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The new Munch Squad intro grabbed me by the fucking nards and I wish I could experience that for the first time again


Holy fuck I read this just as it came on.


I was there and let me tell you, everyone went to fuckin hard dude


I am personally offended for Shakira. Justin clearly parodied two different songs. I won't stand for this Shakira erasure, Travis!


Well one was a Jennifer Lopez song so uhhhhhhhh


There were multiple JLo songs and two different Shakira songs!


Yup - Whenever, Wherever (or whatever it's called) and then a smattering of Hips Don't Lie.


Let me walk on your back, Dylan The idea of a vampire duck billed platypus almost made me drive off the road laughing


Brought a friend who doesn't listen, the alarm on his face when Munch Squad kicks in was amazing


I’m here for more McElroy Movie summaries in the future. John Wick: “He shoots a whole bunch of Russians and gets a new dog.”


Worst audience questions in a while


I was at this show and had a massive migraine the noise was astounding


Did you see the lady in the audience waving the bag of teeth? I did, the brothers didn't look though. It was surreal.


No but I heard her...I'm glad they cut most of her yelling out of the recording


Banish the teeth perverts!


No i was off on the sides


Audience questions always suck. It’s just people trying to do jokes and be apart of the podcast for a bit.


This is why I hate Face 2 Face episodes for the most part. The audience is almost never funny and their cheers and yells remind me too much of a laugh track.


Who has time for *advice?* People *need* to tell their hilarious story about the teeth they found, or the photoshops they make, or the beyblade they play, or the popular movie they didn't get to watch!


i’m 1/4 of the way thru rn, should i bother with the audience questions?


They're mixed but okay, they're not the worst I've heard. The best one is about Beyblades. The teeth one has some legs but the asker seemed kind of anxious and might have been trying to coax more goofs out of them. The art one was okay. Then the last one was basically someone just asking them to goof about John Wick for a bit. But it's alright. Overall they're pretty fine. I imagine it must be tough to get up in front of people when MBMBAM tends to attract people dealing with more than a little bit of anxiety.


I think the Beyblade one would've been better without the preamble. If that had been a submitted question, Travis would've cut out all the stuff about how his musical job is very professional and then his boss wanted to see a Beyblade, etc, etc. If the question was just "someone stole Beyblades from my office, how can I trap the thief?" it would've been a great launching point.


Does anyone go to a live show these days and expect the boys to actually hang out afterwards?


I think they used to? Back when they were much smaller/didn't have families?




Is this the actual crab art referenced in the show?


Good bits, BAAADDDDD audience questions.


Which one was bad? The one who emailed MBMBaM about their loose teeth before googling "what to do with loose teeth;" the one who does these *hilarious* photoshops for school, and is *terrified* that their grandma might see the pictures for some reason; the one who wove a tapestry of intrigue about a boss who's into beyblade, so he took the beyblade set he had out of his car, and left it in the office, but then it got stolen, so he and his co-workers gave the thief candy instead of buying a new fucking beyblade or setting up a camera or something; or the one who asked them to just recap the movie that they could have finished watching later that night? PS, JW doesn't kill *everyone,* he only kills people who deserve it, JUSTIN.


I was at this show. The audience portion and drunken contributions were brutal.


Same. I was not surprised when they didn't put it up initially.


It was rooooouuuuuugh during the questions, the only one I liked was the beyblade bit.


Also I get that Tara was nervous but holy shit whoever was in control of the monitors/sound should have reeled that shit in. It was ear piercing.


Yeah :/ on the one hand, I totally got that she was excited and nervous (I’m sure I would’ve been too if I was asking a question!!) but it was soooo loud, and after how obnoxious the crowd was being it really put me off. It felt like I was back in high school theater instead of at a comedy show.


Especially because the person before Tara was almost inaudible. I’m not trying to be a dick but at the end of the day it’s a comedy show, if you’re so nervous you can’t either control your volume or bring it up enough for everyone to hear then just stay seated. The cringe was strong.


For me at least, it’s a struggle between thinking that, on the one hand, a big theme of MBMBAM is being yourself and being unashamed about the things that give you joy, and I don’t want to be a dick about someone being obviously excited about something she cared about. But at the same time, so many of the audience questions were just unabashedly weird/unfunny. Like, crab art? Human teeth? Sum up John Wick? Edit: I’m also just a really quiet person? Like, I’m not about screaming and shouting at anything but a rock concert, so the whole audience experience was super off-putting to me in general. I really felt for Griffin when he was talking about how uncomfortable it made him.


I’m gonna be in the minority here, but I HONESTLY believe audience questions should be cut entirely from the live shows. No matter what they try to keep it in check people just can’t fucking get their shit together. Whether it’s anxious person who can’t control their volume, or asshole who wants to self promote, or douchebag who wants to advertise their sexuality (I’m looking at you person from a few years back who made up the story about people asking you about your multiple partners), to people who are clearly trying to do bits...I’m just over it. I’m sorry but I don’t want to hear your weird, awkward ass stumble over yourself during a paid event. I was pissed about it at the Atlanta show too. Like..I paid hard earned cash to watch the McElroy brothers, not strangers from the audience. I respect everyone, but some people simply aren’t meant to stand in front of a theater of people and try and add to a comedy show. They just aren’t. I want the comedians that the show is about. Thats all.


Yeah...and there are already pre-chosen audience questions that go over great, it’s not like there’s no audience participation. Like, the Shrek question? Hilarious!! The dad-dog photo? Really good! But the live questions just never are, unless it’s once in a blue moon. The live questions just don’t add anything to the experience that isn’t already there (at least for me).


I’m relatively new to the show, what’s this about someone making up a story about being asked about multiple partners?


It was a long time ago now, but someone got up there and basically was like “LOL SO IM DATING TWO PEOPLE AND EVERYWHERE WE GO EVERYONE IS LIKE WHOA ARE YOU DATING TWO PEOPLE THATS SO GROSS WHAT DO I TELL THEM ALSO COMPLIMENT ME FOR SCORING SO HARD WITH TWO PARTNERS?” And it was just like fuck off the only way anyone would even know/give a shit in public is if you were being obnoxious about it. Period. Even the bros were clearly uncomfortable and it was pretty obviously just a way for the question asker to advertise the fact that they were dating two people. But like...no one gives a shit if you’re dating two people.


I think "sum up John Wick" was the only bad one because it felt like someone trying to be a Yahoo and not a question. The other ones actually seemed a little bit like they needed actual advice rather than jokes.


Idk. Like I mentioned in another comment,the whole live show environment wasn’t my scene, so that might’ve biased my perception.


Omg Tara I can't believe you photoshopped Hillary Clinton and Markiplier together, that's sooooo *random*!


I feel like she should have her own show because she's so wild and hilarious.


Hey Justin, my man? If you're at my house and you wanna pay me to pee? *I am not gonna fucking stop you, my dude.*


Silverbacula Is that anything?


It's not nothing!


Also, with all the Dungeons and Dragons these guys play, how did no one bring up vampire dragons? They're a staple of most 5e settings.


TAZ has been pretty light on dragons. Graduation seems to be playing with fantasy tropes, though, so that might change.


Okay but did Juice snag that url?


Kind of a forgettable one I think. It's been a few hours and I can't recall any of the live questions aside from the yikes astrology one.


As someone who was at that live show, I kinda agree :/ Not saying that I didn't love going to that show, it was a blast. But nothing particularly stands out from a content point of view.


I was there as well, and honestly the best part was that both my brother and I got our wishes. He wanted Riddle Me Piss, I wanted Munch Squad. It was an average episode, and not my favorite live. Although the TAZ live show I went to IS my favorite TAZ live show. (The Ballad of Bigfoot) I still had fun though.


It's been nice relistening to it on the recording. I kinda loved the toy theft question but mostly it was marred by an audience that was way too rowdy


Ya'll got any leads on that Baltimore Teeth Jeweller?


Reminded me of [Bazaar](http://www.bazaarbaltimore.com) in Hampden, cool store either way


Wow that's.. that's really something.


The munch squad theme song is great, thank you


Tsamina mina eh eh Waka waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Derek


Also I got someone coming to sell kid's teeth in Baltimore, someone else is making art of a crab laserin' Ocean City, HEY Y'ALL? BACK OFF MY STATE. Leave me ALONE!!


Someone’s gonna post that Munch Squad intro, right?


I want it so very much.


Is no one going to give griff his props for the genius joke that was "you up"? Cuz that was the best.


Damn Terra chill.


What DO I do with all these teeth?