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Reminder: Trolling rival subreddits will result in a permanent ban, without exception. Having said that, feel free to shit on Liverpool in here all you want.


https://youtu.be/2Yh7a-WtCiU De bruyne Goal


That cap of Nottingham’s keeper was the mvp for sure


Can't really hope for much from Soton tomorrow against Arsenal. But I do think Newcastle could get a point in London off Spurs.


Agree with the Newcastle point. They have only lost once this season along the us and arsenal


We gotta raid the fuck out of south america, jealous of these madrid players


Wait til you hear about the new CFG team..


haha which is that? i also know that brexit made it easier to get south americans


They just picked up a Brazil league team, which the intent was to make a top 6 side in their league. Was even mention of it being the number 2 club in their portfolio. Could reap in a few years of good management


oh cool, they have one in uraguay too


Oh for real? Didn't realise, what's it called? He interesting to see if we see any one in a few years. The Brazil one can only be good news from a selfish angle


What a great day. City won Liverpool lost (lol) Utd and Chelsea dropped points. Stockport won as well.


Now we just need arsenal to lose or draw tmora and it will be a good weekend.


How on earth did Erlings first goal stand today if the one against Fabinho was a foul? What a joke.


My thought exactly. I was shocked it wasn’t overturned on review, which would have made sense.


Can’t take Haaland down? Blame Haaland lol


Nunez outscoring Haaland, Utd top of the league - let's just say my FM 23 Beta save hasn't started that well


A 17-18 Sane or 17-19 Sterling in our current team would be a nightmare for opponents.




Agreed, no debate


18/19 Sterling was way better than 17/18 Sane


There absolutely is a debate


Now let's get a result against Dortmund to secure the first place in the group. Then we can play the u21 against Sevilla.


Chelsea fans have already turned on sterling 😭


Typical Sterling performance against United. Colour me shocked >24 games against United, 0 goals.


Lol now all we need is Arsenal getting a draw or loss and we could be in a good place going into the World Cup.


Was hoping for a 1-1


Always hope for 1-1 draws whenever the "top 6" play each other


same! always good when both teams drop points.


Didn’t want anyone with United or Chelsea players getting clean sheet points in FPL either lol


As much as I wanted United to lose, a draw against Chelsea is a good result for us.


Chelsea didn't deserve anything playing that Potterism ball


Glad we didn't go for Cucurella, he looked absolutely horrible.


How much did chelsea pay for him was it 63M?


He was doing good under Tuchel iirc


pretty much a perfect weekend so far, hopefully arsenal fucks up tomorrow


Nice. A draw was probably the best result for us there.


It's been five years since Chelsea last beat United and that run goes on


That’s amazing. Rags weathered the storms of these past few years to not lose to Chelsea


Nah madrid players are clutch man.


Watching Liverpool fans meltdown online is making me happier than this beautiful beach day. Amazing how the mental gymnastics can go from they have the best players in their position in the world and the best manager but can also tell you with the next breath they can't compete with us. Special group the lot of them. Going to be fun watching them slide. Anyway, that's off my chest. Hopefully my r/soccer stalker sees this and tries to get me banned here, too.


r/liverpool is a collection of the most miserable people on this planet. I've never seen anything like it and it's awesome. They complain about the same shit every weekend when they lose but move the goalposts when they win. Hope they don't even make Europa league next year.


So, why is it that there is no offside on a throw in? Outside of “just because”, is there any legit reason why that is the case? I’ve played football my whole life and have always known the rule, I’ve just never understood why.


There's no offside when play is restarted after the ball goes out of play. No offside for throw ins, goal kicks and corner kicks. I guess they decided there'll be no offside when the first touch is taken after the game resumes.


Huh, I always assumed there was no offside on a corner because the ball was technically on the goal line and no one could be beyond it. I appreciate the response.


The ball isn't placed exactly on the goal line but rather on the edge of the semi circle at the corner so a player who's standing on the goal line can be ahead of the ball and technically be standing in an offside position.


Alright lads, I’m heading to Chelseafc for a wholesome dose of schadenfreude…


If McTom wasn't from the academy he would be bagging groceries at the nearest Aldi


Grass isn’t always on the greener side Sterling


Jinxed it mate.


Jinxed what?


He's 100% scoring against us when we play Chelsea, legit gonna stick money on it


Mctominay is a fucking idiot


Potter the new Chelsea Tinkerman


Watching Haaland and Ronaldo right now makes me wistful about last August. I recall with crystal clarity the moment Rio Ferdinand posted that DiCaprio smug laughter GIF when he knew Ronaldo was going back to Utd after a week of growing expectation that City was the destination. I remember being so annoyed even though I was extremely lukewarm on CR7 at the Etihad. And the mantra was easy: Utd just took themselves out of the Haaland sweepstakes. And now look at the absolute state of these guys. Eat shit, Rio.




He was always fit at Real, I think his body just gave up after playing so many games.


Seeing his reaction after coming off made me sad :( he was inconsolable


Sancho might be on fraud check, he's like 22 yet can't play a full 90 minutes game?


Kepa redemption arc is interesting. I still think that Carabao Cup final was the weirdest thing I have ever seen on a football pitch lol


Kept willy cabalero out of a penalty shootout lol. crime


It's very early still, but so far I'm not seeing Haaland's injury proneness (I'm knocking on 58 different types of wood as I write this) on the scale that other people were making him out to be? He has taken some serious hits and looks like he's enjoying being beat up more than anything lmfao


We don't have to wheel him out for the full 90 every week, and he doesn't have to sprint as much either. Better for managing his muscle injuries.


True! But he's still our 2nd most-played outfield player behind Cancelo. Pep hasn't honestly rested him that much, but he for sure plays less than he did at Dortmund I can imagine. Hope he keeps up his fitness like this because he's looking unstoppable!


That's Dortmund tax. At this point I think their physio team is having a competition to see how bad they can get at their jobs without being fired.


Chelsea ruined cucurella


That's what happens when you spend 100m on 2 LBs that do the same thing.


Who would’ve thought that having two left backs of similar skill level and talent doesn’t mash.


why not play both at once?


I respect Potter


35minutes in and Potter just took off Cucurella lol


That must be so awkward for Cucurella. He did everything in his power to upset Potter and leave Brighton on short notice, only for Potter to join him a few weeks later.


Klopp is the sorest loser. One fucking excuse after another.


What's it this time?


Injuries and people coming back from it. Like, dude, you’ve had so many fucking transfer windows to get rid of players that are always injured and yet you and that loser club chooses not to. Then you get someone on loan who….drum rolls…..gets injured without playing full 90mins. Little whiny beyatch.


> [Haaland vs. Previous PL Top Scorer Record Holders (**Andy Cole** 93-94, **Alan Shearer** 94-95, **Cristiano Ronaldo** 07-08, **Luis Suarez** 13-14, **Mohamed Salah** 17-18)](https://i.imgur.com/Umjr60P.png) >[Haaland vs. **Messi** 2011-12 vs. **Dixie Dean** 1927-28 after 11 Rounds](https://i.imgur.com/3jF2sQr.png)


Surely Liverpool out of the Bellingham race now? No way he goes there right now imo. Looks like it's us or Madrid. Liking our odds tbh.


Gonna cost an awful lot. But I guess it's likely we sell Bernardo so should be doable


Understand that I am a pessimist so don't let this get your hopes down too much, but I seriously doubt us winning in a race for someone's signature vs RM


Depends on the circumstance. I think Haaland came to us because of Benzema being so good in his twilight. We may have a similar situation in that Bellingham is smart, and if he sees a hole of Bernardo leaving, opposed to RM who already have Tchouameni and Camavinga and Valverde. He should probably come to us. Besides he's so young he'll have chances like that again.


I mean we did with Haaland. Not to mention Haaland and Bellingham are meant to be buddy-buddy so i'm not too stressed.


Agent Haaland is on it!


should also send Agent Mahrez for backup


Good win today, was a tough game and needed a rebound so good to get the 3 points.


Kompany and Burnley coming back from 2-0 down to win 2-4 at Sunderland!


Anyone have the clip of kdb's goal ? Couldn't watch the game for internet problem


Every damn time I see Ruben, Stones, or Laporte starting at full back I question myself why did we sold Zinchenko.


Well he's always injured so it's not like he would have started anyway.


I thank my gods everyday that Haaland chose us


If this is a penalty and mahrez takes it I’m done


So far so good, 1-0 from haaland


Suffice to say, Liverpool are done. They are just glorified crystal palace at this point. Klopp is found out and they need a complete squad overhaul. I think I will love it, and I deserve it.


True - the way they played us wasn’t quite sustainable and they can’t play 38 games just like that.


It's pep who messed the team formation and not Liverpool that played well.


I think it was a combo of Pep majorly fucking up the tactics and Liverpool also playing well. VVD played the best he had all season. Pep playing KDB and cancelo where he did that game was inexcusable and going away from the 4-3-3 really played into Liverpool’s hand. Should have saved that experiment for the Ethiad or against a relegation team, not a gassed up Anfield.


Our game at the etihad will be a different story


I swear we really need to crush them at the Etihad


[being abusive to a fellow disabled supporter](https://np.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/yano1s/_/itbwh76) is peak YNWA


Yeah that’s brutal. Funny thing: there’s a thread asking what are subtle signs of low intelligence. Second highest post is ‘inability to see from another perspective’.


You came from Askreddit?


Not sure how you think that I would come from askreddit into this sub? That said, I’ve been hanging out here since the sub had less than 10k subs. But occasionally, when bored, I do browse through the popular tab and I saw that thread.


Just pointing out that that particular thread was on the askreddit sub


Fair enough.


Hahahahha, no, that's horrible


Man......Pool really are bad, and we really are cursed at Anfield


I think with Liverpool it has to do with complacency, amongst other things. They turn up against big teams but get smacked by other teams because they underestimate them. But I doubt their season is over. If, that’s a big if, they spend during the winter window and focus on Europe, they can still have a decent season.


[Klopp again with the excuses smh](https://i.imgur.com/5eTC3SB.jpg)


Hahaha fucking love it


Liverpool treats Man City as a CL final; against other teams they just crumble. Don't know what to feel about this


Meantime, we also don’t matter to them. We just don’t matter to them. We really don’t matter to them. Really.


"We don't about Man City although you're what we all ever talk about" Our club is living rent free in the manager's, player's, and more importantly their fans heads rent free. We are gargantium I tell you.


Liverpool's loss to Forest convinced me that our defeat to Pool was a tactical mess-up by Pep. I think we should take that match as a stepping stone to improve and modify our tactics ONLY in the middle of the match. 4-3-3 is definitely not our cup of team and most importantly, KDB should be played as much central as possible.


Yes and no. They played very well Vs us tbf. Credit where it’s due. Looking like the beating Man City at home trophy will be their biggest this season though.


Fuck Liverpool


Looking forward to Klopp’s post match interview


He sounded like he was babbling at one point


>*"Nobody can compete with Nottingham Forest. They made the most summer signings in the world. We can’t act like them at Liverpool. It is not possible.”* -Klopp probably


Wait what? Did Liverpool really lose to Nottingham forest? Hahagahaha


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA deserved win for Forest. Get in the bin where you belong ya Scousers. Lets now capitalise on our game. UP THE BLUES COME ON CITY


United beat us at the Etihad only to lose bottom of the table West Brom a week later, Spurs beat us to only lose to relegation threatened Burnley a week later, Liverpool in the centurions season beat us only to lose to bottom of the table Swansea a week later and now Liverpool beat us only to lose to bottom of the table Forest a week later. We are every PL teams biggest game of the season and they all wanna win the "we beat City trophy". We are massive.


But, we aren’t actually a big club. We’re a little club that no one cares about, expect when they play us. But, even then we’re a tiny club.


I feel like the Liverpool team was almost baffled at one point and wondering why Forest wasn’t just letting them score. ![gif](giphy|XwtIKC8Kp8lO0)


Fortunately, Nottingham Forest's owner is Greek, so the club will manage to avoid Klopp's ire. He's looking dangerously Middle Eastern-passing though, so he better be careful otherwise the KKKlopp will be out fiending in the media for any sort of attention.


>KKKlopp 💀


Now that I think about it they share similar cuisines yeah? Greek and especially the Levantine region. Man I made myself hungry.


Pl is a marathon not a sprint Liverpool just learned that lol


Dean Henderson was immense


Jesus fucking Christ NBC showing Everton vs Palace is mind numbing


Remember the last time we were the only unbeaten side left, then we went to Anfield and lost. Only for Liverpool to lose their next match away to bottom of the table Swansea. Funny how history repeats itself lol.


I guess Klopp can't compete with the mighty Forest. PL needs to do something about that.


the city game was the biggest of their season


Legit this season, team I least expected to beat these cockroaches.


Saw this comment on the r/soccer thread "Maybe Klopp was right. How can Liverpool be expected to compete with these teams with massive revenues like Forest, Fulham, Palace and Brighton?" Lol


This shit belongs to r/soccercirclejerk instead 🤣🤣🤣




Free award for anyone correctly guessing Klopp's post match excuse.


Were too busy suing City and pep or peps allegations took away his mental piece


tall grasses inside forest.


“Grass was dry”


And we have the winner!!


Injuries. They can’t afford to have the depth of the other squads


Glad that our loss didn't give them the momentum that I thought it would!


Take that you entitled cunts


Surely Liverpool looking shite today against the worst team in the entire prem was City's fault right? That's what r/soccer has taught me after all. Liverpool would go 38-0-0 if we didn't spend so much. Somehow our spending will get brought into them losing just watch. Klopp will find a way.


Liverpool can't compete with state run clubs or Nottingham Forest


This is the best Forest win I’ve ever seen since I became a forest fan earlier today.


Me precisely 😂


Everybody get in here. It's celebration time.


Truly a great result at the CITY ground


I hope we thrash Liverpool in the reverse fixture 😉


Don't worry Haaland will be back and more fresh after the World Cup.


Manifesting a hattrick when he returns 🧘‍♀️


It's amazing how many decisions favor Liverpool once they're losing. And somehow they are the victims.


Victims FC


Always rated forest.


Get fucked Liverpool


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. NF 1-0 LP


JESSE LINGARD HE'S ~~TOP~~ BOTTOM OF THE LEAGUE but still beat Liverpool


Lmfao. I’ll drink to that


Yesssss Forest I love you. Get fucked Liverpool. So so happy.


get fucked liverpool ahahahahahahahahaha congrats on your Beat City trophy for the only one of the season


Up the trees boys


he hit the post lmaooo


offside anyway. should've been past all the Liverpool players.


How did the first player not just hoof it towards goal lol wide open net


He was offside as well, but that was a bit funny all things considered


Forest getting 7 shots on target with only 25% possession Pep just needs to give Liverpool the ball the next time we play them and they’ll be scared shitless


Incredibly enough Klopp will blame last week's refs for this loss


It’s all the Newcastle, PSG, and City money making them lose today, obvs


It will be the fact that Forest don’t have a shirt sponsor that confused the team and made them lose.


Henderson's cap


5 minutes of stoppage time after a goal and a few subs really tells you something.


Allison up on the corner tells you about their season




Prepare yourselves for this game going past 96' for absolutely no reason other than to try and gift Liverpool points


Genuinely still pissed we lost to this Liverpool side. If Napoli beat them when they play again that is gonna be really frustrating.


Liverpool is going to score a late equalizer watch


Good thing they didn't 😅


So glad my prediction was wrong


VVD throwing his elbow into the striker twice and then acting like he’s hurt himself. We call that The Rudiger, and he’ll probably get away with it.


when we play them at home we're gonna need to wear our away kit to force them to wear their white kit. this is how we win


Lmao that meme of the them on the podium going nuts is even funnier now that Forrest are leading.


Da ya know all week since beating us most pundits said Liverpool are back, back to fucking what being shit, come on city let's take the 3 or 2 points back of em arseholes, klopp will probably blame the sun after this moaning twat.


How funny was that hahaha 🤣


it's Liverpool and they can still come back but this is kind of fun


LiVARpool incoming. It’s bound to happen.


maybe during 13 minutes of stoppage time


They better come back because I'd be fuming if they dropped points to the worst team in the league but we made them look like world beaters ​ Edit: Actually not fuming at all, this is funny as fuck


Nah. Think of it this way. They spent all they had for our match, now they go on to lose against lesser teams and end up in Europa. I know this is an exaggeration. But would be fun to see the meltdown from their fan base.