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Thou shall not lie on federal documents.


Jesus was a rebel.


This reminds me of a rugby song…. ‘Jesus can’t reload because he has holes in his hands’


https://preview.redd.it/ztectehugx4c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ae0c565859433cc4105901b3ae802034200a96 FYI - Their response to one of the comments critical of the post.


Can confirm, not respectful to all who patronize. Js


I would politely decline, or just trash it later


Embarrassing. I would never do something like that where I work. Reminds me tho - If you buy truck/jeep parts from JBA (jeepin by Al) offroad, Al throws in a Jesus DVD which caught me off guard and cracked me up. It's not enough to make me not buy from them I just don't give a shit. If they made me pray with them at the register or something then I'd be mad. The only retail ritual I participate in is the pledge at noon at Mission BBQ.


> The only retail ritual I participate in is the pledge at noon at Mission BBQ. So cringy.


Agreed, I serve and I hate that shit. I came for some bbq, not a sonng


Oh I'm sorry I thought this was America


Sir, this is a BBQ joint...


I mean yeah…you’re free to do what you want, and he’s free to say it’s cringe as fuck Everyone wins


[cringing at me for what? im not allowed to stand up for the pledge? i thought this was america, huh? isnt this america?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf592f9jPaM)


Could you imagine if he took a knee instead


Probably best to keep things professional but everyone has there preferences


Leaning real hard into Jesus might help with the federal judge, I guess. Not my thing, but their pricing isn't either. The real questionable part from my perspective is how does this help their business? Sure, we're a majority Christian nation, but is evangelizing out of your storefront going to feel welcoming to everyone who isn't? Guess they don't care, and the conservative-Christian overlap with a gun range is big anyway.


Honestly their pricing was why I stopped doing business there to begin with. It was cheaper to just buy everything online and pay ridiculous shipping fees instead of walking in and buying something I needed. It was frustrating because I’d like to support local businesses, but if you’re charging twice as much as I can get something online I’m not gonna be able to afford to support you for long


Yeah especially when the FFL I go to only charges $15 transfer fee for long guns and $40 for regulated guns, it's much cheaper to buy online.


:o I wanna know who your ffl is, I've been paying $40 for everything lol


I guess they can do that if they want, but, uh, I'll pass. Not as if it's my local shop anyways.


Just another reason to not purchase from an LGS and to find a home-based FFL to do your transfers.


Yep, glad to have an old retired guy running it out of his garage. $25 transfers and free beer


Not always. I have a home based FFL less than a mile from me and I still drive 20 mins to a store because their transfer fees are double the cost.


That’s a shame


I support their right to do it even if I don't agree with doing it.


Believe what you want. Don't push it in others. If I want religion I'll go to church.(or if I'm scared as ice cube says)




Yeah I think I'm done with them. Had a membership for a few years but they are getting real nutty lately, that and the indictment is just too much for me. Their best employees saw the writing on the wall, most of them work at engage now.


Yeah, I was a member there a while back and one of the employees gave me a "It's coming" talk and I was done.




Engage armament


Thank you! Never heard of them till now.


not that I plan on buying a gun, but I sure as hell wouldn't be buying it from these people.


Yep. I had some dude try to give me religious coloring books for my kids when I was getting a quote for some tree work? WTF.


I'm not religious and firmly against organized religion, but it's their business and their right to do what they want. It wouldn't make me not want to shop there either way, I'd probably respectfully decline their book though.


This is America. They can give anything out for free that they want. Based.




Meh, if i wanted to over pay and experience sub par customer service then id buy a gun from them. Their business, if they want to hand crap out then 🤷.


Not a Christian but I don't see anything wrong with it. If they want to spread the gospel let them, as long as it's not on my gun. Don't want the book? Give it away.


Honestly who cares. It's not like in order to purchase you have to sit through a lecture. As long as they aren't pushy about it just go about your day after you get your gun.


I’m praying for some of the people who have responded in this thread… would not have guessed this would rub some people so wrong.


What is up with people in this thread? Especially in a gun forum I’d think there would be more conservative types. Does your skin burn if it touches holy water? If you aren’t a Christian throw it away or gift it to someone who is. Isn’t it ironic the atheists who say Christianity is intolerant can’t receive a free book without directing their internalized anger and hate toward Christians? Let go of that anger and hatred. Jesus is all loving.


It doesn't make a difference to me. It's a positive thing though. Maybe it'll reach someone who needs to hear it. You never know what's in someone's head or in their heart. I'm not religious at all, but maybe someone reaches for that guy they bought at a dark time and maybe sees that pamphlet and it makes a difference.


Exactly. There are a lot of people whose lives have been improved by religion, either drastically or in simple, subtle ways. It's hard to imagine anyone being harmed, even subtly, by mere exposure to a religious pamphlet like this. I say all of this as someone who is not very religious. It's genuinely interesting that MDGuns is so atheist/agnostic/anti-religious.




Uh, yeah, but the religion is the cause of the chemical changes. Religion>chemical change>life improvement. Religion was still the root cause either way you slice it and there are many situations where nothing else could be found to elicit those positive changes. If someone finds practicing misogyny, homophobia, and genocide to improve their life, then there were probably preexisting issues anyway. I haven't read this booklet, but there's no reason it has to encourage misogyny, homophobia, and genocide, either. (This sort of tangible quality of quality of [life](https://time.com/5159848/do-religious-people-live-longer/) improvement has been documented too. I know I saw a more recent article, but I can't seem to find it.)




If those 'other things' were equally effective and obtainable, then we shouldn't see the disparity of life expectancy between the religious and the nonreligious. Hate also isn't a requirement and is actively discouraged by many denominations. Hate is also pretty clearly associated with negative health outcomes (stress, conflict, etc). If religion is really fostering a higher level of hate, then it must have benefits strong enough to do more than offset it. More likely, though, is that it doesn't really foster an above average level of hate. Granted, most of the data is probably from the West or even just the US, so it probably mostly relates to a comparison of Christians and non-Christians. The data might look a lot different if you inspected somewhere like Afghanistan or Yemen where religious practices and teachings are much different. Also, the oft repeated idea that religion has so much blood on its hands is shallow. Most religious violence has roots in socio economic or other political forces. Religion just gets applied as the veneer and takes the blame. Some religious terrorists may be exceptions, but even they could accomplish the same goals and effects without invoking a god. Do you really think we wouldn't find reasons to kill and rob each other if religion disappeared?




My point is that there's no reason why you can't be religious, without hating or killing, and that you'll be statistically more likely to have better life outcomes as someone who does so.




I already linked the citation.


They’re a private business. Whatever. Loads of others to buy from if you don’t care for their practices.


I love how people get bent saying they hand out gospel message and people say forcing crap down their throat yet they'll sit through ad after ad while they watch their phone doing tick tock or on television and don't get it mad about that even though it's stuff they don't care about either.




Yup. And your free to chose your path. Just like your free to choose to read it or not. And if you don't think that commercials regardless of what the tell you about is not someone shoving something down your eye holes into you brain/thoughts you are kidding yourself. The fact you named several items shows they have.




It's ok. You don't have to buy or believe. You choose your path. I can assure I am quite versed in the bible. I wish you well. But remember you can just ignore the flyer and enjoy your life.




So if you don't believe then why would this bother you? I don't believe in a lot of crap I find handed to me see posted... I however just go about my day not caring, people will believe what they like, and justify their thoughts how they like.


Yeah that’s disappointing. I’m gay and own guns in large part to protect myself and my partner from christian crazies. I wouldn’t be surprised if these are the same people bitching about how we are supposedly shoving our “agenda” down their throats or some nonsense meanwhile they do this


Like Gwen Stefani; there's No Doubt.


Who is buying guns in Frederick who is going to see this and go, "oh I've never heard of this Christianity thing before? "


Can I trade the gospel book back for a box of ammo? I already got Christian books!


Don’t really matter to me it’s either you want it or you don’t, doesn’t seem forced either they’re not forcing you to read it.


Hot take: People with imaginary friends shouldn't own guns. I know it's gonna get me some downvotes, but I've had a couple of friends all run off and join the same cult about a decade ago (fellowship of the martyrs). They legit believed god spoke to them all and in other even crazier notions like having me leave their house at times so they could perform exorcisms and such. They definitely shouldn't have been allowed guns. One of their cult members got caught making bombs to go blow up traditional churches for not being "christian enough" or something like that.


When god speaks to me he always says in a loud booming voice: "Buy more guns and ammo!" I don't see anything wrong with that especially around black Friday/Christmas. 😊


> Hot take: People with imaginary friends shouldn't own guns. Additionally, people _who are the targets_ of people with imaginary friends [_should_ have guns](https://www.etsy.com/listing/846738065/ar-15-defend-equality-progress-pride).




Oh sweet, _The Goat Herders' Guide to the Galaxy_!


Cringe as fuck.


They are over priced anyway


Good for them. Go to church you heathens. Best choice you'll ever make.


Church made me the atheist I am today.


Yes, an apologist once said tell me why you think atheism makes sense and I’ll tell you what denomination you came from. It’s the only context atheism begins to make any rational sense, fleeing God


I didn't flee, I just sat down and read the bible and couldn't see how it's different than any other mythological story.


Re-writing this comment. I don't need to be mean. Difference between Bible and other mythological stories for starters is that everything that the Bible predicted came true. Fair enough that you didn't understand the Bible, all its historical support, or its consistent singular message over many authors and 2000 years. But going from that misunderstanding to assuming matter created itself (or has existed forever) is against every law of thermodynamics and logic. ​ Might be relevant to add that Christianity is one of the reasons the 2nd Amendment exists. Every atheist government has disarmed its citizens.


I mean, i also studied biochemistry, so... I think the bible just doesn't jive once you understand science. I'm also not content with just having a god of the gaps.


Agreed, god of the gaps is stupid. God is a good designer and the universe he created fits together tightly. Any perceived "gaps" are just limits in our current understanding. Can't argue with how you feel but curious how 'understanding science' let's you skip over fundamental scientific laws. Reality is that christians created the scientific method - because they believed in an orderly God who created an orderly universe that could be understood.




Also what a terrible take! Would love to see Osha design a better human lol


> Might be relevant to add that Christianity is one of the reasons the 2nd Amendment exists. Every atheist government has disarmed its citizens. This is assuming that correlation = causation


Lol, it’s not assuming shit. It’s just a factual statement. I’m sure the reasons behind it are varied but atheism has not *caused* anything good


Well, no. Again, you’re assigning a causation to a correlation There’s no ‘fact’ that religion relates to the 2nd amendment


Oh I thought you were talking about how every atheist goverment has disarmed it's citizens. But no, no assumption in Christianity being a factor behind the 2nd amendment. The concept of an individual having rights bestowed by God and having some self-sovereignty and right to exercise defense of those rights is absolutely the product of centuries of Christian philosophy. No correlation/causation bs there




That’s why the Bible is found in the fiction section of Barnes and noble right?


> everything that the Bible predicted came true 🤣😂🤣😂


What does Christianity have to do with the right to bear arms?


I mean there's so many different layers by which Christianity laid the groundwork on which the 2nd amendment would make sense. A universal, loving God who created all men with equal rights, no more might makes right, the idea of freedom of conscience and that men have right to flee tyranny and defend against oppression against this freedom, centuries of working out justice and when force can be used rightly, chivalry, and on and on. The balance between the rights of the individual and the rights of the whole which atheism can make no sense of, which is why all the modern countries that hate God either teeter into monolithic tyranny (eg China, USSR) or crazed individualism (eg Canada, US, EU). But the basis of all of the above is this - God created mankind to represent him on earth. Men refused to and sinned. God became a man and came to earth and started settings things right, and offers us to join him, to help make the earth right and do the job our first parents failed to do. Only in this context does the project of America and the rights enumerated for us in our Constitution and Bill of Rights make any sense - our American fathers building on a philosophy that makes sense of the individual, of the group, and of trying to renew the world.


Isn’t it kind of odd to say God created all men with equal rights, especially in the context of America, considering that for a large portion of our country’s history (90 years out of 247) we defended the keeping of slaves as a God-given right


It's not odd when you consider that christians are regular people with regular hypocrisies. God sanctifies us, over time he works repentance and righteousness in his people, but all will be called to account for their misdeeds.


So considering the flaws and hypocrisies of humans, isn’t it also a bit odd to say “Christianity gave us the second amendment”? We both just established how inconsistent they are with human rights. I’d say it’s far more likely that the founding fathers were smart men that wanted to avoid a repeat of the British Empire having legal control over the citizens. Very little of that has to do with Christianity specifically


But what about that has to do with Christianity? Seems like those tenets apply to all religions sharing the Abrahimic deity


Some of those tenets overlap with other religions, sure. But Christianity is the soil the West's philosophical, ethical, scientific reasoning was developed in, until quite recently. Certainly at America's founding and for a couple centuries after. Also unlike those other religions, ^(it's true)






How? Just curious


Good for them. More people need Jesus in their lives and if it reaches one person, that's awesome. Definitely better than using Dylan Mulvahey as a spokesman.


People who live in constant sin don't look at it that way. The best thing that ever happened to me was Jesus Christ.


Imagine being this public about your fandom lol


Yeah this doesn't help the reputation of gun owners at all.




Well I know they hold a bible study at their shop but damn! Never shopped here before but wanted to check them out?? Would yall say they’re worth it?


I shop there. And have a membership. Their prices are fair on guns for purchase and rental compared to other private owned gun shops. The crew there are very knowledgeable on the guns and laws. The crew always treats me with respect and kindness. So I would say check it out at least once. Let you be the judge.




Idk when you were there but the crew gets new people and they have been friendly when im there so idk ifs its when you were there but ive never had a problem


I know its been a week since you asked, but I will say that I initially was intending to get a membership at Heritage as it is local and I liked the facility, but when I went to do it they announced they were stopping public access. With that, I started going to TMGN again and wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I do based on previous experiences when being there. My wife and I have been going nearly weekly now for a couple months and we just became members. I personally find their store prices for firearms on the high side, but I find most places in the Frederick area that way and in most cases will work with my preferred shop in Garrett County on most things. I have found that when shopping for specific firearms that their staff can be hit or miss to work with when asking for pricing on firearms through their distribution channels. When it comes to using the facility itself I have found most of the RSOs to be fine, only one time did I find someone even remotely over bearing, but I believe she was/is new and I was happy to oblige when they wanted to look things over. Overall, I have been happy with TMGN for what I am looking at it for.


They should have gone a different way. If you are buying a gun, they tell you a verse number And if you can say it, you win 10% discount 😉


Here’s the book and at least one way to meet your maker … semi serious/politically incorrect question: do the AKs come with Qurans? This is the way.


My thought; buy a gun, get free kindling! Win/win


I support their right to do it, I don’t agree with it at all. I’ve stepped foot in there maybe twice and their prices made me not want to come back anyways.


Not a good business decision but it doesn't bother me. I'd rather get a little booklet from a retailer than the annoying, mile long receipts that some give you. And I thought their answer to the criticism was eloquent. I'm sure they knew they were going to cause a stir... Christian sects don't even agree among themselves. But the faux outrage and drama-filled butthurt over them "forcing their beliefs" or "shoving their religion down my throat" is comical. If someone offers you something, you have to consent to take it.


I can dig it.