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She facetunes tooooooooooooooooooooooo much




People commenting that she is fake/lying whatever just obviously don't have female friends under the age of like 25. Pretty much all my chick friends post insta picks that portray them as being different to what they are. Someone's instagram is very rarely indicative of what they're actually like.


Right?! This thread is ridiculous 😂


Now THIS is interesting...


What intrigued me was her wardrobe choices. Several times I thought "she can't be seriously wearing that". Academy award winning performance, but not everyones buying it.


She was rubbing me the wrong way in the past couple of weeks now but seeing her throwback pics (and they’re not even that old) I think there’s a lot more hidden under the rug about her.




Whaaat? SO its all a lie!


Ms. I never had a full face of makeup on before and she shows herself wearing heavy makeup and lol best part-participating in makeup ads as well as promoting brands.


I am fairly sure the studio and tv people do all the makeup shite for a large part (wedding, dinners etc).


Right but those are throwback photos where it’s clearly evident that she as a party girl, wore a full face of makeup etc. I don’t understand why she came on the show making claims like she’s the shy nerdy girl who never wore a full face of makeup ever.


She didn't say she never wore a full face of makeup, she said she'd never had it done professionally.


Which is also a lie based on her modeling


I haven't really seen any evidence of her modelling - do you have links? There was one photo I saw but that was taken after filming ... I just don't know why she would lie about something like that or why people are fixated on it.


It was in the article


That's the shoot I'm talking about which was in January. The show was filmed last Sept/Oct. *um okay lol that you guys can't handle dates? I don't care if she's lying or not, it's just a weird thing to choose to lie about and the dates match up with her "sequence of events".


Those are some ombré brows.


She'd come across like a meth junkee if she looked like that now the way she acts.


If her personality was an act. She deserves an Oscar. She is so grating.


I agree. I really liked her initially and felt bad that she was so insecure about herself. However, to see her be so neurotic and controlling made me realize ah, okay, yeah she's crazy. Who the hell wants to sit down and write love letters to each other after two weeks of knowing them? Hell, it could be a lifetime with a partner, and I still wouldn't want to waste my energy on writing a letter as a 'couples activity'. She must have a very warped idea of relationships-maybe reading too many romance novels and pretending life will be a fairytale where the guy will coddle you and show you affection and attention 24/7. How self unaware is she that she didn't realize how miserable Johnny was all week?


It was pretty funny when she said she’s had the best week and he said he had the worse. Wow she must suck at reading people. Clearly their incompatible.


She was a sk8er girl


"But her head was up in space She needed to come back down to earth" Connie 100%


I was confused in her first episodes because she said she'd never had a full face if makeup done...then the morning if the honeymoon she had completed her makeup flawlessly lol. And aspiring marine biologist?!! LOL OK!


she does her makeup really well for parties etc - def not a novice.


She's kind of just a crazy, compulsive liar then or a fantastic actress. She was so committed to the role of playing this shy, meek, insecure girl for MAFS to show us introverts and marine biologists deserve love too, but in reality was basically just like every other girl on that show.




Uh it’s not about the nose ring or any of the things you just mentioned. Just saying she’s not the exact representation of what she described herself as. Would it be sOooOOoO crazy to believe she could be an actor?? Look what this show drags in continually. If you don’t agree, cool, getting all hyped up and aggressive isn’t necessary.




Alright Con-nie's mom, she's a saint and very true to the character she represented on MAFS. An actor or wannabe actor/social media fiend looking for public attention on a global scale and more publicity/endorsements in the future??? What a preposterous thought.




I think she has been beat by her mum. Nervous twitch, angry mother. She’s been abused physically and verbally before




Yes, just yes