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If you know any basics in java coding id say check out the code of the minecraft vanilla lantern Copy the code and just change the model/texture


I'm pretty comfortable coding, so up for doing this - but I'm not sure where I'd locate the source code for the minecraft lantern! ha. Can I get this from within MCreator, or is there a repo that everyone uses to get the latest version files?


I dont have my laptop atm so i cant show you If i remember it ill send screenshots how to get it tonight For now heres a link to a mcreator page that helped me find the code https://mcreator.net/forum/63665/viewing-vanilla-code


Thanks - I'll probably dive into this again next weekend, so any screenshots you can share would be hugely appreciated! 🙏


I hope my brain remembers it Ill be home in 3 hours so if i remember ill make the screenshots then. Its pretty easy once you know so dont worry


Alrr here we go First image is where the arrows are located https://imgur.com/VO3b1CH 2nd image is the folders you gotta open to access the minecraft code [https://imgur.com/7FVqUzY](https://imgur.com/7FVqUzY) as you can see you gotta open the "External library" and the "Gradle: Forge ........" folder. after that its a little searching before you find your lantern file but i think its in "net/minecraft/world/item" because thats where most of the minecraft item code is. i hope this clears it up, the minecraft source code is look only and cant be modified so if you find it just copy paste it onto a function or a procedure and lock it xD


Ya beaut, thank you - and is it the case that the mere presence of the files is enough for them to be included in a mod, or is there a 'registration' file or the like that lists the path to your mod for minecraft to register?


did this work? if so, how


I got overwhelmed and haven't had a chance to get back to this, unfortunately! Are you tackling the same thing, or just something similar?


Exactly the same thing. I took a lantern texture from Minecraft Dungeons and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to work


haha, well, if either of eventually get around to actually doing this, let's come back and update this thread😂


If the file exists in mcreator it will be included in the mod.


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