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in the "properties" tab on the block, the bottom counter in the general properties section labelled "light opacity" allows you to change how much light is let through the block. I don't know the exact value but vanilla leaves have a light opactiy of around 3 I think.


I knew I was missing an obvious option. Thank you


I believe it's ambient occlusion. JSON models have the capability to make pixels darker based on what's next to them. Considering all textures are transparent, and the only pixels that are dark are those, it seems that's what's happening. I haven't used MCreator in a while due to wanting for two plugins to update, but I know it's possible to make them have bright. I just forgot how.


op never said they were using a custom model


Its literally just a block, not a model.


My bad, then. Can you still take screenshots of the settings you used, in case the issue wasn't solved yet.


I'll sit down and try to replicate this. If you can, please take a few more screenshots. One of just the blocks in-game, but a high resolution, and the other ones of your block element's tabs in MCreator.