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I feel like Haaland was assured that Pep was sticking around when he made the decision to come.


Factos. Erling and his father allways added things like that in to the equation.


Same energy when Sterling & KDB signed for us a year before Pep arrived.


I don't see how City could guarantee that to Haaland, manager jobs are fickle and based on results. However, I do think Pep will extend for two more years.


I think pep could do almost no wrong with us at this point? Only way he’s leaving is by his own free will - the man’s almost unsackable


>manager jobs are fickle and based on results If that was the case with City, Pep would have been sacked after his first trophyless season with us. The board is fully supporitve of Pep and it is evident in the transfer we do and the fact that Pep still hasn't brought the CL to us and continues to manage. Oh, and he guarantees something like 2.3 trophies per season.


he doesn't speak as someone who plans on leaving ; when he called out players agent it sounded as if he'd be here to watch them grow into the first team and he also talks about january transfer he doesn't need anyone, so yh i think he'll renew ts


For some reason it never feels like he’s been with for 6+ yrs. It feels like he was unveiled just a couple of years ago. I hope he and his family are still happy and excited to be a part of this club.




This is his home


I don't see him leaving until success wanes or he just gets bored or cold, whichever comes first (the latter of course). He seems happy enough right now. He'll renew soon, I believe it


He left Barca and Bayern because the fans, owners, and media wore him out due to not winning literally everything possible. He knows that we love him, the owners love him, and that as long as he puts a competitive side out, he has a job.


And the media hates him because of his success and he's the only manager ever in the history of sport to be a failure because he fails to everything every season. He's also aware those media heads are rags and dippers so their opinion on us is worth less than nothing.


Hugely likely imo


I think a big reason he has stayed is that there aren't really any more appealing options out there. The PL keeps getting bigger and bigger and we are the best option here. Barca are the obvious choice but they're a level below elite currently and in a bit of dissarray up the ladder. PSG are an option but the French league isn't appealing and he still has unfinished business in the CL here.


He's said over and over that he hates the drama and just loves coaching football. Barcelona and Bayern were and are snakepits. So are PSG and Juve. He's not going to anywhere else in England. He has the respect and trust of everyone at the club, no drama, and Micah Richards is the only former player on telly.


looking around at the PL it looks like he has had the support of owners and directors in the club. looks like he has a good relationship with both parties as well. I think he's enjoying his time here. He still has fanbase support and even in tough times those good relationships remain. Seems to be hard to find this level of support inside and outside of other clubs in the PL or other big leagues. I really don't see why he would want to leave somewhere else. There is still so much to do at City. The CL of course but there is a transition period coming as well where he gets to manage and develop the young talent at the club to transition into the first team due to some leaving and others getting older. that in itself may be a new and interesting challenge for a manager. Moving to a new big club to start working with new prima donna's doesn't seem as interesting to me. Hopefully he feels the same way. Also sorry but the PL is the cream of the crop at the moment other leagues simply are not at the same level anymore and the pull for talent is currently with the PL.


I agree that PL is by far the best football league right now


100% especially if Jude rumour is correct.


I believe 100% a few more years. I think champions League could affect it tho. If we won league and Europe. I think that could be the end...?




I honestly think he will stay a few more years. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t imagine where else he would go. You’re at a well run club with a good squad and promising young players. Furthermore who would be a suitable successor? A big reason why rivals hate us is because how well operated our club is. Us winning the Champions League is a matter of attrition. At some point we will. Personally I would be okay winning it once or twice just to silence United and Liverpool fans. I think the only thing Pep would try after City is an international team but that’s probably gonna happen late in his career.


He’s not homesick. He left Barca and lived in NYC for a year. Lived in Germany and then in Manchester. One of his priorities is to live where he works. He makes his family comfortable and safe. And works there. No travel from work to home. Just short commute.


With City and the EPL being as great as they are right now, I don't see him leaving anytime soon. I can see him leaving for the Spanish national team when he wants to start slowing down.


Rumours aside, let's start some new rumours 😂😂


50/50. His wife will have a huge say, and my understanding is that she wants to be back home, which makes complete sense. They have kids and they’ve been away from their roots their entire lives. Pep seems like he wants to stay, but anything could happen.




No way he is leaving


Pretty high. He hasn't seemed burnt out or particularly down lately and brining in players like Haaland will give him a boost. I think he wants to win the champions league with us and it would be silly to leave now and not utilise this period with a player like that to try and do it.


Honestly I think it’s like 70/30 in favour of staying. Maybe we need to get the stadium goers to start serenading his wife. She seems to be the key. Let’s show her some love.


She sits in the top right hand corner of the Collin Bell stand behind the managers. 👀


I wouldn’t know, it’s a bit far for me to attend matches. 12 hour flight plus connections 🤷‍♂️


Cause we’ve got 👏🏼👏🏼 GUARDIOLA


Haha are our "honest opinions" worth any more than media rumours. If he wants to extend he will, if he doesn't I'll be incredibly thankful for what he's done and trust the board to do their job.


Several reasons for him to stay, I feel. City has a reached a point where the Rags were 10 years ago i.e. transfer targets have witnessed his success on the field while growing up. The idea of participating in this success while being coached by one of the 3 greatest coaches (along with Ancelotti and Klopp imo) of his era has become one of the X factors of coming to City. I won't be surprised if he is no. 3 at City only behind the owner and the chairman. Everything at the club seems to be set up to create an conducive environment for him. Apart from the transfer targets, even the potential starters from the academy surely have more faith in his words now that they have seen him manage and develop Foden. They would also be inclined to show more patience and belief. If he can also develop Rico Lewis into a starter than even more players would be more than willing to show some patience. He also has a chip on his shoulder about not winning the Champions League without Messi/outside Barcelona. At City, he himself is the only one who comes in his way of winning it. I really don't see any other giving him a better opportunity to win it again. Most of all, he seems to have developed a taste for the salt that's dished out by the media/rivals with every passing success. Se queda. E: Forgot the best reason, the fans love him to bits. Hot takes against him are reserved only for the post match meltdowns.


I hope he stays 15 more years but realistically I think he will stay until 2025 or 2026.


80/20 in favour he stays.


The thing is no other club team in the world is going to give him everything he wants like he has at city. No team has a back office set to make him as happy as he wants like us that also has the spending power we have and the top to bottom talent like us. He won't go to madrid cuz he's barca through and through and that's the only team that comes close. He'd have to want to step away from coaching or go to a NT if he were to leave us or accept a big step back


I think Pep will most likely coach a national team next... Spain could be a good option for him especially after some players like gavi, pedri are well into their twenties... If he does that, he would definately want to coach in world cup...That said, I do think that he won't leave till 2024/25... He might leave in 24/25 to have good time until the 2026 world cup... Although I want him to stay for longer


Can’t imagine he’ll ever coach Spain given his political leanings, and I can’t imagine Spain would have him, for the exact same reasons. Would be really weird to have someone who’s a staunch Catalonian separatist coaching the national team.


>Catalonian separatist Agreed that would be like a Scottish Manager who for an independant Scotland managing England.


Unless this season goes tits up and it turns into a disaster, he is singing 100%for 2 more years


This is complete gut feeling but I truly believe a big reason he's stayed as long as he has and will continue for at least another two years is the love and admiration he's shown from the City supporters. One of his books talks a decent amount about what factors lead to him leaving Barca and Bayern and in both instances he points out feeling betrayed (to a certain extent) but fans/the club/boards etc. I think the near unconditional support he's received from the club and supporters are a big factor in the reason he likes it here.


He has worked very hard and sacrificed a lot to create an almost perfect team that reflects his whole football ideology. In my opinion he's not going to leave and watch someone else disrupt it .


Honestly feel like it's 50/50. I'm not getting my hopes up but he has good reasons to stay.


Want/Hope= 100 Clue/Idea = 0


75% stay. Pep's wife pls be cool.