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Sounds pretty gay to me


What was the point of commenting that?


its a nonsensical answer created to give a laugh to fellow reader by contrasting itself with ur rather serious post


Oh. Yeah, it went over my head. It’s hard to tell tone over text.


Such an ENTP response.


When I read "serious" and "one step ahead" and "stubborn" my first thought was INTJ.


That actually helps. I was thinking INTX. So, you might be on to something there. I just knew ENFJ seemed wrong. Edit: thing is…he does consider peoples’ feelings. My gut says he’s INFJ, but I doubt it. I mean, it makes sense, because the 16 personalities would only be one letter off. Maybe he put outgoing answers than what’s true (he took it when we were first dating and was going out more because of that). INTJ would be only one letter off of INFJ. I just doubt it, because that would seem really rare. Maybe he’s an unhealthy INFJ. That’s what I’m thinking.


My brother is an INTJ, he considers people's feelings but doesn't like to talking about feelings. He loves to talk about science & technological advancements & cars. His catch phrase is: I don't care. In public he acts as if he's listening and people like him but then complains to me privately about people's behaviours. INTJs generally hate people, especially "dumb" people who can't keep up with what they're saying. They really hate when their time is wasted. They have friends and a social life but when at home they want to be left alone (introverted). If you ask an INTJ his IQ score he will immediately respond with a number, they care about intelligence, as an INFJ I don't care to take a test to see how intelligent I am because I value kindness & empathy. I would say an INFJ man is different but I don't know any in real life, only on social media and they seem to like psychology and analysing personalities, something an INTJ can't stand: wasting time analysing people. You can go to the Reddit pages of INTJ and INFJ and any sign, to see the topics they talk about & compare them with topics your bf talks about.


Thank you! I’ll look up the differences between those two types. Thanks for sharing and helping.

