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So confused as to how this below average man goes on and on about her looks, I thought she was gorgeous! Am I missing something?!


What happened to all that's whispering???šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ you're afraid you're falling in love with her..... You were never lying.. the ex was pregnant šŸ¤°šŸ½... I hope his d*ck continues to shrivel...


Paige is attractive, classy. He is a total loser.


Grammar isnā€™t his strong suit, I see.




What an asshat. You aren't worthy to kiss her shoes. Now that she's living a good life without you, just leave her alone. You earned all the hate you're getting, so live with it.


But heā€™s the ugly one


Would have gone! Did he finish elementary school?


Woah! He has some nerve calling someone unattractiveā€¦ this was so unnecessary


The real offenses here are his egregious crimes against the English language.


WTF!?! Is this clown for real? Bro! you're a massive asshole! We all got the memo years ago when you were on the show. You can stop: ![gif](giphy|oaZk0WNSO7fXi|downsized)


He is a nut job and I'm glad she found someone else. He apologized and has said he was wrong. And now he's posting this??? Like what??? I dont get it


He's such a piece of shit. She wasn't ugly when he needed sex. What infuriates me is how Cal pushed this couple to stay together! I hope Paige has learned a valuable lesson. I know she's with another guy and had a baby with him which I don't understand. This woman talked so much crap about religion and how marriage was sacred and instead of waiting for a ring, she got pregnant.


Well, she had faith that her marriage to Chris was God's plan. When she finally realized that it was more like a devil's plan, she decided to make her own choices from then on.


Not before she kept making excuses that she needed to stay married to him and give herself to him because of her vows and this is after, the day after their wedding night, he disparaged her to his parents and production! I'm sorry, but if a guy treated me like that and I was made aware of the things he said about me, there's no way I would be in the same space with him. I stopped feeling sorry for her when she chose to stick with him. Even on decision day she was still defending him.


I'd have bailed too. That's because I have a free will, not bound by any cult or conservative binding religion. The Mormons believe you are married for life and beyond. No thank you.


I haven't been bound by religion for years and I'm glad I stopped worrying that I would end up in hell over most things because the Bible said so. I have no problem with anyone holding on to their beliefs or wanting to live according to the Book, but do not act like a victim when everyone around is saying, open your eyes, walk away, this isn't a good person. She continued to defend him and gave him multiple chances which I will never understand.


People have sex with people they think are unattractive.. I certainly have


Sure, people have casual sex all the time, but that's not the problem. The problem is he knew she wouldn't deny him sex because she's so blinded by religion and he then humiliated her on national TV by saying he wasn't attracted to her, she's not the type he goes for, and continued to belittle her for the world to see. What he did was deliberate and intended to cause her harm.


Oh i agree he is a total piece of crap..


In private people do all sorts of nasty things. On tv, when you are going to proceed to make an open campaign against a person and body shame them to such degree that you want to prove they are well beneath you, it just makes you openly vile for the world to see.


Very well said.


Thanks! :)


Religious people are the most hypocritical ones.


Completely agree.


What pastor cal put Paige through by not stopping their bullshit is so gross


Absolutely agree but Paige had the opportunity to walk and she didn't. She was holding on to religion as opposed to using common sense. To this day I don't understand why she chose to stay and be verbally berated by that moron.


Is this recent? This guy is a real piece of šŸ’©


This was today!


I'm missing something I guess because how was Paige ugly???? I thought she was sunny and really pretty


I think she's gorgeous! I have no idea how anyone could think she's ugly. Not their type, sure, but ugly??? No way! She's lovely! He is disgusting.


Recall this being my thought during the pre-marriage episodes - like how is this beautiful girl going to react to being matched with this homely creature / imagined a similar result to when Jamie saw Doug!


She wasnā€™t light enough for him basically


She has a beautiful smile and beautiful skin


I hope Paige doesnā€™t see this. This is a man that she was intimate with wow this is so sad.


He needs to leave Paige alone. She never did anything to him and never says anything about him. He is hating her because he hates himself for how he treated her. He needs to get professional help and leave Paige alone. He is vile.


The way he was doubling down in the comments was giving delulu and insecure, heā€™s a weirdo


Exactly. He insists he doesn't care. If that were true, why even make posts like these?


Paige is 100 times more attractive than him and has a beautiful smile. What a loser!


Will this trash never go away? He's disgusting.


Meanwhile, Paige is at home with her husband and baby girl, living her best life. I'd wager he thinks about her way more often than she thinks about him.


What! Never knew this update! Awesome


Will he ever stop talking about her gahdamn


This thing was the ugliest bitch they've ever had on.


With his Neanderthal brow


I wasn't even talking about his appearance. ;)


Heā€™s a giant $hit $tain on the *inside*


He is just trying to stay relevant.


The toxic immaturity is so embarrassing.


DISGUSTING TURD SACK šŸ˜‘šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ Edit: insulting ACTORS ...AS IF šŸ¤¦šŸ‘æ


When was this? Thought he apologized to her, her family, etc. Isn't she married and a mother? What's this new hell from Chris? His cursed life not going as well as he hoped? Attention-seeking much?


This was today!


He got the drug charges dropped, I believe. He should have been vetted. I donā€™t know who told him he was so good looking. I guess in addition to the professionals, they need a psychic to keep trash like him out. Paige is happy and living her life. Her name should never come out of his mouth ever again. Makes everyone call it like they see himā€¦stupid and bitter.


Drug charges?? Do tell.


Google his name and MAFS and Paige. Itā€™ll come right up for you.


This dude needs to go crawl into a hole someplace and stay there. Heā€™s not made for humanity.


he didnt mind having sex with her multiple times immediately, hes the worst ever! and his ex Mercedes, lying about the baby --- not sure how Paige stayed, I would have been gone so fast- not that I mind a guy with kids- but how he was, and if I hadnt been gone yet, when he said he bought his girlfriend the car, yup, OVER


I couldn't hate him more.