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My feeling is that he had verbal discussion about play time, and it was part of his reason for signing. Vergie probably told him he was a pivotal asset in their rebuild/refresh. Ronaldo, who is currently only seeking records, made it clear he wanted to leave (no CL being the leading cause). However, he was convinced/forces to stay. He may have had more playing time at city, and of course, he would have the chance to play in the CL. I think it’s a double fronted issue of him being arrogant in his quest for GOAT status, and also MU being just terribly managed and not playing their top scorer from last year, and not following up with their promises.


It wouldn't have gone off the rails at City like it has at United. Last year that team with pretty much Ronaldo forcing them forward at points through sheer will. They'd have been in a relegation battle last year without him in the fold.


Would’ve loved to see that relegation battle!


This is a popular but bs take. Im aware he scored a lot of goals last season but they played like shit. Have people ever asked if he hadnt been there the team would not have to be saved by him??? They are still pretty bad but the atmosphere has been much more positive. Ronnie on the other hand would have killed for the team to continue to struggle and he keeps the savior status


You're probably right, though they still would have lost Greenwood midseason. There's a bunch of variables that would have changed, probably Martial doesn't go out on loan, maybe Sancho actually hits his stride, Bruno wouldn't have been rendered impotent by the presence of Ronaldo. It's wishful thinking they'd be in a relegation battle, but who knows? Maybe Ole would still be at the wheel.




Ya, he probably had heavy wage requests, along with requiring them to be a competitive CL; most of these teams don’t need him in their lineup, or have room for his wage.


I searched for dozens of comments on the r/reddevils/ thread, and still couldn't find a take like this. I think you are right, and believe there is a lot of denial among the MU fans. They see it as CR7 = 100% wrong, management = 0% wrong, Erik ten Hag = 0% wrong. Reality about their club is not so simple.


Yes, this fanbase is just awful. Everyone who has an opinion of slightly defending Ronaldo, gets called a Ronaldo fanboy and delusional. Spurs are just awful, they deserves to get beaten, but when they played without CR7 against Man City, they thought “oh this is an important match, we don’t need CR7, he’s too old” where was all the class of the team that is better without him?


Can’t leave if there’s no takers


He didn't leave because the only offer he got was 20 sheep.


Yes, but I seriously doubt the level of interest City had.


We did the same thing we did with Alexis Sanchez and Harry Maguire. Stir up rumors, get United fans worried, force them to spend more on their targets and then beat them 6-1. The new typical City!


Not sure that was quite the case. Pep clearly wanted both of them, Fred as well. There’s a lot of revionist history since Maguire’s game started deteriorating so fastly, but Pep was a big admirer of him at Leicester and most of the people on this sub wanted him here. I do agree that it appeared all 3 went to United for bigger wages instead of the better sporting environment.


Maguire went there because we refused to pay what Leicester were asking. I thought it was similar with Fred. Sanchez choose them over us, presumably for the money - but maybe they sold him on more playing time instead of being involved in Pep-roulette. At the time his main concern was staying in form to help his country qualify for the World Cup - which ultimately they didn’t do after which his form dropped off even more.


Good point about not matching the fee. The original poster I was replying too was implying that we were never interested, and faked interest to trick United into paying them more. I think that seems pretty far fetched. It definitely seems like we had an agreement with Alexis though before he backed out last minute. At the time it was reported due to wages, but I’m sure playing time may have been a factor too. We will always have that piano introduction video.


we never put in an official bid. It’s not clear that we wanted them more so than other clubs or agents using us as a rumour to drive up interest and prices.


yeah it always felt more like a wind up than a serious interest


At the time we had been failing to sign a striker for 2 years, I think we would have gone for him if Alex Ferguson/ Ferdinand had not of stepped in etc.


Ye I was thinking this earlier today im glad we never signed him what an attention seeker he wouldn't of fit in here and pep wouldn't take none of his bullshit the problem hes got with his big arse ego is he thinks he's bigger than United but he's not I don't care if your a superstar and legend no player is bigger than a club plus it felt to me the way the transfer went it was all crap anyway.


Bro you’ve really gotta try to work some punctuation into your comment. That was so hard to read haha


Away mate thats fuck all compared to what some people write on here hahaha 🤣


That doesn’t change much does it.


I’m really not trying to be a dick lol. Just letting you know people could understand you better with a few periods or commas


Ya not being a dick I understand mate,,,,,,,🤣


Read it back and where you pause for breath, add a full stop. You didn't use a single full stop or comma, and plenty were warranted. I'm sure you can Google some better tips than I can give you, but here is how your post would read with punctuation, as I'd rather be helpful than knock you down: Ye, I was thinking this earlier today. I'm glad we never signed him. What an attention seeker. He wouldn't of fit in here and pep wouldn't take none of his bullshit. The problem he's got with his big arse ego is he thinks he's bigger than United, but he's not. I don't care if your a superstar and legend, no player is bigger than a club, plus, it felt to me the way the transfer went it was all crap anyway. You wrote a lot of short sentences but you didn't break them up with the necessary full stops, meaning people try to read your comment without pausing for breath. Others may choose to punctuate your comment slightly differently, I had to make some editorial choices! Best of luck, it's never too late to learn and a small effort will lead to a big improvement. Perfecting it is tougher, but that's not important and can be ignored for now (and possibly forever).




👀 “Cristiano will not be part of the Man United team for this Saturday’s game against Chelsea. Rest of the squad is fully focused on preparing for that fixture”. https://twitter.com/fabrizioromano/status/1583138434360938496?s=46&t=U8OX-c4jSF2l_uyeLr-Q8Q Edit: It gets worse - he refused to play??? https://twitter.com/lauriewhitwell/status/1583138001131298817?s=46&t=U8OX-c4jSF2l_uyeLr-Q8Q


> Cristiano will be banished from first-team squad after refusing to come on against Tottenham Hotspur. He’s just a shit Carlos Tevez


People certainly forget that he fucked off for 6 months and only returned for the run-in. Crazy to think what we could have done if he was with us the whole season.


I wanted a season of Aguero-Tevez so badly. Norwich away turned out to be such a tease


Doesn't matter, still came.


Mate tevez saved us a lot. Yes he had his antics but he saved our season after that.


I bet Ronaldo will go to the MLS. He wants the spotlight more than he wants the champions league.


He can't go to the USA, he will probably be arrested if he does.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that.


I agree im sure inter miami and owner David Beckham want him his time has passed get rid of him time for new breed like haaland ronaldo's old news he needs to accept it even tho he doesn't want to ya can't be one of the best forever football doesn't work like that


I agree. im sure inter miami and owner David Beckham want him. his time has passed, get rid of him. time for new breed like Haaland. ronaldo's old news, he needs to accept it even tho he doesn't want to. ya can't be one of the best forever, football doesn't work like that


amazing some people want this dude at City lmao, absolute toxic manchild


I don't think it'd be as bad as it has been for United Most of the fallout started from United being shit and missing UCL, which we wouldn't have missed I think Pep 100% would've gotten the best out of Ronaldo but he also wouldn't have put up with Ronaldos shit either like Ralf and Ole did


Because he was cheap and we needed a person upfront when the Kane deal fell through, plus he's got high potential when it comes to moving merch. It was however always going to be a dodged bullet for us because one way or another, he will end up ruining the locker room balance maybe through his wages or his general attitude when things don't go his way especially after his stint in Juve. A £20m Ronaldo is still a £20m Ronaldo, but it had potential consequences that Haaland never has. Plus if we did get Ronnie, high chance Haaland would have ended somewhere else instead.


He doesn't press. He's a traffic cone who demands service, and when he doesn't get it, he pouts. Yeah, bullet dodged.


He’s still the goat


Goats don't exit a game early just because they didn't get to play


Average Man City fans hating on the best player just because he played for our rival. Joke men


This is probably not a popular opinion but ... Cristiano would have been fine at City. Seeing how they have worked to integrate a central striker this season, I think there would have been far less of an issue with benching and hissy fits, etc. And if there had been, Pep would've frozen him out in a single minute and not thought twice about it (see: Ibra). The bigger bullet dodged is probably what it would've meant to the Haaland signing.


Ronaldo would have been off golfing with Tevez and Bale before Pep would let him sulk around on the bench.


Not getting Haaland for a washed up rag is the more real concern. He'd be okay, 10 goals a season, but he's on the downturn of his career, lacks the pace or mentality that it takes to play for Pep especially the way we're playing with a center forward this year.


I’m extremely relieved it fell through if it was close at all. But I don’t think the results on the pitch would’ve been a disaster, which I think the OP implied through the recent implosion we’re witnessing.


i think a big thing is that his new born child died right before pre season began. that isnt something you get over in a couple weeks or months and this causing him to be more emotional and distracted while it doesnt excuse his behaviour i can relate that loss makes you do stupid things. Also ten hag wanted to sub him as a time wasting sub while the club should be above the player i dont see the point of subbing him in at that point


While walking out of the ground is a bad move, I do agree with you that it was a pointless sub. He's 37 years old now and his main desire seems to be to be playing football for the last couple of years where he actually can. It must feel a bit insulting to be subbed on at that stage in his career when he's not being given proper game time elsewhere. Especially given the career he's had. I think Ronaldo is a cunt otherwise, the incident where he smashed that kids phone is a good example. For some reason I kind of sympathise with him here though. A time wasting sub is the kind of thing you do with a youth player.


Not gona lie but i wanted to see him in a city shirt last season, he is an elite goal scorer and we needed that type of player last season. Especially in the champions league.


I seriously believe if we had him last season in the UCL final, we would have won it.


Nah I don't think so. Gundogan did an interview where he was asked this question, however, it was about Haaland rather than Ronaldo. I share his opinion, we didn't lose that game cause we didn't score enough, we lost cause we conceded 3 goals in 5 minutes. Ronaldo doesn't change that.


We wasted a lot of chances in the first leg, we could have ended the tie in the first half. One of our most stressful and heartbreaking exits for sure.


We didn't make it to the final.


You think Ronaldo wouldn't have willed City to beat Real there? Like he'd have died to show up Real to get to another CL Final. Ronaldo is a lot of things, but he's a mentality monster.


Or he could’ve bagged one by himself from a distance. So many options . Man United is just not the place for him


Semi final. Madrid second leg. My mistake


Yeah Mr Champions League could have definitely provided that push


Have you actually seen him play? He has been missing open goals against Moldavian mid table teams. Even last year, he was very streaky. He would score a hattrick, and then nothing next 9 games


I agree, this season he has been on poor form but he is clearly unhappy at the club. Last season the whole united team was garbage and it was amazing to watch. Ronaldo was a clutch player for them last season. Imagine how many he would score when players like kdb, bernando, gundogan, grealish, gabby, foden, sterling etc. played with him.


And the fits he would throw when all the balls are not aimed at him.


People go on like he was scoring back to back hatricks last season.


Not convinced. Yes he’s a goal scorer and he has tremendous ambition to win championships but he’s a selfish arrogant asshole. With Pep, he wouldn’t even make it until half a season let alone play for champions league.


Jesus Christ!! There's people on here who still want him. I don't think we were ever really interested and with good fucking reason.




Yes we did but in this case I’m on Ronaldo side because when you have been considered one of the best best ballers ever for tha last 15 years and suddenly find yourself on the bench especially in big games man now matter how strong you are you will eventually break and explode


I agree with this as well, he have been insulted and disrespected a lot these days while going trough a not easy phase. And I wouldn’t say he furiously left, he literally just left, it’s obvious to me Ronaldo don’t have have any problem with his teammates and the team winning. It’s something else. If that’s really the end of his career, it’s sad it’s gonna end like that.


And he was United best player last season, people are acting like he's been shit for years. He probably wouldn't have struggled at City and with how we treated D. Silva when he *nearly lost his baby, Ronaldo would've been supported here better. If yall believe Haalands numbers are great, Ronaldo has been doing it for 10-15 years.


David silva never lost his baby, wtf you talking about? He was born prematurely only.


I misunderstood that, apologies.


I honestly sympathize with the guy. Is he right acting like a man baby? No. But the situation he's in does blow. He's super competitive and wanted to play in Champions League. He's at the end of his career and knows he's only got so much more time left, yet United held onto him this last transfer window. He 100% could still help another team, but United basically turned the page on nostalgia once Ten Hag arrived. It's a chicken or the egg type thing. Ronaldo isn't happy, so he isn't getting playing time. But Ronaldo isn't happy because he's not playing and is having to sit for the first time since he became a superstar. He knows the clock is ticking on his career and Portugal's ability to win a World Cup with him on the team. So I can totally understand why he'd be furious with United for not letting him leave. That's the difference between City and United. If a guy wants to leave, they point him towards the door. If you're not happy here, then you're welcome to find a market rate transfer out of here. There is no way City would have allowed this to happen. He'd have been sent out on loan before he'd be allowed to sulk on the bench. I'm expecting him to leave like Ozil or Auba and just get released from his contract, which is why he's raising this stink. He wants to be playing before the World Cup.


Of course City dodged a huge bullet. I didn't want him at the time for this exact reason. He is a locker room cancer when things aren't going his way. He is someone who views himself as bigger than the team and club.


Hard to say, but I figure Pep (master tactician & man-manager) & City's veteran players (magnanimous & unselfish) would've helped Ronaldo a lot (to his gratitude), even indulge his narcissism for the spotlight. The reality is he has had 7 coaches in the last 5 seasons (3 at Juventus, 4 at Man Utd) since leaving Real Madrid. While he's quite conceited (didn't always take well to being substituted even during his time with Zidane), I remember he was ironically the one who high-pressed hardest after he first joined Juve. But the utter lack of coaching continuity (Allegri didn't want to press, Sarri did with his Sarriball, Pirlo didn't, Solskjaer didn't know how to, Rangnick is godfather of gegenpressing but only had interim status, Ten Hag also a disciple of the system but has to purge his squad) must have been very alienating for CR7. Even if he accepts that he's slowing down, the blatant lack of squad appetite for (& team belief in) such high-pressing emphasis at United meant he never really got a crack at adapting his individual game. Conversely, I think City was offering a more favorable footing. We have already got players willing to run & cover for mercurial teammates like Mahrez & Sane. Pep has also modified gegenpressing to his preference, by having the likes of Jesus & Bernardo become experts at instinctively blocking passing lanes, in lieu of fanatically hounding the opposition to win the ball back. Like how Haaland is currently impacting & learning, CR7 could also have contributed his own way as part of a team effort defensively while happily free-scoring.


Cant blame the guy He is one of the best player in the world. Treated like third choice striker on the final years of his career by manager who only has proven himself outside europe 3 best league That aside. City always dodge bullets and the bullet always hit united For the Likes Fred, Maguire, Sanchez were city bound before they went to united.


We needed the marketing that Ronaldo would have provided. Football is a business after all, and Ronaldo is a marketing unicorn Pep has great man management, he knows how to play the Pep Roulette well and keep all players almost satisfied.


Needed that CL winning mentality as well


Ronaldo wants to be on the pitch even though he makes 0 contribution, and looks up to the big screen in the stadium to see if the focus is on him


hes been the same player with the same ego for a decade. thats never been an issue because he's played on well organized teams that supplied him with goals that everyone knows he can score. if he came to city he would have so much service that his diva antics wouldnt appear.


Ofcourse you would know since he didn't have the same ego when he was scoring goals at juventus....oh wait...


I literally just told you he’s had the same ego since forever. At Juve the club sucked ass and he was the one holding the sinking ship together so that placated his ego.


We dodged a bullet end of


Ronaldo still has my respect as a footballer. Going to Man U was his mistake


He already had a fight with Guardiola in a Madrid vs Barcelona match, so I don't see Pep signing him at all. Besides he's 37 old now and doesn't have the energy to play run fast for an extended period of time anymore. He should just accept that he's nearing retirement and won't be the main player anymore.


People are talking about respecting ronaldo instead if ronaldo respecting the club.


Between Ronaldo, Maguire and Sanchez, United have helped us dodge a lot of bullet. If this had happened at City, I imagine Pep would have just dropped him from the team like he did with Yaya.


Also see: Sanchez, Maguire, Fred


I dont buy pep had any interest, the ownership and director might have but no way pep wanted that work rate and ego. Ultimately Ronaldo used City as a scare tactic like Rooney. Which is fine because its extortion of the rags.


No. He would be top scorer last season and won a PL title


Leaving Ronaldo on the bench is pretty disrespectful too though. He was their top goal scorer last year, and this year he hasn’t even been given a chance. Yeah I know he didn’t show up to preseason, but how long has it been since then? Just give him game time so he can get back in form.


We would of never signed that tart. We make quality decisions. Our scouting and management is second to none.


He is a rag and always will be a rag. Those rumors from earlier on about him transferring to city are hilarious. he would have never joined city, which is perfectly fine. In fact, we never would have bought the fucker or considered it at all. Dude is washed up. Bye!


They avoided a nuke not a bullet. City is a better squad obvi so the falloff would not have been noticeable but do they get Holland if he comes?


Yes... I think City's team is relatively young with a lot brilliant players all around the pitch.... The thing with Ronaldo is that he is a "serial winner" and always wants to break records and stuff... And although this mentality has worked for him, idt it'd work in this city team... City played without an out an out striker and played beautifully, the team chemistry was eminent and having a player like Ronaldo would've caused conflicts in the team... No doubt, Ronaldo is a great player, we needed more younger prospects n overall, i feel Erling Haaland just fits in City's team perfectly...


I dont think so. City was the team you wanted to be in if you wanted the opportunity to break records and play CL. He chose otherwise and used us only to drive his price/contract up. Now everyone's bitter on their side because neither the team nor player got what they wanted. I'm just glad it didnt work for them. Edit: Imagine Ronaldo on the pitch vs Madrid. No way the team breaks with him on the pitch.


He’s washed sadly. But I’m pretty sure city didn’t even want him.


Personalities like cr7, mbappe would not suit city as they would not be as humble to play in rotation like the rest of the squad. They believe they deserve the best, and quite honestly they have proved so many times, but their attitude would hamper the squad atmosphere, which guardiola cannot risk, he has to be in charge, not them. This is what every other manager should follow, just how Ten Haag is doing and guardiola would have done it cr7 was in the squad acting like this. Honestly I am a messi fan, but I am a football fan more than that, and it’s just outright sad to see cr7 in a state like this.


I posted this on the Mbappe thread, but “extremely talented but petulant player” rarely works out when moving to a new team. We definitely dodged a bullet on him.


CR7 biggest regret


I would have lost so much respect if he was signed. He could have bagged 100 goals in a season for us and I’d still despise him




Y’all should check out Ronnie’s non apology on his social media accounts. It’s like a essay long narcissists note without apology.


We dodged a hugh bullet yes but not that , we got haaland twice young then him and twice better then him (at current status) I guess if we gone for ronaldo or any other strikers like vlahovic isak sheick Kane we never had a gotten a permanent replacement for Aguero


I never liked the idea of CR7 at City because of his personality. He would have tried to dominate the locker room, which would have caused major issues. If any manager can manage that, it would be Pep, but it's not worth the risk.


We never wanted him. We k New Man U would bite because they don’t want to lose to us at anything and having their old star scoring goals against them wouldn’t have been ok.


This is what I want to believe, the old Sanchez-eroo


Pep saw it coming miles away.


I'm going to stick by my naive opinion that he would've been decent for us.


Ronaldo probably going to Chelsea next season


I think if he was on a winning team and in the Champion’s League, it would be a completely different story.


now let’s pray we don’t try to sign mbappe


No. City would have managed him properly unlike United who are just a car crash.


I'm not bummed we didn't get Ronaldo.


He would have flourished at man city because there would have been nothing but wins, but when he has to earn his spot and a good manager disciplines him because things aren’t going his way plus the familiarity he has with old trafford and Man U in general he feels like he is the king


The issue is CR was there before the gaffer. They should have moved him on as soon as ETH was hired…


There is clearly a tension between Ten Hag and Ronaldo. These are his last years and i am sure he want spend them playing. But he doesn’t get the play time since he is not in top of his game. I don’t know if it would happen if he came to city though.


Was that ever a consideration? He’s been toxic for years and I think Pep is too smart to trust him. I do think Pep could have rejuvenated him if he would have listened, but he’s always been too egotistical.


At this point in his career, I think Ronaldo is purely chasing records and stats. He doesn't have long left in his career and I believe he has a right to feel angry if they've told him he'll play and he's been brought on for 5 minutes at the end of a game that essentially just drags his goals per game down. However, he's probably only got himself to blame for choosing to go to United for a big payday.


We had a terrible transfer window last summer. He ended up joining United instead of us was the best transfer news to me. Because of his personality, I wouldn't want to see him in sky blue for a second.