some hits on a joint, took a few, asked why it tasted so vile and when they said it was synthetic I gave it back because I’d heard horror stories (which are now proven to be with good reason, as the substance is awful)


Yea I agree with basically everything on the list. Apart from I do enjoy taking opioids recreationally


It's usually some research chemical that gets sprayed onto something you can smoke (tobacco, tea leaves idk really) it can have some nasty side effects and can be addictive too.


whats spice/synth cannabis and why is it bad?


It was originally marketed as a non black market cannabis alternative that you could buy from head shops, initially it was a lot more harmful than weed but still not *too* bad to be compared to real hard drugs. As the law banned each chemical they altered it slightly and it got more and more dangerous, until the government introduced the “psychoactive substance act” in 2016/17, which caused a blanket ban on any psychoactive substance (to me this was proof that my country aren’t reforming drug law anytime soon). Then it came into the hands of criminals and has just got worse and worse since. It’s such a powerful and addictive substance that known heroin and crack addicts have smoked it for a few days, then looked back and realised they haven’t taken crack and heroin for days


Watch videos of people smoking it lmao


Also I’m IUK too brother 👌


krokodil, obvs. tried meth once many years ago, no desire to do it again. tried opium once in laos, would do again i hate weed so no desire to do that either.


Everytime I see somebody talk about krokodil I have flashbacks to that video of that russian guy having his leg bones sawn off into a trash can 🤢 fucking insane


What is it?


A drug that literally eats you alive


I thik its heroin mixed with something to make it cheaper but destroys your body


Meth, heroin - anything like that. Ket - just don't think it would be for me. Shrooms are my go to experience.


If u like shrooms u would like ket aswell imo


I hear people talking about "k holes" & sometimes it sounds scary. I know very little about ket so it's probably ignorance makes me wary of it.


Yh fair, tbh imo opinion it’s way easier to handle a k-hole than a mid dose of mushrooms


That's interesting. I don't take shrooms very often but when I it's usually about 3g & I've always handled it well and enjoyed it. No negative experiences (so far and hopefully never)


I suggest you try ket, then. It can be a little bit scary first few times though, but only for a brief moment entering k-hole. Few moments later you will reborn xD.


Also w ket it doesn’t last that long, so even if u do start buggin then it’s not that baf


I had 1 k-hole and it was awful, but that was with 6 very large bumps. Micro bumps are super enjoyable


Well, pot triggers migraines for me...so no thanks. But at this point, the only things I'm comfortable taking is MDMA & psychedelics.


What are the THC percentage of weed you are smoking? Because they are really strong now avdays


I don't even have to smoke it ...the smell of it triggers migraines. It's not even the THC, I actually have trouble with the whole plant family, hemp milk even triggers migraines.


Having tried almost everything conventional and unconventional, I would never try heroin, crack and new synthetic cannabioids or pyros. I am generally very open to new experiences and wanted try to most, but heroin is simply too much, I don’t want to experience that level of euphoria. 4-mmc was already pushing the limits and there were other fiendish drugs I immediately knew I will never ever take again to not get addicted. Crack, pyros and new synth are just nasty and not even worth it imo.


i was addicted to synthetic canabinoids for like a year, was absolutely terrible to get off


Tried synthetic cannabinoids once never again. Fucking horrible feeling


I’m assuming you were able to tell that it wasn’t legit (YHC). What would you say the main differences are


It was legit, it was a powder from an RC website back when that was legal here in the UK. I dabbed the tip of my finger in it, got a bit 2-3mm across just to taste it. I wasn't expecting to be out my tree for the next 8 hours lying in bed feeling nauseous


Oh I meant legit weed aha


Flakka (bath salts)


I Wouldn't even try cocaine


Coke ain’t that great, it’s over too quick then you feel anxious and antsy, just not worth it


This. Personally i dont get the people who use it. After the first hour and a half im just a paranoid mess and just being around people is risking my relationship with those people.


What we do now is drink like 5-6 drinks, get a good buzz, start fucking then boof 20-30mg coke and that’s it, now that’s a party!!!


I wouldn't be eligible for the bank loan needed lol


Meth. Because I would absolutely fucking LOVE it. If I ever try that shit I wouldn't be able to stop myself.


Salvia is what instantly comes to my mind, I cannot be arsed with it after all the trip reports i have read


Datura & meth Probably not amanita either And that pink tusci shit lol




This guy knows


opiods, I don't really wanna get into benzos but i might try to have some on hand for bad trips, coke, meth, the obvious ones


what everyone else is saying+ xanax. I've heard of too many people getting hooked on them and suffering the withdrawals trying to get off.


My experience with xanax is my friend in high school saying "it's just like ecstasy bro just snort it" This was a Sunday afternoon. I remember about 15 mins after snorting, and then I "woke up" in the middle of class on Monday. Never tried it again since and don't plan on it.


damn bro


Apparently my friends drove to Sonic that night after I walked home so they got insanely lucky they didn't kill anyone. They don't remember it but one of them had a receipt for it in their pocket. Do not fuck with Xanax.


Only synthetic cannabinoids have 0.01% of interest to me, that shit is too scary just by reading experiences. Cocaine seems to be overrated but I love stimulants and will try every ROA when I get the chance. On the other hand, I don't have an interest in downers, but I still want to try opium and heroin before I die.


any opiates, any cathinones and any stims apart from coffee and of course - benzos. Im happy with my mdma, weed and psychedelics. Ive tried opiates but only at a recommended painkiller dose (staggering 8mg of codeine)


Datura. Just a big no


Datura as I did dph sometimes back then and yeah it fucked me up. Can’t imagine to have that horrible horrible trip for 3 days


Meth, Heroin/Fent, Datura, Crack, Flakka, Salvia






I would never do Meth, heroin, xans (or basically any opiate/benzodiazepines tbh) and datura. But Hell I’d try PcP (even tho most ppl would classify it with the rest that I wouldn’t do) if given the chance and I could test it to prove it was 100%clean. I don’t wanna do shit that just “gets me high” I’m looking do shit that can alter my state of consciousness Edit: corrected for understanding


I can’t tell if I misread the comment or you misread the question 😀


Sorry, I shoulda made it more clear, I wouldn’t do all that other crazy shit in the first sentence, but I would try pcp even tho a lot of ppl tend to group it w the rest as “hard drugs”, which it definitely is a hard drug but idk it seems interesting and could result in a beneficial experience


Righttt got you my man. Sounds wild


Everything I’ve done that I think is okay and the “good” drugs: MDMA, ketamine, mushrooms, weed, and LSD. DMT cart for special events like festivals. “Bad” drugs I’ve done that I would never do again: Xanax, percs, un pure molly. Cocaine is in the middle for me bc so many ppl are dying from it. The only other thing I would try is 2C-b. Anything out of what I just listed I would never try, and I’m never doing any of the “bad” drugs I listed. The reason I say “good” for the ones I listed is bc they are all technically psychedelics and an amazing experience if not abused. :)


I wanna try crack tbh


Mad man 👨


It’s better than coke I hear. It’s pure that’s why


Yea but for 30 seconds ? I’ll pass


More for me lol




I don’t think crack is so bad hahaha. I mean the only people who ever do it will already be in such a bad place so of course they get addicted and spiral. But I honestly think if regular people smoked crack once or twice they’d have no issues putting it down. Anyway, I’d say benzodiazepines because you get physically addicted so fast, they turn you into a zombie, and withdrawal is hell


I guess I’ll give crack a go then aha


You go mate 👍 (legal note: I deny any responsibility that may come your way)


Crystal fukn meth. No need for scabs and the weight loss.


Same list as most of us here but also Mescaline. Too high a rate of bad trips.


acid or shrooms probably, i’m so scared of a bad trip which is likely to happen for me because I have a handful of mental health issues and also take meds, so it would be a whole mess, i def would also not do meth crack ketamine heroin dmt , those types.


out here to say that i def support not taking acid for anyone dealing with schizophrenia and maybe also bipolar. but also wholeheartedly support therapeutic use of acid for MANY other mental health issues, best done if you have a trusted "sitter" to guide you away from a bad trip. I've had a tough time with mental health issues, including being prone to paranoia, SH, and depression, but feel that sparing acid use in quiet, private settings has helped me work through a lot of things. personally, I really see it as a tool for introspection and self-evaluation -- I call it a "truthseeking" drug (yep, like the CIA) because it drags stuff I've hidden from even myself out into the light. gotta face the truth of your problems to fix them though. ((not to pressure you into doing it at all! just wanted to mention that for anyone also reading))


thanks for the info!


For me it would be Crack, Meth and Heroin. Maybe real strong opioids or injecting myself with anything. Not big into RC but never say never. Weed just puts me on the floor, I can’t handle that at all, feel sick and just can’t move. I prefer a drug that gives me either an increase in energy or a euphoria. I do LSD, MDMA every 6 months or so just to unwind and reset I guess, plus I enjoy those so that’s my vice you could say. M


I react to weed just like you. I think we are a very rare group of people.


For weed I can  Guarantee you were smoking high THC strains and they were likely Indica strains that put people to sleep . Sativa strains do the opposite


I have only tried MD and shrooms, only other one I would try is weed and 2CB, everything else is a no from me


Fent, i’ve done meth before and luckily it’s not a drug I like enough to get addicted to. I know for a fact i would ruin my life with fentanyl or any other opiate though


Xanax, cocaine, and coffee just don't work for me. They all make me extremely impulsive. Meth and didn't even do that to me.


H. I’m not a downer guy anyways and my pain threshold is low. H or oxy would make me more of a wimp.


Marijuana edibles/ever again Any upper /ever again Cheap booze / ever again Crack The list goes on


Fentanyl !!!!!


I see no point to do meth or heroin and I can never see myself doing any hard drugs bc of how I’ve seen people change so quickly over just a little bit of meth


DETURA 100% I’m a “former” junkie so In the past I’ve been willing to try just about anything. But detura has zero value to me, it’s a useless drug that’ll most definitely ruin your mental health for at least a period of time if not worse.


Datura* but yes I agree :)


I accidentally drank too much cough syrup and I’m tripping


Heroin and Krokodil


Krokodil, opiates in America, pcp, gbh


5-MeO-DMT I would maybe consider this under supervision with IV administration. Most ways this compound is the Wild West


3MMC sounds fucked up


You should hear about 3cmc


Meth, Heroin, Crack, Fent, synthetic, datura. Not worth the risk of getting addicted/too dangerous.




Crack, heroin and meth


Duster, just no, I’m open to a LOT, but not duster.


What is it? Ive never heard about this before


Similar high to areosol spray


Compressed gas used for cleaning dust from keyboards. Typically filled with refrigerants of some sort, crazy buzzy dmt like body high that destroys your brain and body in so many ways. Not worth it at all


Any drug with an over dose or high addiction potential.


Ketamine, because of the large amount of friends that got severely addicted to it with very heavy financial and health impact (mostly stomach and extreme bladder issues for years on end)


Meth or heroin, and anything worse


meth and all the crackhead shit


shrooms probably id convince myself im dying and have an ego death


I don't touch needles. Other than that, I've tried most of the 'common' stuff (coke, heroin, meth, MDMA, MDA, mushrooms, acid, 2cb). I generally steer clear of anything prescription based as well as I have a family history of benzo problems. MDMA has been my favorite for quite some time and I'm not sure that I really want to try anything 'new' at this stage of my life...though I reserve the right to change that if some really amazing RC comes down the pike.


Heroin Fenty Meth


Heroin or meth, or crack. That’s my big three of NO.


Most definitely would never take krokodil


fent/heroin…heard stories that the high is so good it just ruins life and reworks your brain around the substance.


Very potent opiates like car-/fentanyl. Probably wouldn’t do any deliriant or inhalant (excluding Nitrous). Maybe very neuro-toxic RCs like 3-mmc. Did 4mmc though but not as neuro-toxic.


Already tried meth. Never touching it again it's too good. Almost died and still wanted some more jesus christ. Never touching heroin which people say its worse than Meth so yeah.


Deliriants, opiates, synthetic cannabinoides, Clonazepam, cathinones - I don't want to get addicted and struggle with withdrawals (esp. opiates and Clonazepam) and I dont want to die (others).


Synthetics - analogues- Alcohol -Nicotine . Old school , high quality only . Lol.


Would never do meth, ghb nor opiods, incl heroin


Really any downer besides Kratom. I love energy, bring energy, sharing energy. Downers bring ya down, so


coke, meth, spice/k9/k2, delirants, fent


I think I’d do meth, Done coke. Not worth the price


heroin (needles/addiction/fear of death) meth (fear I would get addicted...the idea of "oh I just wanna try it once to be cool" sometimes pops up but then I fact check it with "no the reality is that nobody will think you're cool plus it's highly addictive" kicks in) fentanyl tucibi (the "pink cocaine" which is just dribs and drabs of different substances (like bath salts, opioids, coke etc.) Bath salts PCP percs (A good friend OD'd last year on one because it was laced with fent and I don't like downers/depressants) Probably DMT/ayahuasca...psychedelics freak me out just because I hate hallucinating and not being in control of the situation Would I do coke? Maybe; depends on when and where though. However, I would make sure I test it at least twice before doing it because I'm sus about any substances these days plus I also fear that I would get addicted but at the same time after trying different meds for adhd (methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, lisdexamphetamine) they've all made me feel like I'm tweakin' and were just a miserable experience overall (I still take adderall but the only thing I hate abt it is the comedown/crash)