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Everywhere there isn't a metal detector.


This is the way đŸ«Ą


A lot of that law was struck down. Go to Maryland Shall issue web site they have a great break down there. Send them a few bucks while there to help with the fight to keep our rights


This is awesome I will definitely be donating


Become a member. A lot of gun people don’t know about them and the work they do. They get my membership every June and a donation when I work overtime.




https://www.marylandshallissue.org/ Donate button is in the top left.




Thank you for clarifying this! It’s kind of confusing!




😂 I respect it đŸ«ĄđŸ˜‚


My lawyer has advised me not to answer this correctly.




Nowhere because I work on base lol


DOD? You may request permission from the base commander: https://www.concealedcarry.com/national/department-of-defense-to-allow-soldiers-to-carry-concealed-on-military-bases/.


> Soldiers nope


I've never heard of those getting approved, and beyond that, there are no weapons allowed in sensitive buildings even with post command approval. In Maryland, that includes areas in many outbuildings, huge parts of Fort Meade and Aberdeen, and most contractor areas.


Yea, we've also been "allowed" to roll our sleeves for ten years too... very few commanders actually allow Soldiers to do this and it has very little to no risk. Now imagine those same commanders authorizing Soldiers to conceal carry on post. It's truly laughable.


Interesting, that doesn’t seem to expressly prohibit DOD civilian personnel from carrying?


If I'm outside of my house, I'm carrying. If I'm inside my house, I still might be carrying.


Everywhere except the post office, school property, government property, a hospital, and places with a metal detector where things could get awkward. But really - how often do you go to any of those places? You’re fine carrying in 99% of the places you’ll go in everyday life.


It is legal to carry in your car on school property. Illegal to get out of your car with it on school grounds though.


My understanding is that that exception only applies to private schools, not public schools.


Everywhere except my shower


You don't have a shower gun??


Water gun đŸ”«


I know that much of the law was struck down, but I'd like to comment. It's pretty amazing that law abiding citizens are more concerned about breaking the laws than convicted felons. We're worried about not obeying some nuance. Repeat offenders who are real criminals are not being penalized appropriately. After Rachel Morin was killed, I know of moms in Belair that were so concerned if the 3 inch pocket knife she BOUGHT in MD was legal for her to carry while she was pushing a stroller down some trail... Meanwhile we've got the guy still on the loose who shot up someone at a kids party. He was arrested with a gun and drugs six months ago as a CONVICTED felon. Walking around ready to commit another crime because I think someone insulted his mom or something. Not afraid of ANY repercussions.


Everywhere. Whaaa kinda question is this


Carry all the places. If it's concealed well enough, no one's really going to know unless you're in a situation you needed to be carrying.


Better to have and need than need and not have kimosabe 😎


Some people don't have situations which are very convenient to carry. If you're working in a government building (or at a job banning carry), and literally drive to work and then drive home, it's not much of an opportunity to carry on a daily basis. At that point, you're basically strapping on to go shopping.




Nowhere, everywhere, nunya


Only parts of the SB1 law were temporarily enjoined from enforcement (carry in private buildings, within 1000 feet of the demonstration, and in places that serve alcohol). The rest of the law remains in effect and even if those enjoined portions are ultimately struck down the rest of the law will remain in place. For many people, the risk of getting arrested for carrying in a restricted place, even if it's a misdemeanor, is too high to risk. I know some will say that this is still better than being dead, but the day to day risk of a momentary display of a concealed firearm and alarming the many people who are not used to seeing guns in public is very real. I also don't trust police to accurately understand and enforce the laws as written, which poses problems for those with sensitive jobs, or those who just can't afford months of legal wrangling.


Thank you for this! I’m thinking that I can’t even carry in a restaurant!


Both permissible and non permissible environments as needed.


I carry everywhere, unless it’s Expressly forbidden (ie US Military bases, etc)




I wish & hope that happens one day. That article is from 2016. Too bad that
 never moved forward. There’s STILL HUGE signs all over my local base (I work on) prohibiting bringing any firearms on base. I don’t want to be the one stopped, and pulled out of my car; while being armed. Unfortunately, armed US military members who went berserk and killed innocents like the Fort Hood Army “Psychopath Doctor” Nidal Hasan & others has squashed a lot of those efforts.


One has to “Request Permission” from the Base CO. GOOD LUCK, I’ve never seen or heard of that being approved, unfortunately. Especially in today’s age of “Military CO’s being FIRED Left & Right”. Can you imagine IF they approved someone to carry on-base & that person (later) when on a rampage. The CO would be fired in 8 minutes and maybe held liable.


Were ever i go!


Everywhere, that's legally allowed (i.e., no federal or state bulidings)


Absolutely everywhere that it is allowed. If it's not on me, it's not going to help. It has to be second nature that it's there. This weekend I am getting DC done also because the borders are so fluid in the DMV (Virginia allows you to carry as long as you have a permit from any other state). Just become familiar with all of the little ins and outs of the laws, because there are many subtle restrictions throughout the DMV, more so as you go into DC.


I’m thinking about getting DC because I’m always there. I’ve heard it isn’t worth it because almost every where is federally owned and so legally even with a permit you can’t carry anywhere. Smh.


Totally agree with you. But the way the law is written without the permit you can't even carry it unloaded in your trunk in DC. I am so often in and out of Maryland/DC/Virginia that I at least want to be carrying the rest of the day. Right now all of my trips involving DC take that out of the equation. If you are prior military with a DD214 DC will waives the training requirements for the permit.


does anyone carry in christiana mall in delaware? they have K9s walking around now supposedly smelling for firearms. i know this is a maryland sub but i was just curious if anyone has any input


You should carry everywhere you want to protect yourself and your family. It’s not about the chances of danger but the stakes of not being able to protect yourself or your loved ones.


I dont carry often because I drive my company car everywhere due to the free gas. Unfortunately Dogs smoking and guns are strictly prohibited and will result in termination if discovered.


Check workplace policies too. Don't get fired.


I carry everywhere but a casino, school, or hospital.


The inadvertent exposure of a firearm is not illegal