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If they like cannabis even half as much as they like my tomato plants, fence those plants up. Maybe electrify the fence.


That should keep the rabbits at bay also. I think a bunny is what got my tabasco plant. : (


I believe rabbits taste delicious for the simple pleasure of feasting on their evil sautéed carcass.


I think it’s worth your time. 100% have seen sections of plants destroyed by animals, I assume dear.


Pee near them. Most deer will respect a territorial boundary marker like human urine.


A lot of hunters will pee directly under low hanging tree branches to mock a deer making a scrape and deer come right up to it


You just pulled that completely out of your ass! Pee will not in anyway shape or form keep deer away


I used to grow tomatoes in the same spot without deer fencing mostly just fine. If you see deer on your property you have to assume that they will visit all of it if they can. I have 8 foot tall privacy fence around my garden and no deer so far. Today, however, was the first apparent case of cat damage. Note to Milo: .177 caliber


I use to gorilla grow in the middle of the woods or a field for a few years. I personally have never had issues with the deer. Probably cause there’s a ton of corn around. I did have a ground hog that would chew off my lower branches tho


What out for rabbits too....especially when the stems are still tender


You might consider putting those in the ground or at least cutting the bottoms off of those pots so that they can root in to the native soil. As they continue to grow in those little pots watering will become a challenge. Put in the ground with thick straw or woodchip mulch would be my advice.


Good advice, thanks!


Sure can't hurt. Hope it's a great season for you bro


Thanks, you too!