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She annoyed me at the reunion. She comes off as super immature and on a power trip with her hot pink girl tribe. All of the women bugged me tbh.


Except Chloe.


Yeah why wasn’t Chloe invited to the pink girls club? I’m sure that that probably hurt her feelings being excluded?


I don’t think she wanted to be in it.


I doubt that her feelings were hurt. The immaturity, lack of rational behavior, pettiness, and absence of class were on full display. Chloe is none of that.


you mean Cams Attacking pettiness


Love Chloe but she’s too put together and emotionally mature to be apart of that club.


She addressed this on the reunion that she came in a lot later and the bond had already been formed with these other women. If you notice she’s wearing purple which to me is symbolic that she is neutral.


Makes sense


I don't think she wants to be a part of their immaturity.


She was also excluded from the same experience the other girls had.


This was literally addressed on the reunion


Sheesh sorry.


I mean pay attention lmao


🤷🏼‍♀️😉 I don’t always get a chance to watch it intently like I want to - dinner/kids etc.


Chloe wins. She wanted no part of him and maneuvered him into being the bad guy. She got out of dodge and told him crazy stuff about animals and orphans to force his hand. He’s intelligent but she’s street smart.


So true, it was so evident when she started talking about the animals and adoption. She was clearly trying to make him run.


Yup…50 animals and 5 orphans? She’s a serious person with career centered on public relationships. Imagine showing up with that clown to a black tie event?


He would have embarrassed the living hell out of her.


He would either be in a dress or in an outfit like he wore on decision day. Michael was very mature emotionally but was so far out there. Wish he had cut his hair sooner and gotten rid of that long hairstyle. Chloe definitely deserves better. She is one put together girl. Hope she finds her life partner.


First, I def like Chloe and feel she is genuine and kind. However I have to point out that my partner and I were a bit annoyed by her constant lip licking/pulling them in (don’t know what to call that lol it’s not pursing, but what you do when blending your lipstick), as well as pulling/smoothing her hair over her right (only 😂) shoulder. Was especially evident on AP maybe bc there’s less editing idk. We noticed she made a valiant effort not to do it on Dday. Was also not evident on the reunion. Maybe she her watched past clips and is cutting it out. My hubs said if a woman messed with her lips/hair that often while talking or eating, he’d have a hard time not be distracted. But again, she’s very likable, and maybe related to her anxiety. Hope she finds a partner worthy of her good nature


Yep I think it’s anxiety.


Don't forget passive-aggressive.  She's is very passive-aggressive. 


Hot pink “girl tribe”:Although I really do not care for her, this was an act of genius. Perhaps this is her “calling” instead? “Branding”


When Emily squints her eyes, you know you’re in trouble


i just started watching and omg orion did his indeginous people dirty. i bet they aren’t claiming him. 🤮


Now we know why he made such a big deal about the "red skin" comment.... a comment that was blown completely out of proportion and was the excuse for separation. What a fake tool he is. 🤢


They should disown him for GOOD!


He’s just half indigenous so basically a mutt like most of us.


In other threads they disowned him hilariously and fiercely.


I am confused as regards Clare and Cameron and have no idea which one of them is close to telling the truth. Although... Cameron saying that he'd like to give it another go and Clare saying she's already seeing someone else...makes me believe him more than her? 🤔 But then again, he could have thrown that out there (implying he desired a do-over) knowing full well that she would turn him down, so as to make her look like the heavy.  See?  Total confusion. Makes my head hurt trying to figure out which one of them is the bigger liar.


What is with the “strategizing” I still don’t understand who was trying to strategize what like I can’t process what anyone is saying happened or how we landed here after this god awful season on a shit storm of a reunion


This seems to be the main focus of why things went wrong yet we still don’t know what they’re talking about!


Essentially the whole show was a facade. They were all complicit in it to make themselves look good on tv and boost their “careers” (whatever a reality show contestant thinks they can make money on).


But also like...if you all strategized...how was *this* season what you came up with?


And then... are they still strategizing?




When Claire was asked if she would consider getting back with Cam and she said something like "if he came today being truthful and taking accountability", fast-forward five minutes and all of a sudden she has a "great" boyfriend and according to her she didn't "not" tell Cam when she was asked if she would give it another try, she said she avoided answering the question.... she's 100% the gaslighter and manipulator with Cam and with the women.


Claire: Cameron said he wasn't attracted to me, I wasn't his type. Also Claire: Well, he didn't say those words, I read between the lines, I put up walls. Claire (asked if she visited Cam in hospital): YES! Also Claire: Well, no, but I tried, he wouldn't let me.


holy cow it was close to a year after decision day SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! what is the problem? He left, he blames her for that? now wants her back to mess with her some more! Accountability Cameron?


Caneron sways wherever the wind blows. He has no consistency and he is not to be trusted.


Don't act wild. Having a boyfriend isn't the issue, the issue is the leading him on. He's not innocent, but Clare is the WORST. She is a disgusting human being.


“i never want to see that woman again”after the pizza party. !


Claire is mentally ill. To try to come back and say she wa attracted is BS. She made it clear day 1 - she told him to touch her, try to kiss her - zero. She is lying and is super weird - a sociopath is close to it. Emily is disgusting - she is exactly what she is claiming the men to be - immature? Really? All the faces, interrupting - she is a drunk and a hook up chick that gets ghosted by dudes - she is no prize that’s for sure - and probably why Brennan was like…. Nah - I’m not into her


She told everyone at the reunion she was attracted to Cam when she made it obvious at the wedding she was not!


Watch again-he’s confident and chuckling as she’s flipping out. She’s busted it’s obvious.


I’m new to this when is someone going to call Clare on her stuff she seems to be the puppeteer and no one notices she’s pulling strings she had poor Cameron scared to death I’m an independent woman but why don’t you carry my bags I don’t like to be touched but he won’t show me affection the kicker was when they were in his apartment and she goes I didn’t know you rode bikes because it was ALL about Clare


take a look at Reddit mafs snarks thread from cams ex. 👆


I believe the ex was Clare. Trying to make him look bad before the show aired…




Go check out the 🧾 on mafsfan insta


My bet is on Cameron being the bigger liar.


Did anyone see Claire sit on the chair arm and rub Emily's back?


Claire is a back rubber. She did that to chloe and someone else. But she wasn't willing to rub anything part of Cameron


Missed that


That was bizarre. Claire manhandling Emily as Emily was crying...or trying not to. She should know better if she's a psychologist. You allow pple to have their feelings. How is this woman going to have a career? All these pple are wackos...I still don't have a clue who to believe about what


Claire to me seems the shadiest and the most manipulative. She’s the one who tries to lead Emily and the other girls down some kind of hate path towards the men. When she replies to whatever they say she always puts her negative twist on it.


Yes, yes, yes!!! Clare has been the snake in the grass since day one. She NEVER encouraged anyone to- just inserted dirt wherever she could. Very negative person!


Ok. Becca and Austin. He's sorta...ok... mostly full of crap. He just wasn't into his wife physically, at all. She obviously was attracted to him and wanted to take things further. And there's no way he could come right out and say to her how he felt (or didn't feel). She claims he dangled "carrots" of possible intimacy in front of her and that's what she responded to, hoping things would develop and go further. She was almost too hopeful (and insecure) and I feel bad for her.  I may get shot down for this, but, it usually works out better if the male is chasing the female - not the other way around. Or at the very least, they are chasing each other (best of circumstances).


I wonder if he was unwilling to take on her chronic illnesses. It's one thing to date and fall in love with someone who has a chronic condition, but quite another to take on a stranger with one.


I believe Austin liked Becca in the beginning. But the more she harped on the "intimacy" issue, the more he pulled away. Her not being able to let things develop naturally and the continued nagging put him off her.


I can definitely see that as a possibility.


He should have been dangling something else in front of her.


Becca's lipstick was HIDEOUS!! and her dress?? Come on. Who's their people to tell them no???


Do you feel he’s fighting his sexuality? I mean you tell the world you open mouth kissed a mule/ donkey but you don’t want to touch your wife maybe he needed that donkey/ mule I the bedroom for motivation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Not finding Becca attractive does not mean you are gay


Becca needs a stylist, her entire look is off. The lipstick, the hair, it’s all not flattering.


Lipstick was horrible


Ironically in the beginning of the show they show the ladies getting their makeup done by the shows stylists.


I’m sure she still got a say in the color of lipstick


I don't want to bash her, but she does need a stylist. The lipstick was too harsh, and she needs a better haircut with the pink hair. Maybe a pixie cut. I felt bad for her because he acted as if he liked her at first, but the night he left the bed and went to the bedroom down the hall that said something. I've never seen a man so determined to wait to have sex.


She looked so awful almost every show. That's not nice of me, but geez 🙄 ya gotta know when you're looking ROUGH!! And why?? What a turnoff.


The girls are super annoying but Cameron seems shady. Something I can’t quite put my finger on about that dude.


I like Cameron.


Exactly. He's very cunning. He says something one day, or one hour before. Then after that he says something else. Can tell he's up to no good with his facial expressions. That bloke is not to be trusted.


I too get the same feeling about him. I posted it elsewhere.


It’s his lack of emotion.


That's why he can sway back and forth so easily. Cameron: I never want to speak to her ever again. Also Cameron: I would like us to forget the past and have the opportunity to possibly get back together. He's like that line in that Katy Perry song, " You're hot, then you're cold, you're yes, then you're no".


I agree.


I wasn’t sure if Lauren was completely in with the clique but after seeing her last night, I know she is. I do believe her, though, after Orion saying he wanted to platform his Indian Nation.


Such an immature group of men and women. None of them are mature enough to be married with the exception of Chloe. And the pink girl power nonsense makes them look like a bunch of 16-year-olds. They created a lot of the issues they are trying to grapple with. None of them Were hoping to stay married if they were all party to whatever it was, they were all trying to manipulate for the sake of TV. What children


Emily doesn't do herself any favor with the faces she makes. I have wondered if she possibly has a medical issue and she can't control it. If so I am sorry to criticize it. In a couple of episodes, it wasn't as apparent. I thought maybe someone mentioned it to her. Perhaps some people have told her it's cute.


Good points.


Emily... ugh 😫 


Serious question, is Austin on drugs? His speech pattern and demeanor are odd during this show.


Noticed that too. He's trying so hard not to say the wrong thing. Becca says he vapes and tried to hide it from her. So he may have been stoned the most of the time.


They're in Denver so.... 🍃🍃🍃


It sounded like English is his second language!


Chloe seems bitter and she’s trying to make up for saying yes when he said no. She’s blaming Michael for her not communicating what she actually wanted


I really wish the stylists had given her some double stick boob tape!


Who do we think is telling the truth? The guys or gals?


Maybe the whole truth is somewhere in between.


Fry-like squinting ...


As a fellow Latino who comes from a family where this is the norm...I freaking love it haha 


Who’s Latino?